Re: Nothing Happens on Startup [Steam]
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:20 am
Wow that was fast, I was having the exact same problem, thanks.
Official Legend of Grimrock Forums
If Grimrock starts successful to some point, it should generate some error logfile in your personal folder, should be called error.logleonrossdale wrote:Hey, I have installed the fix. But, still there is no change at all. Can somebody help here please. I really want to play this game. grimrock.exe is appearing in the task manager for a moment and then disappears!
Execute both the DirectX setup and Visual C++ redistributale delivered with the game manually. Find them by right-clicking the game's entry in your library. There select "Properties". In the property popup goto the tab "Local Files" and click "Browse Local Files...". An explorer window will open taking you to the game's installation folder. There goto both the folders "DirectX" and "vcredist" and execute the setup respectivly EXE you find there. After both is done try to start the game.leonrossdale wrote:Hey, I have installed the fix. But, still there is no change at all. Can somebody help here please. I really want to play this game. grimrock.exe is appearing in the task manager for a moment and then disappears!