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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:33 am
by HaunterV
Merethif wrote:
SpiderFighter wrote:
Merethif wrote:Oh, I can't wait! It's almost midnight here so I'm not going to see all those nifty rooms until tomorrow evening. Calling sick has never been so tempting ;-)
lol...I shall not be an accomplice to your truancy!
Oh, ok..PM sent. :)
Almost 100 MB! Nice. I'm downloading it but I promise I won't open it until tomorrow... (rolled natural 1 on Will saving throws)

we're almost at 100 megs? thats the steam max... ah well...

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:45 am
by Komag
no, that's the download we're passing. The exported dat file now is just over 50MB

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:51 am
by Neikun
Komag wrote:no, that's the download we're passing. The exported dat file now is just over 50MB
The .dat of the dungeon I'm using to house all the assets I'm working on is currently 194 mb...

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:47 am
by Xanathar
applause for Komag, he took care of some anchorpos in lua for me in my room, when its numbers in lua I always just go "bhaa close enough" after a few :D
I totally join this! Komag noticed details in my room I should have noticed myself, and did so through an exceptional attention to details and playing the room to death.. THANKS! :)

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:10 pm
by Komag
it was my pleasure guys :oops: :mrgreen:

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:01 pm
by HaunterV
i have a problem:

i used this script in my testing room;

Code: Select all

function killObject()
    for i in entitiesAt(party.level, 22, 5) do
      if == "object_name" then
and connected a plate to it, and a teleporter. It was all working well, in fact it still works as far as removing the object on the square indicated and every other script on the floor works too as far as i can tell.

The problem is i made a second floor then moved that floor above the floor this script is on, the connectors are all still there, and everything is as it was when it was floor 1, but it seems the teleporter is not firing anymore. The idea of the script is it removes one object when a pressure plate is pressed and another object is teleported to it's place. It's that second part that is no longer happening. I even reconnected all the wiring so to speak. I honestly was hoping to just cut n paste the whole thing into the 1RRR, but if something like changing the floor this all happens on messes it up.... i dunno what to do.

I shall go back and look again tonight and see if i can cobble it back together.

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:59 pm
by Komag
It shouldn't be too hard to fix. Check that the teleporter target floor is correct (that has to be set manually if you set a target on a different floor). When moving floors for things, sometimes odd things happen, so maybe you need to delete the teleporter and set up a new one.

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:32 pm
by SpiderFighter
Komag wrote:It shouldn't be too hard to fix. Check that the teleporter target floor is correct (that has to be set manually if you set a target on a different floor). When moving floors for things, sometimes odd things happen, so maybe you need to delete the teleporter and set up a new one.
I agree with's very easy to miss simple things when you're undertaking a large problem. I would give the code one more look then, if you can't isolate the problem, back up the files, delete the tele and try again. Chances are it really is something simple, though.

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:07 pm
by JohnWordsworth
"The Chamber of Morpheus" has been drafted :). Am quite glad of the extra time to bug find and test and the lua ended up at almost 300 lines! Although, probably at least a third of that is blank space and comments. All in all, it rocks in at 2.5Mb in source files and less than a MB when exported as a dat. Less need to worry than I thought. Very excited to see the finished product in a few weeks time!

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:32 pm
by Merethif
Ok, dungeon sent back to SpiderFighter. My room is fairly simple so in-game testing didn't take much time.
I have left a 3 squares long tunnel going up north for further rooms (ends at 11/2), but of course that tunnel may be shorter if needed
Xanathar wrote:(...)Sadly I had to leave an empty area left of my room and above Wilfrey's one, it's a big patch of wasted squares at this time :(
Fortunately my room was exactly the right size to be squeezed there. So no space wasted :-)

Custome assets added:
- Couple of simple recolours of items and objects (these are mostly unique items/objects related to my room that will be of no use outside of it, but books recolour models may be reused for other custom books if anyone need them).
- Huder's pedestal

And of course the rooms I've played so far are amazing. All those nifty custom sounds and robots and wondrous floors and altars effects and a special surprise for a dedicated tree-huggers like myself... :-D