Me too. I have to get my wife to kill them for me and I look like a big ol biker. They look at you and follow you around, I swear they stalk me. But I know that this is a game and they are fake, but I still jump out of my skin every time I turn around and one of those f**kers are there. I think that's what makes it kind of fun, especially in the dark with my surround sound headphones on. Hearing the skritching in the dark.. BRRRR..LethalBlade wrote:This is my suggestion. Seriously? It's a video game. The spiders are fake. I have arachnophobia too. I jump like a skittish cat when a crawling insect catches me off guard. But I don't have any issue with video game spiders.SirDigby wrote:Manning the f**k up
Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
- TheBigMick
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:11 pm
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
...And that's all I have to say about that.
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
Turn of the sound? I know this isn't strategically a good idea but I think it may take the edge off. Also, set your graphics as low as they'll go.
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
Still no reply from the devs 

Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
This is something a fan made mod will be able to fix, give it a few weeks or so for the Mod software to be released.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
And it look like this has already been solved by some enterprising individuals! it currently requires some technical know how, so some of you may want to wait for something simpler.
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
i remember seeing a skyrim mod that replaced the spider skins with a spiderman skin and looked 10 times scarier than the original skin haha. i don't have arachnophobia (i actually think spiders are adorable) but that mod scared the crap out of me haha.
ᶘ╯ᵒᴥᵒᶅ╯︵ ┻━┻
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
The spiders in Arx Fatalis scared me more simply because they were on the ceiling.
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have an irrational fear of spiders, too. Come to think of it, I don't like many kinds of insects, either. Cockroaches gross me out.
Regarding the spiders specfically: they must be my least favorite kind of enemy to fight. It doesn't help that the devs made them as big as they possibly could and still have the mob fit on a single tile. At least they didn't make them burst into a gooey mess of green slime when they die. (ew)
To the OP: I know this isn't really a fix, but what I do is I pretend they aren't really spiders. I pretend they are robotic spiders, or some kind of magical creature that just looks like a spider. I know it can be tough to re-program your own brain but it works for me. Maybe try doing this, telling yourself in your head, "These aren't really spiders. They aren't really giant 300 lb. spiders that have hairs on their many legs that are so big that I can see them waving at me."
If that doesn't work, I'm afraid you will have to simply wait for some kind soul to produce the no-spider mod.
Regarding the spiders specfically: they must be my least favorite kind of enemy to fight. It doesn't help that the devs made them as big as they possibly could and still have the mob fit on a single tile. At least they didn't make them burst into a gooey mess of green slime when they die. (ew)
It also doesn't help that at one point, the devs decided it would be fun if a secret wall opened and some spiders started wandering around to likely attack you from the rear at a bad moment. Nothing quite like turning around and seeing a spider there when you weren't expecting it.
If that doesn't work, I'm afraid you will have to simply wait for some kind soul to produce the no-spider mod.
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:00 pm
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
You think fighting giant spiders in a video game with arachnophobia is tough, imagine if one of your party members had it. He'd probably be in a corner balled up and crying while your other 3 party members had to fight without him 
I know it's tougher to fight when the stakes are high and an enemy has jumped out of no where and scared the crap out of I can't imagine every spider fight being like that, but if you can deal with it and not have a nervous break down just think of it as added flavor. The spiders don't last for ever if you can tough through the next hour or 3.

I know it's tougher to fight when the stakes are high and an enemy has jumped out of no where and scared the crap out of I can't imagine every spider fight being like that, but if you can deal with it and not have a nervous break down just think of it as added flavor. The spiders don't last for ever if you can tough through the next hour or 3.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:24 am
Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
Why should there be? A handfull of people playing games in the world with this phobia - why should they cater to you?SirDigby wrote:Still no reply from the devs
I have game-a-phobia! But I want to play this game! What do I do?!?!?!?
Gimme a break.