Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to come!]

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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by Thels »

To solve the Quiver system, I'd recommend using some kind of "Satchel" system:

Each character sheet has say 3 satchel slots, which may only contain ammo, throwing weapons and consumables.

When a character uses the last ammo, throwing weapon or consumable from his hand, the items in the leftmost satchel will move into the now empty hand. Say an archer has fire arrows equipped in his offhand and poison arrows in his satchel. The moment he fires the last fire arrow, the poison arrows move from his satchel to his hand. Same thing for consumables and throwing weapons.

The auto-pickup system should pick up all items that the character shot/threw, not just the last type. When picking up an item, place it upon the current stack if the character already has an item of that type, or in a free hand if not. If both hands are full, put it in the leftmost satchel slot. If the satchel is also full, leave it on the ground. Of course, when shooting fire arrows, the character should also automatically pick up regular arrows (which most likely would go into the satchel, unless the character shot every last fire arrow he possessed, and now has a free hand).

This should solve the issue with multiple arrow types and not enchanting them to prevent the auto-pickup system. It also makes it a little easier early on where you have only a few items of one type, allowing you to switch to another type. If I can hold 12 rocks to throw, I should be able to hold 1 rock and 1 shuriken to throw.
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by Encephalon »

M.M wrote:I think rune system is fine. Nobody has to use mage, and poll in the other thread shows clearly that people are generaly happy with it.
Totally agree! I, for one, think the rune system is refreshing as it's something different compared to what most other games use. However, a spellbook would have been nice, so you could have easy access to the rune combination for all the spells you have discovered.
M.M wrote:add spear skill. Spears are funny, and in most games the arent very popular. It would be cool to be able to use it as main weapon.
I also missed that as a skill. It could be in the same class as hallberds, which would also bring some more weapons to the armoury.
M.M wrote:One more suggestion - how about adding ranger class? It is another classic, but i am aware that it would deduce from rogue class (bows), and i don't really know how to compensate. Perchaps by adding non combat skills such as lockpiking or trap detection, but know we are moving from DM style game into more of Realms of Arcania one.
Possible spoiler if you haven't got the "Buddies with Toorum" achievement, but there already are a ranger class in the game. Not quite what one would expect, but still.

I have also played with the idea of a healer class myself, and thought up a possible rune combination for a Heal spell set to Spellcraft. Although a mage may well be able to cast healing magic should the spell become available.

Another idea to make a class more customizable could be to give the classes a wider range of skills to choose from. Who's to say a warrior can't learn to skillfully use daggers, ranged and thrown weapons? A possibility could be to make more skills available when a character is first created, but the player can only choose 4 or 5 for each character which they can progress in as they gain experience and levels.
You know you're screwed when the light at the end of the hallway is an onrushing ogre wielding a torch.
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by oodyboo »

What if...

Each character sheet had a number of slots that represented all the stuff they carry, and there could be satchels found throughout the dungeon that can store ammo, throwing weapons, consumables, or even other items. They could have say 6 slots.

When a character uses the last equipped ammo, throwing weapon, or consumable from his hand, he could click an item in one of these "satchels" and move it into the now empty hand. Say an archer has fire arrows equipped in his offhand and poison arrows in his satchel. The moment he fires the last fire arrow, he can move the poison arrows from his satchel to his hand. Same thing for consumables and throwing weapons.

When a player shoots an arrow he could remember that he shot the arrow, click on it and drop it on the portrait to put it into the slots on the character sheet.

This should solve the issue with picking up multiple arrow types and not enchanting them to prevent the auto-pickup system. Maybe you can even give the characters two hands so they can hold 1 rock and 1 shuriken to throw...
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by Thels »

oodyboo wrote:When a character uses the last equipped ammo, throwing weapon, or consumable from his hand, he could click an item in one of these "satchels" and move it into the now empty hand. Say an archer has fire arrows equipped in his offhand and poison arrows in his satchel. The moment he fires the last fire arrow, he can move the poison arrows from his satchel to his hand. Same thing for consumables and throwing weapons.
How is that different from just dragging them from your backpack?
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by rakenan »

Thels wrote:
oodyboo wrote:When a character uses the last equipped ammo, throwing weapon, or consumable from his hand, he could click an item in one of these "satchels" and move it into the now empty hand. Say an archer has fire arrows equipped in his offhand and poison arrows in his satchel. The moment he fires the last fire arrow, he can move the poison arrows from his satchel to his hand. Same thing for consumables and throwing weapons.
How is that different from just dragging them from your backpack?
I'm pretty sure that it's not - and that's the point. The lack of quivers is mostly a cosmetic issue, and to the extent it is a gameplay issue, it is likely an intended (and much needed) balance on the power of missile weapons. That is, they are awesome, but getting the most of them may eat up inventory slots and require some micromanagement.
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by jetmouse »

It is a good idea to have a collective thread, I didn't do a search and created obsolete thread before :(... so again, better placed (and this time provoking some critic answers, maybe? :D

reduce light flickering - while a neat and eye-pleasing effect, it can make your eyes very weary after some time (at least console/.ini file variable, pleeease), the same as head bobbing, which was addressed in the patch (thank you so much!)
better autocollect - Autocollect enchanted arrows that hit (put it into inventory, maybe?). The micromanagement is a chore :(
multiple map notes - instead of N, be able to put numbers (1-9) - maybe left clicking on existing note adds the modifier (clicking on 9 reverts back to 1) = quicker orientation among notes
map scrolling with A,D as well - not only arrow keys (I hate to move my hand to arr. keys from WASD)
hotkeys for spell runes and attacks - I understand it is a design decision not to have them, but it would make the game better for me ;) - 1-4 to select char, Ctrl=left attack, Alt=right attack
do not stack movements - it is annoying to step one more space (and fall into the pit/fail puzzle) just because you held the key a little longer
game speed slider - some people have slower reactions and this would make the game more accessible to them
splash with damage when hit over portrait not over health bar - if hit several times in a row, it is not possible to see the actual health (and whether or not is it critical to heal just yet)
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by waylander »

it's strange the combined complaints adds up to every single thing a person has to input to make it a game,maybe it's not for some and watching youtube video's woul be more enjoyable.
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by M.M »

waylander wrote:it's strange the combined complaints adds up to every single thing a person has to input to make it a game,maybe it's not for some and watching youtube video's woul be more enjoyable.
If it is about quivers, i don't really need them. As someone said, i want them by the rule of cool.
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by Dhauntyr »

I don't mean to get off the subject of "quivers", but a few ideas for a couple more classes:

I'll go ahead and include the ones already available:


*Should note that the Sorcerer may be able to "absorb" hostile spells casted at him/her. That is to a reasoanble amount without overpowering the character.

Now the problem is, will there enough room for the all of those buttons? :?:
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Re: Collective Suggestion Thread [Exp + Quiver + More to com

Post by Encephalon »

I've been giving the idea about more clases some thought, and started to wonder: "Do LoG really need more classes?"

A ranger or barbarian is in essense a fighter, but it has been given a specific frame. When one reads "barbarian" you will most likely get a stereotypical image of a fierce, savage warrior clad in not much more than a loincloth, wielding a large sword or axe, possibly with some tattoos or tribal face paint. With "ranger" you get the image of a woodsman tracker and hunter, carrying a sword and longbow, clad in colours of green and brown. But they are, in essense, still fighters.

Some people have, myself included, suggested a healer class. I did because I'm used to if from other fantasy games. However, the term "mage" could have a broad meaning, just as "fighter" do. In the world of LoG perhaps the term mage would refer to any spellcaster, regardless of what magic they employ, healing included.

Instead of adding more classes the existing ones could be made more versatile. Take the fighter. Why can't a fighter learn daggers, ranged weapons and dodge? If the fighter could get these as options one could for a fighter choose swords, ranged weapon and dodge. Then you would have something that could pass for a ranger.
For traits you can choose two traits from a list for each character. What if you could do this with skills as well? Having a wider range of skills to choose from, but a limited number (say, 4 or 5) of slots to allocate these skills to. And once the game is started these skills are fixed for that character.
Although more skills would be shared by the different classes this way, some skills should be limited to a specific class. Such as Armours only being available to fighters and Assassination only being available to rogues.

Just some thoughts. :idea:
You know you're screwed when the light at the end of the hallway is an onrushing ogre wielding a torch.
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