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Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:50 pm
by Darklord
Goffmog wrote:OP is an obvious flamebait and considering the subject matter, endorsing theft, it would be pathetic if anyone who actually bought the game allowed this thread to continue. Can someone please delete it?
I considered locking/deleting it, but then figured as long as everyone was polite enough, to leave it for discussion. (I was accused of extreme moderation for locking a thread the other day, hopefully there's a balance that will keep the majority happy!)
Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:08 pm
by Neil79
I purchased my game however there were times with the puzzles i'd wish i'd pirated it simply because i was about to throw the game into the bin!... The pillar puzzle for example which if you get it wrong kept putting me back to the start, it was the puzzles in this game that were damn right annoying. Or the timed puzzles whereby using the movement keys if you had to rush from one bit to another the game would pick an extra movement and throw you down a pit even though you let go of the buttons.
Also regarding story parts Eye of the beholder blows this game out the water as even that had little bits in between with characters talking to you, hell even lands of lore had that... Don't mention dragon age as that's being pathetic and not what i mean.
Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:24 pm
by petri
NotRegret wrote:I make it a case to pirate games. I play through them fully. If i enjoyed myself after the game I'll buy a new copy.
Good game I had fun until the this part but this is unacceptably bad. I'm not gonna buy a retail copy or recommend it to my friends.
i'd like to see the company try again and I'm leaving them feedback.
Gee, you really know how to motivate us to make better games.
Please understand that this project is entirely self-funded and if more people would think like you we would be out of business already.
Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:27 pm
by Darklord
Neil79 wrote:I purchased my game however there were times with the puzzles i'd wish i'd pirated it simply because i was about to throw the game into the bin!...
The trouble with piracy is if enough people do it, then we don't get sequels as the team that makes a game goes bust. If LoG had done badly then Almost Human would have failed and no more games for us. How can they make better games if they aren't given the opportunity to do so?
Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:28 pm
by Darklord
petri wrote:
Gee, you really know how to motivate us to make better games.
Don't worry Petri, many others appreciate you guys, keep up the good work!
Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:29 pm
by Flashheart
petri wrote:Please understand that this project is entirely self-funded and if more people would think like you we would be out of business already.
Thankfully Petri, most gamers are really appreciating your work. Personally I hope you make an absolute mint and continue to crank out games of Grimrock's quality.
You keep making 'em - I'll keep buying 'em.
Motivated enough yet?

Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:30 pm
by Goffmog
Goffmog wrote:Who pirates indie games? The same people who are proud not to have worked an honest day in their lives, and steal their cable TV?
On reflection, more like the kind of people who go around mugging grannies!
Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:56 pm
by dna
I can understand the testing part.
This is a specific type of game, that most player has never play, so they don't know if they like
there is no demo available (**wink*wink**nudge*nudge** developpement team), and it's the first game of the team.
So all in one, there is a big risk...
i liked to see my games in a ration price/time...
any games that cost me less thant 1ยค/hour is a game i won't regret having bought.
And to everyone saying games are expensive, i give them this math, and ask them to do the same with movies, clubs, musics and even books.
so here you are saying you liked to play until level 9.
meaning, you are probably on 10-12 hours of play;
So this game was not expensive, and you deserved to pay for it.
if you think it is not worth 15 $ for the use you've done, you can still make a 5 or 10 $ donation to the dev team. They are indies, they will understand, and if you keep it quiet, they may even allow you to keep the game.
I disagree with game hacking, but i understand your way of doing. what i disagree is your 'standards'.
if you don't like a game, you'll know it after a few hours, may be few minutes.
if you are able to play a game for more than 5 hours, it means you like it, and you should buy it.
Doing what you do, finding some phony reason to says you don't like the game (you don't even have scratched the story), it's no better than saying you hack games because there too expensive.
Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:58 pm
by lastsaves
I personally enjoyed every puzzle in the game! These make LoG what it is - old school!
That was the way devs and the players wanted it. And to compare it to Dragon Age is preposterous.
Sure, the game is not for everybody, as showed in this thread, but the game wasn't designed for everybody, particularly not for casual players.
So, I wasn't be bothered much by this thread, because there are many other people who enjoyed it and will be enjoying new dungeons as well (can't wait for editor

Re: [SPOILERS] Why I am not buying this game
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:38 pm
by BlueSpace
NotRegret wrote:I make it a case to pirate games. I play through them fully. If i enjoyed myself after the game I'll buy a new copy.
This allows me to give all games an equal chance even if I am skeptical about them.
Grimrock was one of those games I was skeptical about but I gave it an attempt.
I really enjoyed the game but the 4 item puzzle on floor 9 ruined it for me.
The developer had to know that not all parties would have an archer to provide arrows
I stopped collecting rocks at like level 3
My minitaur didn't have the skull collecting feat so I never bothered to pick the things up.
It would probably take me 2 hours to run around empty floors looking for these items.
I know you're trying to make the puzzles difficult but theres a difference between difficult and just tedious and time consuming. The other puzzles were nice this one made me stop playing.
There are many ways you could have done it better.
-You could have added a counsel command that let players drop items into their bag (games much older and more difficult than grimrock let you do this.)
-You could have made there be more than one solution to the puzzles (an axe is beats bane and does indeed have a steel head, any of the random alchemy plants could be considered tears of the earth, any chunk of monster could be considered a severed dead)
-You could have made this one of the optional puzzles.
-You could have required that the player only need some of the items to solve the puzzle (like you only need to fill 2 pedastals instead of all 4)
Good game I had fun until the this part but this is unacceptably bad. I'm not gonna buy a retail copy or recommend it to my friends.
Yeah the developers knew, that's why they made sure to place all the items on the same level, so that people wouldn't need to backtrack to far and waste two hours. On top of that they included a small hint to make the puzzle a bit easier. Every time you place a correct item there will be a clicking sound.
What is not so brilliant is your post though. The word to describe it best is pathetic. Not for the pirating thing or the fact that you buy games after trying them. Many people do, but most don't post on the official game forum about it. I guess you think of yourself as some sort of quality tester and by pirating the games and only the paying the "worthy" designers, you think you actually do something good. You seem to have some delusions of grandeur in that regard.
I would also recommend to lock this thread.