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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:58 pm
by Pompidom
In that case simply redirect your efforts to something completely else. Until you have gained more knowledge.
You can always implement a placeholder mechanic in the meanwhile that accomplishes the same thing. In this particular case you can simply activate a timer that sets your party members energy levels to 0 whenever you're in the area where you are not supposed to use magic and then later change it when you have created a working script.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:02 pm
by NolanDaneworth
Thats the problem, i simply dont know where to gain this expierence and knowledge of lua.
I dont do programming in my life at all, but i really want to recreate something in LOG2
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:14 pm
by Pompidom
There are lots of things you can do besides waiting for an answer to your specific problems. Sometimes it can take days before someone decides to give you a helping hand, so patience.
1. I already gave you the links, and more importantly,
2. I already gave you the advice of downloading every single LoG2 editor dungeon file out there. For example Minmay's DM Artifacts of Might is a gold mine of usable lua scripts to learn from.
3. You can search specific keywords on this forum.
4. The forum is full with scripts everywhere if you can specify your search terms more narrowly.
I'm in the same boat, I have 0 coding knowledge/lua scripting knowledge. I ask my question once, and then I simply wait while searching patiently for the solution myself by doing the things above. Sometimes it takes several weeks before I can implement a working solution. And sometimes I get handed the solution instantly on a silver platter. That's modding for you if you lack scripting knowledge.
Also by playing the mods you will encounter mechanics you will want to expand upon, then you can send a PM to the creator to ask if they want to share their script so you make something with it yourself.
In this case:
Code: Select all
function energydown()
link this to a timer that will call this function over and over again until you leave the area.
the timer can be enabled/disabled with floor triggers.
You now have a placeholder mechanic that basically solves your issue. Your party has no more energy to cast spells.
When someone finally gives you the proper script, then you can implement something better.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:11 am
by Isaac
NolanDaneworth wrote: ↑Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:07 pm
And i have my own question again.
Is there a way to script floor, that whenever party stays on it - no magic can be used ?
It really hurts to not know lua, because so many ideas, so little capabilities.
As in references, i only see .onCastSpell, but how to write the "fizzle" part ?
The 'Fizzle' part isn't very intuitive at first.
Here is a script with minimal functionality that goes in the object.lua file, in the scripts folder. This minimally does the job of restricting magic, and drawing the Fizzle effect. Once in place, you should have a new asset called "anti_magic_tile". You just place it where you want it, and the party cannot cast spells on that tile. The effect can be deactivated via script.
Code: Select all
name = "party",
baseObject = "party",
components = {
class = "Party",
onCastSpell = function(self, champion, spell)
local tile = nil
for antiMagic in do
if == "anti_magic_tile" and antiMagic.elevation == antiMagic.elevation and antiMagic.x == party.x and antiMagic.y == party.y then -- checks if the Party is on the same tile location as the script_entity then
return antiMagic.script:tileCheck(champion, spell)
name = "anti_magic_tile",
baseObject = "base_floor_decoration",
components = {
class = "Script",
source = [[
effectEnabled = true
--Call the setEffectsEnabled function to turn the anti-magic effect on or off.
--Example: anti_magic_tile_1.script:setEffectEnabled(false)
function setEffectEnabled(bool)
if type(bool) == "boolean" then effectEnabled = bool end
function tileCheck(self, champion, spell)
if effectEnabled then
if self.go.elevation == party.elevation and self.go.x == party.x and self.go.y == party.y then -- checks if the Party is on the same tile location as the script_entity
--anti-magic failure effect
champion:showAttackResult("Fizzle", "SpellFizzle")
--optional hudPrinted message
local showText = true --[ change true to false to disable the text ]============<<
if showText then
hudPrint("The ground here interferes with "..champion:getName().."\'s spellcasting!")
return false
return true -- confirms off-tile casting for the rest of the map (as opposed to canceling it).
placement = "floor",
tags = { "scripting", "magic" },
editorIcon = 284,
Alternatively, here is the same script with some cosmetic improvements:
Code: Select all
name = "party",
baseObject = "party",
components = {
class = "Party",
onCastSpell = function(self, champion, spell)
local tile = nil
for antiMagic in do
if == "anti_magic_tile" and antiMagic.elevation == antiMagic.elevation and antiMagic.x == party.x and antiMagic.y == party.y then -- checks if the Party is on the same tile location as the script_entity then
return antiMagic.script:tileCheck(champion, spell)
name = "anti_magic_tile",
baseObject = "base_floor_decoration",
components = {
class = "Script",
source = [[
effectEnabled = true
particleEffect = true --Change true to false to disable any of these three effects.
floorDecoration = true
soundEffect = true
function setEffectEnabled(bool)
if type(bool) == "boolean" then effectEnabled = bool end
function tileCheck(self, champion, spell) print(self.go:getName(), self.go.x, self.go.y, self.go.elevation)
if effectEnabled then
--anti-magic failure effect
champion:showAttackResult("Fizzle", "SpellFizzle")
--optional hudPrinted message
local showText = true --[ change true to false to disable the text ]============<<
if showText then
hudPrint("The ground here interferes with "..champion:getName().."\'s spellcasting!")
return false
return true -- confirms off-tile casting for the rest of the map (as opposed to canceling it).
class = "Model",
model = "assets/models/effects/trap_rune.fbx",
offset = vec(0, 0.1, 0),
emissiveColor = vec(0,-1,-1),
onInit = function(self) self[iff(self.go.script.floorDecoration,"enable", "disable")](self) end
class = "Particle",
particleSystem = "castle_wall_text_long",
offset = vec(0,0.1,1.5),
rotation = vec(90),
onInit = function(self) self[iff(self.go.script.particleEffect,"enable", "disable")](self) end
class = "Sound",
sound = "anti_magic_tile",
pitch = .15,
onInit = function(self) self[iff(self.go.script.soundEffect,"enable", "disable")](self) end
class = "Controller",
onActivate = function(self) --Used to activate Anti-Magic Effect
if self.go.script.floorDecoration then self.go.model:enable() end
if self.go.script.floorDecoration then self.go.particle:enable() end
if self.go.script.floorDecoration then self.go.sound:enable() end
onDeactivate = function(self) --Used to deactivate Anti-Magic Effect
onToggle = function(self)
if not self.go.script.effectEnabled then
else self.go.controller:deactivate()
placement = "floor",
tags = { "scripting", "magic" },
editorIcon = 284,
name = "anti_magic_tile",
filename = "assets/samples/magic/fizzle_01.wav",
loop = true,
volume = 0.20,
minDistance = 1,
maxDistance = 2,
* I should mention that once you start incorporating 3rd party mod assets, you need to keep in mind that pieces of them might overwrite each other; last one defined wins out. In this case, the anti-magic-tile adds a Party hook to onCastSpell. If you add another mod asset that redefines the party object without modification to merge the changes, it will most likely break the anti_magic_tile—or the other way around.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:06 pm
by NolanDaneworth
Ah, thats where the problem was.
I was trying to do all the stuff in editor script entities with mere function.
A big thank you from me.
Still dont understand when to write the stuff in base lua files and not ingame
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:33 pm
by NolanDaneworth
Hmmm, interesting, it appears whenever i place more than one of this tiles they stop working.
Wonder where the tile check failures now. My goal was to fill the whole room
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:06 pm
by Zo Kath Ra
Isaac wrote: ↑Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:11 am
for antiMagic in do
Shouldn't this line be
for antiMagic in, party.y) do
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:17 pm
by Isaac
Zo Kath Ra wrote: ↑Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:06 pm
Isaac wrote: ↑Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:11 am
for antiMagic in do
Shouldn't this line be
for antiMagic in, party.y) do
Perhaps, but using allEntities is deliberate for two reasons. First, my impression has been that entitiesAt is a slower function than allEntities, and second the loop to is made such that it runs through all antimagic tiles on the given level, and quits on the first one found to be underfoot.
NolanDaneworth wrote: ↑Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:33 pm
Hmmm, interesting, it appears whenever i place more than one of this tiles they stop working.
Wonder where the tile check failures now. My goal was to fill the whole room
That might be a bug—because it's intended that you can use more than one. I will look at it again.
Edit: It is a bug, and I know why. This script started out intended as a script_entity that returned boolean to the onCastSpell hook, that simply (and only) returned the result. I later changed the design, and moved all of it to object.lua as a full asset, and for whatever reason forgot to move the location test. It works now, as intended [afaik].
I have updated both versions in the original post.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:33 pm
by NolanDaneworth
Big thank you, wish i could repay the favor
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 8:45 pm
by minmay
Isaac wrote: ↑Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:17 pmFirst, my impression has been that entitiesAt is a slower function than allEntities
While a call to allEntities() alone is potentially faster than a call to entitiesAt() alone, allEntities() is
way slower if you're actually using the returned iterator, because you're iterating over 1024 squares worth of entities instead of one square worth of entities. It's much better to use entitiesAt().