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Re: Level 9 Pit puzzle and locked door
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:10 pm
by grinder
PSY wrote:1) The RED part of the compass needle ALWAYS points north. If it doesn't, it's broken or from a child's magazine.
Well, it seems depending on country where compass was made

The only compass I had in my childhood was USSR-made and had blue and red arrows for north and south respectively. I just googled russian sites and almost all of them say red is for south.
Thanks for the explanation, guys!
That's logical, I just thought it's another tricksie

Re: Level 9 Pit puzzle and locked door
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:46 pm
by PSY
grinder wrote:Well, it seems depending on country where compass was made

The only compass I had in my childhood was USSR-made and had blue and red arrows for north and south respectively. I just googled russian sites and almost all of them say red is for south.
Seems to be the reason why the USSR went south
But thanks for the info. Didn't know that.
Re: Level 9 Pit puzzle and locked door
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:17 pm
by Keyran
KLJF22 wrote:I have the "perk" where whenever I throw an item it automatically throws 2. So it would not work for me. I had to make sure I only had one rock in my hand when I went to throw it.
Also, going to make it painfully clear... Here is where you should stand and direction you throw.
That worked perfectly for me.
I have done this puzzle by firstly throwing a torch east and then dropping a second one on the ground, facing north, at the second point. So, no need to throw anything for the second part, you only have to drop something on the ground of the westmost-northmost tile of this room. And remember to stand on the tile directly south of that last one.
Re: Level 9 Pit puzzle and locked door
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:48 am
by LiamKerrington
Hi there.
I refer to your "right" picture of KLJF22. Move me 1 space upwards (to the North). Then throw to the East, then to the North from that location (or was it vice-versa?). There is no real need to really move around. Works very well as well.
All the best!