I have been using entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) here and there with varying degrees of success.
it's a quick and dirty way of giving stuff another color and if you keep the values (0.05 - 0.1) low enough then it doesn't look like it's irradiated. It's helpful for giving multiple objects in close proximity another way to look slightly more unique. Trees for example.
Now some quick questions,
1. if I give the model of a monster a different color with entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) for example. And then proceed to kill this enemy. Will my mod crash later on seeing how it can't find the entity anymore after loading a saved game?
In this screenshot for example I have given the knight a cold blueish look, I have suspended their animation, so they look like they're frozen solid. You light the campfire so that they get warmer, this triggers a delayed call: entity.animation:enable() so they start moving again.
Now what I want to achieve is for example that their blue color slightly disappears gradually. Is there a script or some way to fadeout the emissiveColor over a period of several seconds back to neutral?
Going from entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) gradually to entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,0)) over the course of 10 seconds.
Basically in the same way like this script hooked to a timer where i make stuff move up or down
if posY < startHeight then
posY = posY - 0.005
I hope you understand what I'm trying to achieve