Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
- zimberzimber
- Posts: 432
- Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:06 pm
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Alright... Before I go on recreating the charge component in the hacky and probably not very good way which include 3 actions that check for stuff and animation combining, do you have good idea on how to recreate it properly in mind?
...Or am I being overly complicated and missing something as simple as an 'onHitEntity'?
...Or am I being overly complicated and missing something as simple as an 'onHitEntity'?
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
MonsterChargeComponent would be pretty obnoxious to recreate. I recommend giving it an attack power of 0 (should stop it from damaging the champions entirely) and using the onEndAction() hook to inflict damage instead - I think all you'd have to do is check if the party is directly in front of the monster when the charge ends.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Have you designed a party Charge attack minmay??minmay wrote: edit: oops I just realized you were probably talking about MonsterChargeComponent.
Has anyone attempted this?
I have thought about this and how to - on the shelf for now - but a rough idea:
Code: Select all
all champs must be ready to attack, have sufficient energy and not immobilized by -paralyzed, slow - conditions
release secondary attack from a weapon or shield while the party is moving forward (check)
monster up to 3 squares ahead -pits ok , just fall down - no obstacles, check line of fire
disable party inputs, movement, free look etc
(maybe even get data first then disable champions /remove party while charging)
increase party move speed >> then call party:move (possibly use delayed call to charge 2nd square)
Sounds - heavy footsteps + power attack yell?
Maybe add some screen tilting forward?
Calculate damage - based on aforementioned damage protection (monster type & group as well)
knockback monsters (unless tentacles or juggernaught etc)
OR if the monster is massive / too heavy like a Golem/Warden or party collides with a monster also charging - maybe no knockback >> but injure/damage champions instead
damage monsters, shake screen
make each champ attack as charge connects, returning false to remove swipes (but you dont get cooldown effects hmm)
delay the enabling of party inputs movement etc to mimic a cooldown moment??
reduce energy based on distance charged/moved
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Are we talking about an alternative charge attack for monsters (Like the ogre)?
Strictly off the cuff, I'd think use of the party knockback should do the job of the impact effect to the party; with a flash of the injury screen effect, and screen-shake.
Damage (I haven't thought about yet); I had considered a tileDamager, but for minmay's mention of individual damage based on chest armor.
Strictly off the cuff, I'd think use of the party knockback should do the job of the impact effect to the party; with a flash of the injury screen effect, and screen-shake.
Damage (I haven't thought about yet); I had considered a tileDamager, but for minmay's mention of individual damage based on chest armor.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
(assuming youre responding to me) Nope - I was referring to a Charge Attack made by / for the PartyIsaac wrote:Are we talking about an alternative charge attack for monsters (Like the ogre)?
Strictly off the cuff, I'd think use of the party knockback should do the job of the impact effect to the party; with a flash of the injury screen effect, and screen-shake.
Damage (I haven't thought about yet); I had considered a tileDamager, but for minmay's mention of individual damage based on chest armor.
(similar to the Ogres yes, but triggered through a weaponor shield secondary action)
Unrelated Question : is there any way / what is the best way to determine if the player has imported a party?
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
A party charge attack could have the potential to break puzzles due to increased movement speed; a controllable [aimed] charge, even more so.
*Checking for equipment too.
Perhaps checking for XP at the start of the game; (XP you didn't give them).akroma222 wrote:Unrelated Question : is there any way / what is the best way to determine if the player has imported a party?
*Checking for equipment too.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
No, and I don't plan to.akroma222 wrote:Have you designed a party Charge attack minmay??
As far as I know you cannot determine this from the user scripting interface with 100% accuracy. The closest you could get is to verify that the party looks like it could have been created as a new party - 2 total skill points on every champion (3 if they are a human with Skilled), all baseStats are reachable from the baseline values and initial stat points, no more than 2 traits all of which are valid character creation traits, 0 xp, etc. etc. etc.akroma222 wrote:Unrelated Question : is there any way / what is the best way to determine if the player has imported a party?
If you do this correctly it will 100% stop the player from "cheating" by importing a more powerful party. However they can still import a party with traits that do not exist in your dungeon; there is no way for you to detect that, and it will cause a crash when they cast a spell blah blah blah you probably know about that already.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Good callIsaac wrote:A party charge attack could have the potential to break puzzles due to increased movement speed; a controllable [aimed] charge, even more so.

Isaac wrote: Perhaps checking for XP at the start of the game; (XP you didn't give them).
*Checking for equipment too.
Yup, thought I may have to do it this way via a bunch of checks - Thanks both of youminmay wrote:As far as I know you cannot determine this from the user scripting interface with 100% accuracy. The closest you could get is to verify that the party looks like it could have been created as a new party - 2 total skill points on every champion (3 if they are a human with Skilled), all baseStats are reachable from the baseline values and initial stat points, no more than 2 traits all of which are valid character creation traits, 0 xp, etc. etc. etc.

minmay wrote:However they can still import a party with traits that do not exist in your dungeon; there is no way for you to detect that, and it will cause a crash when they cast a spell blah blah blah you probably know about that already.
I do indeed - just to confirm - there is naught I can do about this..... except mention explicitly in a readMe file NOT to import any party from another Mod??
I seem to recall someone working on an import party conversion script.... (not that Im interested in implementing it)
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
That was the save editor, which includes a button to remove nonstandard traits from the party to prevent this crash. But that's a tool for users to use, you can't integrate it in your mod obviously. There's no practical way to get rid of all the nonstandard traits from within your mod itself, because you don't know what the names of those traits are.akroma222 wrote:I do indeed - just to confirm - there is naught I can do about this..... except mention explicitly in a readMe file NOT to import any party from another Mod??
I seem to recall someone working on an import party conversion script.... (not that Im interested in implementing it)
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Here is an experimental charge attack for the party; implemented as a magical "Horn of Berserker Charge'.
*It's not necessarily balanced for play, but it does have some usage checks (and experimental limitations). As-is it may well allow the breaking puzzles that can be broken by a faster than expected party —provided they don't need to change direction during the charge.
Feel free to make changes.
Just add & equip the horn to use.
** Ideally there should only be one of these available. There is an exploit [quirk of design] if two are present, that allows one tile charge attacks by the other PCs, if they also have horns equipped.
*It's not necessarily balanced for play, but it does have some usage checks (and experimental limitations). As-is it may well allow the breaking puzzles that can be broken by a faster than expected party —provided they don't need to change direction during the charge.
Feel free to make changes.
Just add & equip the horn to use.
Code: Select all
name = "horn_of_berserker_charge",
baseObject = "horn",
components = {
class = "Item",
uiName = "Horn of Berserker Charge",
gfxIndex = 297,
weight = 1.0,
primaryAction = "blow",
description = "This horn has a pungent earthy smell.",
class = "ItemAction",
name = "blow",
uiName = "Blow Horn",
cooldown = 6,
onAttack = function(self, champion)
name = "berserk",
uiName = "Berserk",
description = "An incensed charging attack!",
icon = 1,
iconAtlas = "assets/textures/gui/conditions.tga",
beneficial = true,
harmful = false,
tickInterval = .1,
onStart = function(self, champion)
--tests for if party can use the charge attack
local proceed = true
if champion:getEnergy() < 1 then self:setDuration(0)
for x = 1, 4 do
if x ~= champion:getOrdinal() then
local otherChamp =
if not otherChamp:isAlive() then
elseif otherChamp:isAlive() and
not otherChamp:isReadyToAttack(1) or
not otherChamp:isReadyToAttack(2) then
hudPrint("All must be ready to follow the charge!")
--Charge attack audio/video effects
onStop = function(self, champion)
onRecomputeStats = function(self, champion)
if self:getDuration() == 0 then return end
champion:setEnergy(champion:getEnergy()*(self:getDuration()*.21) )
if champion:getEnergy() <= .5 then self:setDuration(0) return end
onTick = function(self, champion)
local dX,dY = getForward(party.facing)
local mass = 30 + champion:getBaseStat("strength") + champion:getLoad() --experimental attack damage
if,party.y+dY, party.elevation) or,party.y+dY, party.elevation) then
if,party.y+dY, party.elevation) then dX = 0 dY=0 mass=mass/2 end
for monster in,party.y+dY, party.elevation) do
if then
damageTile(party.level, party.x+dX, party.y+dY, party.facing, party.elevation, 444, 'physical', mass)"damage_screen")