Tawmis Sanarius – Human (Fighter)
Taren Bloodhorn – Minotaur (Gladiator)
Blaz’tik – Insectoid Mage
Coy Twofang – Ratling Rogue
Sir Karin – Human Knight
Alissa – Human Mage
Jorale – Human Alchemist
Stonebreaker Bloodrage – Human Barbarian
“Well, if we’re going to do this Herder thing… at least I can take comfort in the fact that there’s more of us,” Tawmis gripped his rusty short sword tightly. “Now, if you follow my lead…”
“Follow your lead?” Sir Karin tilted his head. “Excuse me, why would we follow your lead? Perhaps you don’t recognize my emblem?” Sir Karin parted his tattered robes. “I am a Knights of Malanian, of the Malanian Empire.”
“That’s great,” Tawmis said, looking back and Sir Karin, and paying no attention to his tarnished armor or it’s emblem. “My name is Tawmis Sanarius – I am the son of Contar Stoneskull and Yennica Whitefeather, the only two people ever to have known to escape the dangers of Grimrock.” He paused, “Until me, Taren,” he gestured to the minotaur, “Blaz’tik,” he gestured to the insectoid and then to Coy, “and Coy, managed to escape… with explosive results.”
“It’s –tic!- true,” Blaz’tik admitted. “He did –tic- lead us out of Grimrock.”
“I don’t think you understand,” Sir Karin emphasized, “I am a Knight of the Malanian Empire. Do you know of the Malanian Empire?”
“I know all about the Malanian Empire,” Tawmis retorted. “At one time, the Areonan Empire was the ruling Empire… but a deep seeded mistrust and growing hatred between the North and the South portions of the Empire boiled over and the Areonan Empire was sundered… forming your precious Malanian Empire and the Kingdom of Theraen. Your precious Malanian Empire was ruled by a King with the strength of demons – though little more is known about him. And that is probably how you,” Tawmis turned and pointed to Alissa, “were born with the magic powers that you have now. A result of your father’s destiny and pact with some kind of demon. There are stories of his cruelty.”
Sir Karin drew his blade and tried to put it to Tawmis’ throat, but expecting the Knight’s reaction, Tawmis deflected it.
“How dare you! Do you know who you accuse?” Sir Karin growled, gripping his blade.
“Alissa, or,” Tawmis paused, “Lady Alissa, if you’re from your precious Kingdom.”
“How dare you speak to Lady Alissa in such a manner! And your acquisitions are base lies!”
“So tell me,” Tawmis pressed the Knight. “When you introduced yourselves, you said you were not slavers and you were waylaid, and simply were paying for passage aboard that cursed ship we were all on. When you said you were waylaid – how did it happen?”
“I wanted to get away from my father’s coddling,” Lady Alissa admitted.
“Coddling is a fine way to put it,” Tawmis sneered. “I am all too familiar with mages who align themselves with demons – similar to the Mages of Dex. He was not coddling you – he was grooming you, so that when you peaked – he could siphon your magic and leave an empty corpse.”
Sir Karin growled, “I should run you through.”
“You can try,” Taren’s deep voice boomed. “You will need to go through me first.”
The Knights of Malanian were brave men; but even they knew a fight with a Minotaur was typically a losing battle without a small battalion of well-trained men beside them.
“Easy,” Tawmis placed his hand on Taren’s muscular arm. “The day I can’t take a Malanian Knight, I shouldn’t be on this world.”
Sir Karin turned towards Alissa who seemed to be pondering what Tawmis accused her father, King Saric, of. “My lady…” Sir Karin stammered.
“I’ve never met my grandfather,” Lady Alissa said. “No one on my father’s side,” she realized. “My father has scarcely aged since I was a child.”
“He lives on the life essence of those with magic,” Tawmis shrugged.
“My lady,” Sir Karin sheathed his sword and gripped her. “You can not believe this man’s lies about your father.”
Jorale had sat back and watched the exchange. She had heard similar rumors that Tawmis now accused King Saric of the Malanian empire. She looked at Stonebreaker who shrugged. He seemed eager to move forward – to face his destiny against this legendary Lindworm that lived somewhere on this island.