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Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:30 pm
by Bloop
I patched the file successfully. I haven't played through to the spider level yet but it loaded up just fine :)

I don't know Python and haven't programmed in ages. Took me about an hour to figure out the problem >.<
I had trouble running the file myself on windows. Apparently it doesnt read long file names well like c:\Program X86\This dir name is long\Legend of Grimrock
It likes short DOS 8 char long dir names and files.


Firstly make sure you backup/copy the grimrock.dat to another directory for safe keeping in case you make a mistake.

Next make sure python is in a short file name dir like e:\python or d:\mystuff\python. Nothing with spaces or more than 8 char long in the directory/path/file name.

Then copy the grimrock.dat file to the python main directory along with the

Then type in the command prompt, once in that directory of course.
python e:\python

I am assuming if you did have a long path name such as (e:\Long Path Name\Python this would work as well:
python e:\longpa~\python
However I couldnt find how to list it in dos format so I just copied the files over to the Python dir.

Its quick and dirty .. if there is a more elegant way to do it feel free to post it :p

If you did it right you will see :
Spider remover for Legend of Grimrock
Making backup of grimrock.dat file .... done.
Removing spiders from level 1...13

Once it is completed copy the grimrock.dat along with the newly created asset folder file back to your game folder. Make sure you had a backup first in case!
--> !!!Also copy the asset folder into the main game directory, this directory is new but needed for reference to non-spider levels.

(I had not noticed it the first time, played through and crashed without the asset folder added. I played it again with the asset folder in place and it didn't crash when you get to the spider level. Spiders now look like slimes)

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:56 pm
by Bloop
I wanted to thank spoilspot for posting the spider removal script <3 <3 <3

I haven't gotten to that level yet as I am restarting the game so I don't encounter them :P

The spiders are the most terrifying ones I've encountered in my gaming years. (Devs, if this was your goal you REALLY did i right, but i can't play it, terrified :p )
I have played many games with spiders... but most of the older games had spiders that were more pixelized so I would scream but I would acclimate and play through... Minecraft comes to mind... although they still scare me. Those eyes...
It was never easy I would grit my teeth and it was extremely unpleasant.

However... the spiders in this game are a no go. I CANNOT play with those in there. They are too realistic.. the way they jumped and ran up at me scared the crap out of me. I couldn't stop screaming for 5 min straight the first time (only time) I encountered one.
Anyone with arachnophobia will prob understand. If you don't have it pls dont bother posting. You won't understand. My skin had the creepy crawlies afterwards for a while.
I love dungeon crawlers but these spiders made it the first time I wasn't going to finish a game I liked.
The bugs in Borderlands creep me out too but I bare it out >.< Helps to run them over w/ my vehicle but the squooshy sound still creeps me out :P The rest of the game is awesome tho :p

To those that don't have arachnophobia or can't wrap their heads around it. Yes some ppl could go to counciling but it doesn't always work. It also requires you to go to a psychologist or therapist. If you live in the US and don't have health insurance good luck lol.
Also it takes a while, months before you can acclimate yourself, if that is even possible. It is not an easy solution.

There is good fear and bad fear. Amnesia(the game) is good fear(to me), someone sneaking up and going BOO or jumping out at you and giving you that type of scare is a good scare. A new boss encounter in a game that gives you that adrenaline pumping fear is good.
Arachnophobia is not a good fear. It's more along the lines of a real fear encounter like hanging off the edge of a cliff with no one around and you're about to slip and fall to your death. It is an irrational impending doom. Irrational.
Anyone here that cannot accept irrational should take a closer look at themselves. Everyone does irrational things for whatever reason. When you do it because you are preprogrammed its worse. Your head throbs, you are in a pannicked state of mind and you can't snap out of it.
It's like a subprogram you can't delete that you are barely aware of until it runs.

I can understand the callousness on this forum especially of most of the players here are male.
In Western societies as many as 55% of females and 18% of males are estimated to experience arachnophobia.
Guys do get it too just not as often.

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:34 pm
by sprawler
i just rushed to level 3 with this script ... uuraz.jpg/

no gaming today :( level could not be loaded

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:38 pm
by Pipsissiwa
sprawler wrote:To be clear on this :) , i dont demand anything , i just nicley ask , and i ask everyone i can : modders and even game designers :) thats all
Sadly on this forum this rule seems to apply:

Anyone daring to 'Ask', 'Suggest', 'Postutate', 'Have a flight of fancy', 'Speculate 'what if'' and many other ways of mentioning alternatives to how this brilliant game is currently are read by a few very loud people (who you'd think would be too busy playing the game they are unnessessarily defending) as 'I DEMAND THIS CRAP GAME IS CHANGED TO SUIT ME' who then take it personally (surely only AH can do that) and feel the need to go on about it all for pages.

Just sayin'.

:lol: Peace.

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:10 pm
by synthetictruism
[quote="Gudadantza"]I had never seen so many complains together about digital spiders in a game, I am surprised. /quote]

I'm sure I remember a lot of players having trouble with System Shock 2 - there was an optional patch (or was it a mod?) released to remove the spiders in the end.

I have pretty bad arachnophobia, but luckily digital spiders have never bothered me :)

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:22 pm
by spoilspot
Bloop wrote: Then copy the grimrock.dat file to the python main directory along with the
If you did it right you will see :
Spider remover for Legend of Grimrock
Making backup of grimrock.dat file .... done.
Removing spiders from level 1...13

Once it is completed copy the grimrock.dat file back to your game folder. Make sure you had a backup first in case!
Good description.
Notice that if you copy the grimrock.dat file to a different directory before patching it, you also need to copy the newly generated "assets" directory back to the original directory. It holds the extracted and patched levels.
The levels in the .dat file has merely been "disabled" so the game can't find them and will read the extracted files instead.

This might explain that the game stops when it reaches level 3, since it never found a level03.lua file anywhere.

Best of luck

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:02 pm
by sprawler
oki step by step ,
- i copied grimrock.dat and spider script to python27
-execute script in python27 directory
-copied grmrock,dat and grimrock orig.dat from python27 directory to -> grirock game directory :)
im doing somethin wrong ?
oki i thiink i understand , there is folder generated named "assets" :

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:10 pm
by sprawler
i started the game without "assets " now when i added it in middle of game i entered the dunegon level 3 , the whole level is empty :D , do i have to start new game , ro i just frogot something to copy ?

Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:38 pm
by spoilspot
sprawler wrote:i started the game without "assets " now when i added it in middle of game i entered the dunegon level 3 , the whole level is empty :D , do i have to start new game , ro i just frogot something to copy ?
You should probably start a new game after you copy the assets folder to the Grimrock directory. My guess is the game assumed there was no level 3 (probably it stopped looking there and didn't find level 4+ either) and just created the dungeon without it. So when you follow the stairs down on level 2, it gets the invalid index into the dungeons list and promptly stops.

You need to generate a new dungeon, which means starting a new game, sorry.


Re: spider mod pls :)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:59 pm
by Shadowfied
I also have arachnophobia. It's really painful to be arachnophobic. I'm 16 years now, it's getting better and better every year. Two summers ago was the most painful summer of my life. I was so freaked out, I looked in every corner, every ceiling, someone had to help me to get rid of them if I saw one. I hope I won't have such a summer ever again. This has been such a huge problem that it honestly is one of the reasons I can't relax when I'm outside. When I was a little kid (I'm still a kid I know) I could lie in the grass, just staring at the sky with no fear. I can't now. Especially not if I'm alone. Sorry for that long introduction, but anyway I just wanna share my opinion about spiders in games and my experiences.

Dark Messiah was an amazing game, but when I got to the spider cave I was so freaked out. I could barely play it. Had to have friends over at my place if I were to go further there. I tried the no-spider mod which replaced them with pigs but I found that almost as horrible. It was still the spider-ish environments and the same sounds. The soulless pigs just gliding towards you with no animations whatsoever was just freaky.

Spiders in Skyrim are scary as hell sometimes, depends on my mood or something(don't really know what's causing me to be less afraid sometimes), sometimes they're just not as scary. The most horrible things with the spiders in Skyrim is the way they come down from the ceiling, it disgusts me extremely. Having to be afraid of spiders in a game like Skyrim is really sad. The Elder Scrolls are one of my favorite series of games and I spend countless hours in all of them and the Fallout games. I also try to explore as much as I can, but some places I have to wait with and go back later when I'm in a mood to not be that afraid. It's most painful though if it's in a cave or a location in which you must go to progress through a quest. So Skyrim works. After my experience with the no-spider mod in Dark Messiah I don't think I'm gonna try one again.

Extremely luckily though the spiders in Grimrock aren't bad at all to me.
The following text about Grimrock might include tiny spoilers about spiders and the environments in the game.
They look to mechanical to me. It's a bit disgusting when they jump at you but it's not a big problem at all. I was so happy after beating a few spiders, because I wasn't freaked out by them, and I had been waiting so much for Grimrock and really wanted to able to enjoy it. I can definitely understand if people want a no-spider mod in THIS game, especially since there aren't really much of any spider-ish environments, other than the eggs which you can just smash. (And by the way nothing ever happened to me when smashing them, no spiders came out of them or anything)
That's pretty much how I feel about spiders in games.

Some more real-life stuff if anyone would be interested, using spoiler tags to avoid filling up this topic with potentially uninteresting information.
One of the most disrespectful things is when people say to me "IT'S JUST A SPIDER, IT CAN'T HURT YOU" which makes me very upset. I live in Sweden, the spiders here are very tiny (luckily) and we don't have any (known at least) spiders that are dangerous. The fear of spiders for me is not that I think they can cause me physical damage, but they can make me feel sick and disgusted. I'm very well aware that if anything, spiders should be, and most likely are rather afraid of me, being extremely huge compared to them. There's so many things about spiders though that do disgust me: First of all the word spider has become a disgusting name, of course because that is the word we use when we refer to these creatures. The Swedish word, "Spindel" is even worse and disgusts me even more. The way they look, the way they live just disgust me and makes me feel bad. There is one positive thing about spiders, that is the fact that they catch the creatures most commonly known as "Daddy long-legs" which I also am extremely afraid of. They are quick and have the advantage of flying and they have so very, very long legs which makes them look really big sometimes. Luckily though daddy long-legs are unlike spiders, very very stupid and they can kill themselves by continually trying to fly through a window. On the summers I like to keep my window open because It's very warm inside, I have tons of electrical stuff in my room which makes the room hot, but when it starts getting dark I have to close cause otherwise tons and tons of daddy long-legs come in, and if/when they do, I run from my room and ask someone to help me to kill them. So yeah..just wanted to explain a bit about me and my fear, and if you read all this, thanks for reading.