Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:21 am
Sir Tawmis... HejsanSir Tawmis wrote:Multiplayer, I think, would make it an entirely different game. Because, LOG works on the fact that all four characters are on the same "square" for lack of a better word. You throw in multiplayer, and you're going to have people running all over the map at the same time.1varangian wrote:Have the devs ever completely ruled out multiplayer?

I think a multiplayer would be possible if you keep it in a main team that's always on the same square - though it's more like a "coop-game" than a "multi-player". I'll type some extra thoughts about things as "spoilers", though they are not spoilers but just other things one might need to concider. I hide them to avoid a wall of text to start with.
Like this:
- As normal, you have 4 (or more) partymembers in a team that's always on the same square.
- DEFAULT PLAY: Let's say it's always playable and saveable as a Single-player (as LoG is now), but in this we will call the "player" for the potential "host" instead (when chosing multi-player).
(((*Because of this paus is always possible, even in multi-player mode - hence one could pause to discuss some puzzle in game without time going in game.)))
- MULTI-PLAYER-OPTION: You could always choose to add a person (max 3 beside the host) to control same team each time you play.
(((DROPS: If someone drops you would have options to set game either to pause/wait for him to reconnect, or if control should by default just go back to host.)))
(((INDICATOR: It should be visible with some "lamp" that has a certain color when one or more partymembers is controled by someone else, like each player could choose a color and a "lamp" show that color as long as they are active. If one drops the lamp changes color if set not to paus. In pure single-player mode the lamp is inactive.)))
- INVENTORY: The host should be able to set if only he will be able to take/move/use things in all inventorys, or if one or more other should also.
(((*Also if other players should be able to use even their own inventorys - perhaps you don't trust them not to throw away good gear when you're not looking?)))
- I could have a team with 4 members and let my wife/girlfriend play the one I named with her name, and even she could think it's fun to play and not to much to control since I do movement and control the other three.
- The fun game for me can always be fun for me, OR me AND my friends.
- The game will NOT be stuck if some day one or more of my friends can't play or don't wanna be in game any more, since it's saved by host as a single-player game would. It's just that each time playing one could CHOOSE to let someone else join in with limited access.
- As you understand your team will always be on same square as in a normal LoG game.
I started a game and a couple of friends calls and wanna join in. I paus the game and they connects to my IP. I see him "knock" and let him in by active choice, or he has a password that let's him in.
My first friend is a such person that he don't wanna miss anything and I trust him (his multi-player-handle is "Mr.Serious"). My second friend is not that much into games and I don't trust him to understand what not to touch and throw and such, his multi-player-handle is "BadISP".
So now I have to choose their involvment in team. In this case I want them to play one front row fighter and a back row rouge - and I'll play the other front row and the back row wizard.
Another setting (I didn't mention earlier) is two boxes, will he be able to pick up things from the dungeons and place them in the inventory? Another is if he will be able to THROW things away. A third is if he will be able to use things (like potions) from inventory.
All Multi-player-settings could be like this:
Movement done by player: [x] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #1 name" [x] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #2 name" [ ] Host [x] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #3 name" [x] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #4 name" [ ] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [x] BadISP
(((*you can change anytime during game. You can also set one person to control all and the other will just be spectators.)))
(((*There could also be a possibility to let more than 4 players join as pure spectators so 5-10 friends could sit on skype talking and looking at and commenting on the same adventure)))
If someone drops pause/wait [x] or continue [ ] (one choice)
Control of inventory items: none [ ] own only [ ] or all [x]
*(one choice, when choose "none" all choice below will be unable to choose)
Use from inventory: Potions/Crystals [ ] Inventory only (excludes gear) [ ] or use anything (includes gear) [x] (one choice)
[x] Pick up from map (yes/no)
[x] Throw from self (yes/no)
Control of inventory items: none [x] own only [x] or all [ ]
*(one choice, when choose "none" all choice below will be unable to choose)
Use from inventory: Potions/Crystals [x] Inventory only (excludes gear) [ ] or use anything (includes gear) [ ] (one choice)
[x] Pick up from map (yes/no)
[ ] Throw from self (yes/no)
My first friend is a such person that he don't wanna miss anything and I trust him (his multi-player-handle is "Mr.Serious"). My second friend is not that much into games and I don't trust him to understand what not to touch and throw and such, his multi-player-handle is "BadISP".
So now I have to choose their involvment in team. In this case I want them to play one front row fighter and a back row rouge - and I'll play the other front row and the back row wizard.
Another setting (I didn't mention earlier) is two boxes, will he be able to pick up things from the dungeons and place them in the inventory? Another is if he will be able to THROW things away. A third is if he will be able to use things (like potions) from inventory.
All Multi-player-settings could be like this:
Movement done by player: [x] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #1 name" [x] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #2 name" [ ] Host [x] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #3 name" [x] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [ ] BadISP
"Party member #4 name" [ ] Host [ ] Mr.Serious [x] BadISP
(((*you can change anytime during game. You can also set one person to control all and the other will just be spectators.)))
(((*There could also be a possibility to let more than 4 players join as pure spectators so 5-10 friends could sit on skype talking and looking at and commenting on the same adventure)))
If someone drops pause/wait [x] or continue [ ] (one choice)
Control of inventory items: none [ ] own only [ ] or all [x]
*(one choice, when choose "none" all choice below will be unable to choose)
Use from inventory: Potions/Crystals [ ] Inventory only (excludes gear) [ ] or use anything (includes gear) [x] (one choice)
[x] Pick up from map (yes/no)
[x] Throw from self (yes/no)
Control of inventory items: none [x] own only [x] or all [ ]
*(one choice, when choose "none" all choice below will be unable to choose)
Use from inventory: Potions/Crystals [x] Inventory only (excludes gear) [ ] or use anything (includes gear) [ ] (one choice)
[x] Pick up from map (yes/no)
[ ] Throw from self (yes/no)