General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by petri »

Komag wrote:Minor issue - when opening the automap in the small Preview window, the text names of the levels are HUGE, because they are the same size as when full-screen
Thanks for the bug report!
Komag wrote:medium issue - how can I get rid of random floor dirt or wall vines that show up when building, such as dirt that is just floating there in the air over a stairs_down? (this is not dirt that I placed manually, but just the random dirt that appears)
Wall plants are part of the dungeon wallset. Would this be ok for you if the plants wouldn't be placed in stairways or do you want to get rid of them altogether? Currently the only way to fix this with beta-1.2.6, I think, is to use another wallset or define a new wallset that uses dungeon wallset graphics.

I think I'm starting to overflow with bug reports. Any volunteers who could help tracking down and organizing lists of known issues, repro cases etc.? :) That would be a big help!
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by Phitt »

I don't have the editor yet, but while playing the game I noticed that floor tiles (and probably ceiling tiles) are rotated randomly. That's good for variation if you have a 'black border' at the edge of the texture, but bad for anything else. Is there any way to turn this off? Maybe I should download the editor first and then write, but it would really be a big problem for the tileset I've planned if there was no way to turn of the random angle for tiles.
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by petri »

Phitt wrote:I don't have the editor yet, but while playing the game I noticed that floor tiles (and probably ceiling tiles) are rotated randomly. That's good for variation if you have a 'black border' at the edge of the texture, but bad for anything else. Is there any way to turn this off? Maybe I should download the editor first and then write, but it would really be a big problem for the tileset I've planned if there was no way to turn of the random angle for tiles.
Yes you can turn it off. See randomFloorFacing in defineWallset() documentation.
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by Phitt »

petri wrote:
Phitt wrote:I don't have the editor yet, but while playing the game I noticed that floor tiles (and probably ceiling tiles) are rotated randomly. That's good for variation if you have a 'black border' at the edge of the texture, but bad for anything else. Is there any way to turn this off? Maybe I should download the editor first and then write, but it would really be a big problem for the tileset I've planned if there was no way to turn of the random angle for tiles.
Yes you can turn it off. See randomFloorFacing in defineWallset() documentation.
Ah, that's great! Thanks!
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by Komag »

I got a bug that doesn't allow me to press PLAY in the Preview. I have various stuff in a small map with three levels, then I made a big tall room with a lever and 20 portcullises and connected the lever to them all (to test how many connections I could make). Tested in Preview, worked fine.

Then I deleted the lever and then group selected and deleted all the doors then deleted the room, and now when I click PLAY I get this error:

Code: Select all

Invalid Entity ID
Invalid entity id: 27
Entity ids must start with a letter.
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by petri »

You can probably find the offending entity by searching your dungeon's dungeon.lua for "27".
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by petri »

My guess is that it's the starting location (known issue with Y shortcut)
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by Xzalander »

Graphical glitch regarding stair placement when the stairs are surrounded with walkable tiles.

Images: ... d=95785522 -Walled from one angle... ... d=95785554 -... but not the other.

And so you get an idea of the positioning - ... d=95785577


Further bug. If you surround it completely, the rear tiles act as stairs. ... d=95786462

You also have a weird flooring issue when that is done.
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by petri »

Xzalander wrote:Graphical glitch regarding stair placement when the stairs are surrounded with walkable tiles.
This is by design. The stairs are meant to be surrounded by walls.
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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Post by Xzalander »

Fair enough, perhaps some kind of check to prevent it being built openly would be useful?
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