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Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:27 pm
by Rookhawk
anyone willing to assist me if I send a saved game file?
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:15 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Rookhawk wrote:anyone willing to assist me if I send a saved game file?
Why? Do what Thels stated and it's all yours:
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:05 am
by Grim Reaper
Dr.Disaster wrote:Why?
Some Gamers just don't have the responses or dexterity to do it, some are disabled, some are elderly, can be lots of reasons even after reading that thread and doing all the tips and knowing what to do, some are going to struggle or just not manage it, its a shame really there could not have been an option for timing, this is exactly the type of game that appeals to many elderly or arthritic gamers who don't have the uber responses needed for FP shooter type games.
We have what we have though.
I really struggled with this timed puzzle too and someone here helped me with my saved game that I was very grateful for.
Poor guy only made one post, hope he's not been put off.
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:48 am
by Dr.Disaster
There was no "i'm having trouble with .." or "i tried but failed" or "i can't do it because .." reason just a plain "who want's to do it for me". Pardon me but what the heck? Did he even try? Nobody knows and can tell while the info how to solve this puzzle is right here in this thread, just one page back!
I agree this puzzle is among the hardest in LoG1. It prolly took most players - yeah me too - a good while to get it done right on first play. This puzzle has the ability to make people curse at the game - i did it myself! - while the player himself does not realize that in fact HE(!) is wasting time with expendable party movement. So for players who have trouble figuring out how to do it right Thels wrote a hands-on guide. In short it's "prepare the room, concentrate, execute the sequence" literaly to the letter.
About the "why is there not timing option" argument:
This puzzle is totally optional as in "not required at all" or "complete for personal fun only".
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:23 am
by Grim Reaper
Yes its not a game show stopper, the puzzle can be ignored, but I don't think he would have posted if he was not having trouble.
Your guess is as good as mine for how long he tried, what I think it was he saw earlier much older posts where one or two guys were glad to help if we sent our saved game and hoped he could benefit from that too, those guys have obviously moved on now or would have helped I'm sure.
I'm not saying you are right or wrong in your assumption on the guy, we don't know, personally I consider all options being severely disabled myself ... but even if he was just lazy, so what? its just a game, if I could have helped I would.
Hope he's not put off purchasing Grimrock 2 ... myself, I cant wait
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:15 am
by AEWHistory
PSY wrote: ↑Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:09 am
TomDeMy wrote:food...i have food...and overloaded..... what should i take away?..i think i need that stuff.... eating... thanks for the tip
You're welcome.
When you carry too much stuff, you are overloaded. A little snail will show up on your character portrait. You will move SLOWER!
Just skimmed through your inventory.
There's a bunch of stuff you can get rid of because it's useless for you considering your skill tree / specialization.
Also eat those Burrow Rat Shanks first. They weigh 3.0 kg each ^^
Here's what you can dump:
-Sandmole Hide Vest
-Leather Pants x2
-You seem to be skilling on Assassination. Get rid of your short bow, crossbow and all arrows / quarrels
-You are carrying 9 rocks. Damnit. Get rid of some ^^
-Leather boots
-Leather gloves
-Legionary spear. Your rogue already got one equipped
-Whitewood wand. The thing weighs 3.5kg. That's not worth the extra 5 energy. You'll find something better soon. And you already have the Orb of Radiance equipped
And put at least 16 points into Armors with your Minotaur. Poor guy is carrying 5 heavy armor pieces, giving him a -39 evasion penalty because he fails the Heavy Armor Proficiency skill.
Whoa, whoa, whoa here PSY! You can’t go dumping all that fine attire. What if the snails throw an escargot party? Or the Uggardians fire up their party machine? You gotta have the right threads my man. If this is a leather party he’d be S.O.L. You gotta think these things through.
After all, I’d hate to miss one of those big bashes that the Orcs throw.....

Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:31 am
by AEWHistory
Grim Reaper wrote: ↑Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:05 am
Dr.Disaster wrote:Why?
Some Gamers just don't have the responses or dexterity to do it, some are disabled, some are elderly, can be lots of reasons even after reading that thread and doing all the tips and knowing what to do, some are going to struggle or just not manage it, its a shame really there could not have been an option for timing, this is exactly the type of game that appeals to many elderly or arthritic gamers who don't have the uber responses needed for FP shooter type games.
We have what we have though.
I really struggled with this timed puzzle too and someone here helped me with my saved game that I was very grateful for.
Poor guy only made one post, hope he's not been put off.
Actually, my real reason to bringing to thread back up is that I am havingthe exact same problem that is being discussed here, with one potential difference: I’m playing on an iPad.
I have cleared the room, there is nothing alive when I do my runs although the Uggardians regenerate, so I’ve had to kill them off again a couple times. This is a good thing, IMO, since I gives me a much needed exp. pt boost.
I am not encumbered. In fact, I have played most of the game with a ‘depot’ system. Basically, I choose a secure spot and store the bulk of my goods. I’ve got over 35 pcs of food. I’ve saved almost all the hand grenades for when I need them and only take what I need on raids through the dungeon. That’s the idea, in a nutshell: to allow me to have lots of goods around while minimizing (and decluttering) my inventory when I am in battle. It makes it easier to find what I need in a pinch and makes it extremely unlikely that I will get encumbered while I run around looting stuff. Despite all this, I am still doing these runs in armor. Does that matter as long as I am not encumbered? IRL it would, but I get the impression that the game only has three speeds: normal, encumbered, and you’re carrying too much crap to move.
I have a map of the run and I have tried it now about 15-20 times. I have gotten the first three buttons (I think that is right) but the fourth requires this circuitous route to get to it. I can’t imagine getting there before the doors open again. Any chance I can just throw an old pair of boots at the button?
So basically, I am stuck. I can’t get the Sword of Nex (I believe that is the reward here) and I really want it! Is there anything I can do, or am I just stuck trying to grind this out?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:00 am
by AEWHistory
Holy crap, I can’t believe it, but I did it. I made sure that everything else that might be running on the iPad was off in case it was slowing things down, even a tiny bit. I decided to then take a practice run and, whoosh, I ran thru the whole thing and came away with the Sword of Nex.
After that victory I decid d to try my hand again at stopping the room of bolts coming from the demon heads, but that was still a no go. I have a separate thread about that, but it is still a bummer.
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 7:18 pm
by Voskhod_02
Yeah, that level is definitely nintendo hard, I broke my teeth off it several times but managed to beat it at the millionth time

now, if only game developers knew that they have to do games easier than this level but harder than what gets pumped out these days...
Re: Level 6, Timed Secret, Sword of Nex
Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:36 am
by PSY
Just saw I had a notification
Congrats then, and congrats again for finding the original thread