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Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:49 am
by Slayer82
I wasn't aware of that, but at least it makes it a little harder for people that aren't knowledgeable in that area; or perhaps not - I wouldn't be able to do it.
It's still nice that he/she is willing to upload their work.
Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:20 am
by Azel
Slayer82 wrote:I wasn't aware of that, but at least it makes it a little harder for people that aren't knowledgeable in that area; or perhaps not - I wouldn't be able to do it.
It's still nice that he/she is willing to upload their work.
Agreed. It makes it more difficult in that people cannot easily copy n paste. Making people do extra effort in order to steal is a step in the right direction. Similar to perimeter security in the real world. The first line of defense is... lights, then fencing. They deter casual trespassers. Of course, a determined intruder can walk beyond a lighted area and jump over a fence, but if someone went to a business and said, "turn off your lights and take down your fences, they dont really stop anything," that person would be laughed out the building.
I also would not put the effort in to reverse engineering a DAT file. Then again, I also wouldn't steal anyone's work even if they emailed me all the source code
Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:11 pm
by Granamir
Thank you guys for worrying about my interests.
Unfortunatelly at present day is not possible to avoid code stealing, as everyone that worked on web or as programmer knows.
Plus i like gnu license (and similar) and everything is free; i think that only free things (not used as promotion) can improve world.
So i guess i'll leave things are they are now.
Everyone can use anything of my work; i'd apreciate to be credited but it's not necessary.
Plus if someone is soo poor minded to really steal (not just by forgetfulness) my little work i can only be sorry for him/her.
Plus i trust everyone here can support me in case of some problem related to this argument.
Thank you guys.
Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:09 pm
by Azel
In the end there isn't much anyone can do to prevent stealing; not evening encryption/obfuscation can safeguard your work. And in Mod'ing only such much of the final product is "your work" to begin with, so I understand. There is no way to 100% safeguard anything. I just find it fascinating how many people conclude, "if not 100% then 0%"
It's nice that you openly share your work though

Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:20 pm
by Granamir
Thank you Azel.
Btw it's not a matter of 100% or 0%, i started making dungeon to make friends happy, then i thought i could make happy (or at least i hope so) even other people so i translated into english tongue and published it. If i can make other people happy sharing my editor files i'd like that too.
Plus i'll not receve any prize for making that dungeon nor i receive money, and even just thinking to the way i can protect my work, all possibilities someone else have to steal it, it take a lot of mental energy and in the end i'll gain just a little reward... so the game doesn't worth the candle.
I prefer usind that mental energy to make something else.
Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:44 am
by Slayer82
Hey, just wanted to ask you a question regarding the mod.
How do I leave the Gladiator Tournament? I have defeated all the enemies and removed all the items from the alcoves, but I am unable to leave the area. What do I need to do?
Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:28 am
by Azel
Granamir wrote:Thank you Azel.
Btw it's not a matter of 100% or 0%, i started making dungeon to make friends happy, then i thought i could make happy (or at least i hope so) even other people so i translated into english tongue and published it. If i can make other people happy sharing my editor files i'd like that too.
Plus i'll not receve any prize for making that dungeon nor i receive money, and even just thinking to the way i can protect my work, all possibilities someone else have to steal it, it take a lot of mental energy and in the end i'll gain just a little reward... so the game doesn't worth the candle.
I prefer usind that mental energy to make something else.
Yeah sorry that "100 or 0" comment wasn't directed at you specifically; just a general statement regarding something I see often both on this forums and in the IT Industry

Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:01 am
by alois
Slayer82 wrote:Hey, just wanted to ask you a question regarding the mod.
How do I leave the Gladiator Tournament? I have defeated all the enemies and removed all the items from the alcoves, but I am unable to leave the area. What do I need to do?
Search the cells were the enemies where.

Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:37 am
by Slayer82
Thank you.
I wasn't aware that the Breakable Walls scripts were used in the game.
Re: It's a ctrap!
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:49 am
by minmay
Slayer82 wrote:Thank you.
I wasn't aware that the Breakable Walls scripts were used in the game.
for future reference, you can identify these breakable walls by the fact that the "hacked" normals on the original models are removed, so the lower part of the model is super dark