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Re: Bloodwych mod
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:02 pm
by HaunterV
pabrams wrote:OmegaProxima wrote:Eh no you dont, there is no client-server in bloodwych, we're talking about split-screen here.
If someone made a game as a spiritual successor to bloodwych, I doubt they would be so faithful as to force people to play from the same console. The makers would certainly want to provide network connectivity, which almost definitely means client-server functionality, unless they make it work in some kind of peer to peer fashion but anyway no matter how you slice it the difficulty level is high.
I wish developers never went away from split screen. I still on occasion leave the house and/or have friends over and there are fewer and fewer games for us to play it seems, aside from fighting games and the occasional pac-man remake. It's a sad sad affair imo. an No Wii sports and or mario party, in fact minigame compilations just flat out do not count to me at all.
Re: Bloodwych mod
Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:05 am
by Lord_Santa
I still have a copy of Bloodwych original for the Amiga 500 in my shelf
truth be told, I do love me some Eye of the Beholder/Lands of Lore/Dungeon Master, but Bloodwych is the dungeon-crawler of which I measure all other dungeon-crawlers
I played that long before I tried Dungeon Master, and me and the friend I used to play with, were certain that Dungeon Master had ripped off Bloodwych (lol, times before the interwebz, huh?)
I must concur that split-screen is a necessity, however - either that, or LAN
I do think that both of them will be hard/impossible to implement in the current version of LoG, though
besides there is very little interest in split-screen games these days =/
still, though I as well will give it a shot to re-create the levels, if nothing else, just to see it done
Bloodwych will always stand as the peak of gaming to me, it's the one game that kept me and my friend playing from when we were basically kids (back in '90), 'til the day we parted (back in '98), so that game gave me more bang for the buck than any other I've ever experienced, together with someone
Re: Bloodwych mod
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:24 pm
by OmegaProxima
I certainly do not agree about split screen being off the map the last years... There are many s that support playing at the same screen. Some examples are shank, dungeon siege 3, tomb raider guardian of light, deathspank, magicka and I suppose there are plenty more I didnt get a chance to play.
Re: Bloodwych mod
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:57 pm
by SinusPi
All you Bloodwychians do remember that the Amiga and PC and 8-bit versions had wildly different maps, and even whole mechanics, right?

I wonder why no-one yet seems to have written those down.
To jog some memories:
PC had the player start with one character, then wander around the initial "city" gathering companions; ZX had a full party selector.
PC had support for thin (wooden) walls and doors; ZX had just thick blocks of stone.
Maps between PC and ZX differed vastly, of course.
PC had more varied enemies (including whole-square crabs and dragons); ZX had groupable humanoids only.
Did the Amiga and C64 versions vary as much, as well?
Re: Bloodwych mod
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:47 pm
by kelly11
Replayed it on an emulator just a month ago. got stuck in the dragon tower. At the place where there is a sign: to pass the lock / rotate the block. that part works, but then a the puzzle with the invissible teleporters.... I'm clueless again. and to think 18 years ago... I was able to solve it.... because I finished the game back then.
would be very nice to have a bloodwych remake or to use updated graphics from bloodwych for wallsets, etc
And yes.... dungeon master cloned bloodwych imho
Re: Bloodwych mod
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:48 pm
by kelly11
Could we make an arc bolt spell in grimrock ?