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Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:01 am
by Darklord
Hmm Ancient Claymore has a cooldown of 5 Seconds, but Bane is 6.3 not 10 seconds.


Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:05 am
by minmay
Special attacks have separate cooldowns from regular attacks. Bane's special has a cooldown of about 12 seconds so it's not nearly as good as it looks at first glance.

Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:11 am
by Darklord
Ah interesting! :)


Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:30 pm
by Jad
It's not a 12 second cooldown. It's just an additional 2.5 seconds on top of the weapons normal cooldown (which is 6.3 for Bane IIRC), so you'd have an 8.8s cooldown.

*NVM this I was wrong as shown by console info from minmay.

Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:21 pm
by minmay
Jad wrote:It's not a 12 second cooldown. It's just an additional 2.5 seconds on top of the weapons normal cooldown (which is 6.3 for Bane IIRC), so you'd have an 8.8s cooldown.
Uh, it definitely is not an 8.8 second cooldown. You can see this by trying it in-game with a stopwatch, or better, by typing this in the console:

Code: Select all

which prints this:

Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:04 am
by K0T
Yes, Bane's special attack cooldown is about 13 secs but it can be reduced to 10 with Quick trait (or dodge 3) + Bracelet of Tirin

Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:46 am
by Jad
minmay wrote:You can see this by trying it in-game with a stopwatch, or better, by typing this in the console:
Oh wow I wish I would've known that command when I was doing my testing. Are there commands that show the actual damage calculation for the special abilities? Like Devastate, Harvest Time, Cleave, etc?

Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:58 am
by Nexus
Jad wrote:
minmay wrote:You can see this by trying it in-game with a stopwatch, or better, by typing this in the console:
Oh wow I wish I would've known that command when I was doing my testing. Are there commands that show the actual damage calculation for the special abilities? Like Devastate, Harvest Time, Cleave, etc?

Seems to have everything but I don't know what to look for.

Re: Anyone else feel like Fighter is almost completely usele

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:59 pm
by trancelistic
Meh I disagree. My fighter pwns. He has maxed heavy weapons & acc and 3 in concentration. A neck with + mana and the pearl shield. I can charge 3 x the heavy weapon in a fight wich hits OMG hard. think of 800 a 900 dmg. Ofcourse i made all strenghts potion with my alchy and gave it to him :D
Wizard is handy too. Specialy later in game ( spam the unbreakable cage next to ur party if ur conerd and frost bomb the other side. No harm done:D. An alchemy is a must for fightings I think. Because of all the strengh potions. And frost bombs x3 a are kinda OP making boss fights so easy.