SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Ask for help about creating mods and scripts for Grimrock 2 or share your tips, scripts, tools and assets with other modders here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by Doridion »

Drakkan wrote:contgrats and hope you will use grimrock name generator for some fancy fantasy name for her ;) :d
Lol drakkan and thanks guys for congrats, but nope, her names are already chosen ^^

Luna, Eléanor, Thémys. If you want to search these names' definitions, you'll have a little overview of our actual daughter's personality :p ( She shakes her mother's womb when she wants cuddles xD )

God .... i'll become another doting father ..... HELP ! :lol:
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by THOM »

Sad to say this but is it possible to remove the entries pointing to scripts of cromcrom? It is a bit silly to open a thread with nothing written in it...
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Can you add a link to this thread?
Modding original game

I think this information is very useful for people who want to learn LoG2 modding.
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by AndakRainor »

Last edited nearly one year ago... Isn't it time to do something about this thread ?
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by Azel »

It could definitely use some help. I think it needs the DM Resource added, plus all of those tilesets that need some additional help (like minimalSaveState added) could use this instruction in the Description.
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Azel wrote:It could definitely use some help. I think it needs the DM Resource added, plus all of those tilesets that need some additional help (like minimalSaveState added) could use this instruction in the Description.
Yeah I like that idea Azel. The tile sets I tried are broken and could use other peoples help on them. They are nice assets, but needs someone who can do them better than I did.

The Mine Set needs occluders and many other things.
The Sx Town Set same as above.
The Temple Sets same as above.

It would be really cool to have these sets available to the community. I cant do them anymore as I don't want to know.
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by bongobeat »

I can share my version of the town wallset if you want to use it, but it needs some normal maps to be complete, and I don't know how to do them correctly.
Of course if you want to have normal maps everywhere. But for the most, I use the normal from the asset pack.

I 've removed most of the things, included the animated door and all doors. Except the normal maps, the pack is about 3,1 mb. Note that I've done that to reduce drasticaly the wallset, and because I did not need or like the rest of it.

The town looks like castle style, but to be used with a height level of 3. The pillars, doors and arch comes from castle stuff and are resized to fit the correct height.
I use the castle stairs with this, and have keep some of the low wall and quartersize pillar, with a marble texture.
There is also some kind of wood wall (with the mine pillars or not), that I use like an "inside-of-a-ship", simple 2d model with the town wood generic texture.

I don't know if all things are good, maybe some experienced ppl can have a look, and say if it is or not a bad result. I ve try to make something as similar of the asset pack, anyway it's a final version for me, as I don't use normal maps to save ressources.

About the occluders: I don't use any for the marble walls, they are always on the 2nd stairs and are defined as "base_wall_decoration" without replacing any wall.

For the stone and wood walls, ground or ceiling, I use the occluders from the asset pack.

here is some previews:
The doors here, are fake.
About the mine wallset, I do not see the need to do that, the log2 mine tileset is much better. So why do you want this one?
The only things that can be useful, are the wagon, rails, smoker and volcano.
My asset pack: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9320

Log1 mod : Toorum Manor: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5505
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by THOM »

As far as I can tell from the screenshots it looks very clear and atmospheric.

Is ist possible to get somehow at this?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by bongobeat »

Here is the town pack:

I made a quick demo level

it takes now 4 mb, I had to add some textures that I use from another tileset and that are used for the fountain and the wood of the exterior wall.
Maybe this is not the right spot? Should I make a new thread? ... d.rar?dl=0

also I added some blackwall, that's what Minmay told me once, to avoid the problem with sun light when you make exterior and the drop of shadow inside "visitable" house that are placing on an outside map.
This is used to avoid sunlight going trough walls or ceiling, or simply to drop a shadow on model who don't have any. The basic models didnt had to drop any shadow because they wasn't intended to use outside.
My asset pack: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9320

Log1 mod : Toorum Manor: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5505
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Re: SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads

Post by benito82 »

custom characters.
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "staff_defence", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- Protection +1 per level.
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)

--cruisader traits
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
priority = 300,
icon = 29,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
requiredRace = "human"
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with melee weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level)
if level > 0 and attackType == "melee" then return 3 end
onRecomputeStats = function(champion , level, class)
if level > 0 then
class =champion:getClass()
level = champion:getLevel()
if class = "cruisader" then
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader),and level > 10
-- is this where I can set level additions for improvments // like setting at level 2 and 18 certain levels are able to be casted?
-- question 1
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader_mastery) end
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
traits = { [5] = "cruisader_mastery",

so with spell sets its just refined as a defnied class Boolean and value is true for the 3 classes? can use the nil value for monsters to cast this.
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