Finished 'The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak', without a doubt the mod with the longest name so far...

I am a bit stuck for words to be honest in order not to go over the top on this one. But, ok, here goes: This is the best mod I played on LOG and LOG2! And I played quite a few. The fights are awesome, the puzzles great, mean but quite solvable and sometimes original. There is a wonderful story beneath it all and man, I love the humor (who said Germans don't have any?). The remarks of the members of the party are witty and useful and they add to the atmosphere of the mod. I encountered no bugs, the whole thing is well-tested and wonderfully designed. I bet it's as large as the Master Quest Mod and the original LOG2 game. In fact I think it can compete with LOG2 in most aspects and at times surpasses it. No respawning at all, which is a wonderful experience. Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Master lovers will smile at times with recognition as the authors 'borrowed' some elements and tricks from these games.
Finally there is a complete walkthrough available on YouTube and Joerg is helping out any problem you might have on the forum.
10/10 for me. I bow my head in sheer admiration.