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Re: monsters
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:00 pm
by germanny
leki, it is max, right? Dont used it for years.
For anim probs in blender i can say it is absolute necessary to apply rot/scale and eventual location of the mesh before apply to armature.
Same for normals, best to check orientation first.
If not, strange things happen sometimes.
Is it the same in max?
Re: monsters
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:18 pm
by Leki
germanny wrote:leki, it is max, right? Dont used it for years.
For anim probs in blender i can say it is absolute necessary to apply rot/scale and eventual location of the mesh before apply to armature.
Same for normals, best to check orientation first.
If not, strange things happen sometimes.
Is it the same in max?
Well, I am not an artist nor animator, but I did my best to polish model. Everything was set to propper setup - reseted x-form, normals, bones etc. There is only one thing, but i does not effects to the result - I had colapsed mesh with welded vertices (removed isolated vertices as well)... I will do tonight next tests

Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:05 am
by wallasaurus
leki, if you want to share your model I can check it for you in case I can sot any problems.
Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:16 am
by odinsballs
leki to prevent the problems of nif based models (like the barbarian thats giving you the buissnes) i took the liberty of seeking out a (possible) replacement model for the ghoul (fo3 type) you had in mind. i have currently improved and textured the model and made it a static model that already fits ingame (no fuss whatsoever) also it doesnt have any 20th century clothing and such so it could look authentic in log, also its kind of butt-ugly (witch is a good thing) it would probably do good with wallasaurus mummy animations set
anyhoo here's a link to screenshot of ghoul over at nexus should this model interest you (or anyone else) let me know and i'll send you
the prepped static (that should at least save you part of the work (because with the fo3 ghoul you had planned you'l probably run in to the same issues as the daugr barbarian)
Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:16 am
by Leki
wallasaurus wrote:leki, if you want to share your model I can check it for you in case I can sot any problems.
Thanks for help!
I was busy last evening, so I had no time to work on it.
Here is the WIP file. It's one of several versions I have. It's saved as Max 10 and model is not polished - unwelded vertices, very simple walk animation and only basic skin etc.
You can also download source model: ... 4-1-0-4919
My point was to use this model to try to do human walk and fight animations - 2nd stage is to vreate my own model (based on this one).
Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:23 am
by Leki
odinsballs wrote:leki to prevent the problems of nif based models (like the barbarian thats giving you the buissnes) i took the liberty of seeking out a (possible) replacement model for the ghoul (fo3 type) you had in mind. i have currently improved and textured the model and made it a static model that already fits ingame (no fuss whatsoever) also it doesnt have any 20th century clothing and such so it could look authentic in log, also its kind of butt-ugly (witch is a good thing) it would probably do good with wallasaurus mummy animations set
anyhoo here's a link to screenshot of ghoul over at nexus should this model interest you (or anyone else) let me know and i'll send you
the prepped static (that should at least save you part of the work (because with the fo3 ghoul you had planned you'l probably run in to the same issues as the daugr barbarian)
Sure, if you can prepare models of monsters, I can try to animate them

Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:51 pm
by Asteroth
It would be awesome if someone made a knife wielding madman. But then again I'm greedy, there are tons of monsters I would love. But the sword skeleton was probably the only actually possible one.
I should be happy with that.
Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:36 pm
by odinsballs
Leki wrote:odinsballs wrote:leki to prevent the problems of nif based models (like the barbarian thats giving you the buissnes) i took the liberty of seeking out a (possible) replacement model for the ghoul (fo3 type) you had in mind. i have currently improved and textured the model and made it a static model that already fits ingame (no fuss whatsoever) also it doesnt have any 20th century clothing and such so it could look authentic in log, also its kind of butt-ugly (witch is a good thing) it would probably do good with wallasaurus mummy animations set
anyhoo here's a link to screenshot of ghoul over at nexus should this model interest you (or anyone else) let me know and i'll send you
the prepped static (that should at least save you part of the work (because with the fo3 ghoul you had planned you'l probably run in to the same issues as the daugr barbarian)
Sure, if you can prepare models of monsters, I can try to animate them

well i got the ghoul (biped) prepped and a thing named ripper (quadroped) prepped both are one piece mesh i'l neatly pack and script em so you can take a look how they look ingame anyhoo i'll have a link up soon stay tuned

Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:42 pm
by odinsballs
here's the dropbox link for 2 (static prop) creatures (ripper and ghoul static mesh models incl. all 3 texture layers in dds.) texture seams are edited out with uv wrapping. both models are single part constructs (so no extra tinkering there) meshes are smoothed for nicer looks.
dropbox link: ... 0props.rar
screenshots at log nexus:
also should anybody pick up on these models (animationwise) let me know if i prepped them right (for future reference) i'm still figuring out this whole 3d moddeling stuff. i hope these are somewhat helpfull models and not to hard to animate.just as with the slugomorg some basic movement and attack anims should suffice for these two.

Re: monsters
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:04 pm
by Leki
Hmm... Ghoul is doing the same thing.
Watch If you turn viewport out of the model, it vanishes...