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Re: monsters
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:55 pm
by odinsballs
dude your awesome, that does look like you nipped that vanishing act in the butt, also you should get kuddo's for perseverance on a complicated topic, magnificent how you pull this of. deep respect for that

Re: monsters
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:46 pm
by wallasaurus
I'm doing a bit of work on this today.
I've added a feature so that you don't need to select the joints as well as the mesh for model export, you can just select the mesh - it will collect dependent joints. Makes life a bit easier for you guys and it will reduce bug like issues.
I will next work on adding a simple ui panel with the buttons, and allow entering of animation frames per animation slot as well as the filename. This way all anims can be in one file and exported in one click.
any other ideas welcomed.
Re: monsters
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:48 pm
by odinsballs
wallasaurus wrote:I'm doing a bit of work on this today.
I've added a feature so that you don't need to select the joints as well as the mesh for model export, you can just select the mesh - it will collect dependent joints. Makes life a bit easier for you guys and it will reduce bug like issues.
I will next work on adding a simple ui panel with the buttons, and allow entering of animation frames per animation slot as well as the filename. This way all anims can be in one file and exported in one click.
any other ideas welcomed.
sounds pretty solid and would indeed be very usefull (if only to make unskilled dudes like myself better able to produce some anim/monster stuff myself, instead of having to bug people for stuf i want) also small question hows the goblin coming along(no request simply shear interest i liked the little bugger).

Re: monsters
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:02 pm
by wallasaurus
not done much for a few weeks now, I have been so busy at work I need my downtime.
I anticipate in the next 2 months that I should get a good bit of free time back and I will continue the modding. I'll post some updates tomorrow.

Re: monsters
Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:43 am
by odinsballs
wallasaurus wrote:not done much for a few weeks now, I have been so busy at work I need my downtime.
I anticipate in the next 2 months that I should get a good bit of free time back and I will continue the modding. I'll post some updates tomorrow.

cool video, looks like you been reeeal buissy indeed ,enjoy your off time as much as possible ( i can only imagine the strain of having to finish projects on deadlines and such) so see ya back in a while

Re: monsters
Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:06 pm
by Leki
wallasaurus wrote:not done much for a few weeks now, I have been so busy at work I need my downtime.
I anticipate in the next 2 months that I should get a good bit of free time back and I will continue the modding. I'll post some updates tomorrow.

I would like to see stuff from new Warhammer Total War CW! Hope you will beat "Call of Warhammer" TW:Med2 mod

Re: monsters
Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:40 am
by odinsballs
anybody any monster news.....?
Re: monsters
Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:23 pm
by Leki
Well, I stil play with monsters... But I'm not sure if people are interested in this stuff, so I play with models and skining and animations...
If you want, I can try to finish some of my tests and share it as plugins, for example this one:
Beholder (WIP)
Re: monsters
Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:05 pm
by AdrTru
WOW, its looks super.
I try make tested monster, but animation is my big enemy

I will remain and maybe will be understanding to modeling and animation. Now I spen much time on it and it is difficult for me.
Re: monsters
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:41 am
by odinsballs
Leki wrote:Well, I stil play with monsters... But I'm not sure if people are interested in this stuff, so I play with models and skining and animations...
If you want, I can try to finish some of my tests and share it as plugins, for example this one:
Beholder (WIP)
yes please, looks good did you mke that model yourself ? , on a small sidenote (dont want to bug you) but did you get that ghoul to work or did he keep disapearing