spider mod pls :)
Re: spider mod pls :)
I don't have arachnophobia but I know how phobias goes... The worst thing in it, is that it's irrationnal... You know there is nothing to fear about but you can't help it...
Anyway, it's true that system shock 2 spiders where horrible... Strangely enough, it was the worms that were freaking me out the most... You go and loot a corpse and you hear this high pitched sound and ... *shivers*
Also the spider removal was a mod... Well alien themed replacement would be a great thing although lore unfriendly...
Anyway, it's true that system shock 2 spiders where horrible... Strangely enough, it was the worms that were freaking me out the most... You go and loot a corpse and you hear this high pitched sound and ... *shivers*
Also the spider removal was a mod... Well alien themed replacement would be a great thing although lore unfriendly...
Re: spider mod pls :)
Massive massive massive thank you for the Spider killer script! I managed to complete level 3 and beat the spiders but it was in no way enjoyable and I was not relaxed at any point fighting through there. I have started again and can confirm the script ran successfully and has replaced the spiders with slimes. I may enjoy this a lot more now, thanks again.
Doom 3 was lots of fun until I got to the spiders, couldn't get past it.. I'm 20, big arachnophobe, but the funny thing is that if I am face to face with a spider IRL and nobody is around to sort it out, I will be pressured into getting rid of it (don't kill spiders, glass and catch for me), even if it is just trapping it under a glass for someone else to move, I'll sort it. Other times I'll sleep downstairs on the hard floor then share a room with a creepy crawly.
Personally for me, what I hate about Spiders is that they can move very fast, be unpredictable and look ugly and horrible. I can't look at pictures of spiders without being creeped out. I also hate octopuses and squid (though I can look at pictures without freaking out). I also hate daddy-long-legs, flying spiders, yanno. Never used to bother me though.
As I say, thanks for the script, you've made my gameplay experience a much better one
With regards to the modding here, if updates were rolled out, we'd have to re-patch and start the game again to avoid spiders, wouldn't we?
Doom 3 was lots of fun until I got to the spiders, couldn't get past it.. I'm 20, big arachnophobe, but the funny thing is that if I am face to face with a spider IRL and nobody is around to sort it out, I will be pressured into getting rid of it (don't kill spiders, glass and catch for me), even if it is just trapping it under a glass for someone else to move, I'll sort it. Other times I'll sleep downstairs on the hard floor then share a room with a creepy crawly.
Personally for me, what I hate about Spiders is that they can move very fast, be unpredictable and look ugly and horrible. I can't look at pictures of spiders without being creeped out. I also hate octopuses and squid (though I can look at pictures without freaking out). I also hate daddy-long-legs, flying spiders, yanno. Never used to bother me though.
As I say, thanks for the script, you've made my gameplay experience a much better one

With regards to the modding here, if updates were rolled out, we'd have to re-patch and start the game again to avoid spiders, wouldn't we?
Re: spider mod pls :)
Hey Guys,
Good job on the first successful No Spider Mod! (or instructions on how to do it anyhow)
Hopefully one of you will figure out a simpler method in the future to.
Good job on the first successful No Spider Mod! (or instructions on how to do it anyhow)

Hopefully one of you will figure out a simpler method in the future to.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: spider mod pls :)
I don't think so. Rift has spider mounts and a lot of people complained at length about those, and at least some quit because there were spiders all over. And those have no effect at all on players ever -- you can't even intersect them, they can't touch you, you can't touch them.Bees wrote:I think the severity of digital arachnophobia (e-rachnophobia?) is directly linked to how much of a pain they are,
Re: spider mod pls :)
Only the devs can say for sure what a game update will do.Kriptonic wrote: With regards to the modding here, if updates were rolled out, we'd have to re-patch and start the game again to avoid spiders, wouldn't we?
If my intuition is right, the green slimes are now in the savegame, so changing the dungeon levels in the .dat file won't change anything. That's also why some bugs can't be fixed in games that are already stated (if you check the patch descriptions released so far).
In fact, you should be able to copy the grimrock.dat.orig file back to grimrock.dat now, so it's in pristine condition and ready to be patched, and even delete the assets directory, without affecting the game you already created. Ofcourse you'll have to patch again if you want to start a new game then.
The unspider patcher may or may not work after a game update. There's a good chance it will work, since it tries not to make too many assumptions.
Best of luck
Re: spider mod pls :)
Spider mod nominated to "award for best game addon of year" 

Re: spider mod pls :)
I would like a mod that replaces all the monsters with spiders, plz
Re: spider mod pls :)
Hi Xoseph,xoseph wrote:I would like a mod that replaces all the monsters with spiders, plz
There is already one in this thread, but it is quite complex, so if you prefer a simpler solution, it may be best to wait for the official modding support.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: spider mod pls :)
With a little programming skill, and a list of monsters, you should be able to adapt the script.xoseph wrote:I would like a mod that replaces all the monsters with spiders, plz
The monsters you might want to search for are:
Re: spider mod pls :)
This really isn't a solution, as it is removing a core enemy from the game. No other enemy can poision you, thus making them a neccessary evil.
Also, as far as I am aware, there are no map editing tools yet, so you have to wait. Also, WHY MAKE ANOTHER THREAD WHEN THERE IS ALREADY A THREAD LITERALLY 2 POSTS BELOW YOURS!
Also, as far as I am aware, there are no map editing tools yet, so you have to wait. Also, WHY MAKE ANOTHER THREAD WHEN THERE IS ALREADY A THREAD LITERALLY 2 POSTS BELOW YOURS!