Single character run

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Re: Single character run

Post by Dr.Disaster »

josa04ai wrote:How much damage do you do with the throwing and missile build?
The screenshots with inventory views tell how much damage each weapon does.
josa04ai wrote:I struggled enough running a 4-man party through hard. At least some scripted fights where I got locked with mobs were hard. I don't even know how I would do them without force field / barrier and 2 alchemists (eating pots all day long lol). On my third playthrough (I quit the first two almost at the end cause I got so sick of weight problems and too many missing power gems) I went with 2 heavy hander at front and 1 DW light + mage in backrow. I felt that the heavy handers did such a great job at kicking ass. On my first playthroughs my missile guy hardly did any damage and ran out of arrows in long fights... I honestly don't understand how you did it haha.
Naturally fights take longer due to less damage dealt. You can't just run in and squish things so there was a lot of kiting to do. Getting cornered was pretty much hitting reload. Also switching between weapons is required in 1st third to half of the game and in case all ammo got spend it was melee time.

My Barbarian went with Shuriken+Throwing axes as main weapons and Knifes+Darts as backup and in case they were all gone he went Tribal Spear+Dagger. My Rogue used Bows as his main weapon asap while Blowpipe+Dagger and later Crossbow+Venom Edge were his backup. Build-up was about the same for both: Accuracy first, then Crit, finally Weapon skill as needed.
josa04ai wrote:Another thing. I spent 16 hours on my run. I did everything. I see you spent 30+. Is that kiting? Or just AFK?
Kiting, sometimes waiting for health/energy to regenerate, figuring out how to collect everything with the resources available and of course having fun :D
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Re: Single character run

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Food for Thought ;)

My wizard's gear, stats and skills.


The game played is Hard Ironman and Potionless. You can have a look at the bar but not touch it ;)

Wanna try?





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Re: Single character run

Post by DonEmilio »

My complete “barbarian solo run” walkthrough: ... 9g-aNq18HA

The initial character is human, with “skilled” and “martial training” traits, one point in “light weapons”, one point in “concentration”, one point in “accuracy”, 16 strength, 15 dexterity.


The character finished with level 14
Time: 17:29 hours.
Secrets: 77/77
Skulls: 9
Treasures: 11/11
Gold key uses: 11
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