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Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:08 pm
by Sorez
Alan1149 wrote:bug report:
in green foggy area next to the ocean you cant see the items in the chest

review thingy:
pretty good, though that 'puzzle' with the block behind the grating was a bit boring, though other areas like inside the tower thing look really cool, and also must have taken you a long time to make. though i didn't quite get the ending, was it supposed to end with you going through the portal, because when i did it left me with a white screen.
It wasn't really meant to be a puzzle, more of just a "You have to do this" kind of thing :D

Also, I always meant to lower the ground there, but I kept forgetting. Will lower them, then export the map for you guys!

Also, when you beat the final boss, you enter the teleporter to teleport infront of the ending portal, which when entered, should have started the Grimrock 2 ending, and credits.

Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:14 pm
by Sorez
Updated, now with just the exported .dat file! ... orez+2.dat

Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:30 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I will try this mod as soon as I have time. Kudos to its author.

Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:32 pm
by Sorez
eLPuSHeR wrote:I will try this mod as soon as I have time. Kudos to its author.
Thanks! Hope you enjoy i!

Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:29 pm
by Skuggasveinn
Just ran this from start to finish, its a good run.
Some gfx glitches can be seen here and there (seams do to noise layer hitting other objects) and of course the fact that the tomb tileset doesn't support elevations.
But apart from the it was a fun little adventure.

What I would work on fixing is
Tomb Stairs down at 27,6,0,1 don't have collision on them, you can walk into the sides of the wall creating some weird behavior with the stairs.
Heigtmap at creates a big tear in the landscape - see screenshot
underwater exits have noise layers all the way up to them creating small tears around the floor - just remove the noise layer around these exits. screenshot ... /tear2.jpg
create a model that hides the cap between walls in the tomb tileset.


Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:08 am
by Sorez
Skuggasveinn wrote:Just ran this from start to finish, its a good run.
Some gfx glitches can be seen here and there (seams do to noise layer hitting other objects) and of course the fact that the tomb tileset doesn't support elevations.
But apart from the it was a fun little adventure.

What I would work on fixing is
Tomb Stairs down at 27,6,0,1 don't have collision on them, you can walk into the sides of the wall creating some weird behavior with the stairs.
Heigtmap at creates a big tear in the landscape - see screenshot
underwater exits have noise layers all the way up to them creating small tears around the floor - just remove the noise layer around these exits. screenshot ... /tear2.jpg
create a model that hides the cap between walls in the tomb tileset.

Thanks! Will work on fixing those after college tomorrow!

Really glad you enjoyed it though! Especially since it was my second ever map, and my first using the LoG2 editor! :P

Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:09 pm
by darkatton
nice mod. i like the tower, great idea :D .
I found some mistake:
- level the tomb, item thraelm tribal buckler found in a chest can't be use. ( maybe just for me)
- beach wall text for gold lock : wrong side.

I think that the boss fight in the crypt with skeleton and undead is too easy because of teleporter.
But in general it's a great mod.


Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:26 pm
by Sorez
darkatton wrote:Hi,
nice mod. i like the tower, great idea :D .
I found some mistake:
- level the tomb, item thraelm tribal buckler found in a chest can't be use. ( maybe just for me)
- beach wall text for gold lock : wrong side.

I think that the boss fight in the crypt with skeleton and undead is too easy because of teleporter.
But in general it's a great mod.

Thats exacttly why I put the teleporters in :P Telefrag boss! (If you dont want xp that is ;D)

Will check out the text later, and hmm, no issues with the buckler for me.

Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:22 pm
by Sorez
Im curious to if anyone saw my little easter egg on the gravestones :p

Re: The Tomb of Sorez 2 [Now with Non-Steam link!]

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:54 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I finished this mod yesterday. Good job Sorez!