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Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:30 pm
by Gudadantza
theruler wrote:Gudadantza wrote:
-The rune tablet remembers the last spell marked.
That wouldn't be always efficient. If you have to change spell you'd have to cancel previous runes.
During action it would be the difference between succeed in a fight and reload the game.

Well, of course. you´d need to change the spell in that case. But if you want to use the same spell you have to write it again. (focusng in combat)
According to the monsters have their weak points and you fight in the majority of the cases with one type of them, you would want to repit the spell.
the result would not be better than now if you change constantly, but it would be more combat focused.
Of course if the intention is to make the magic use slower in combat then it would not be touched, or if the intention is reward the variety of spells in combat, the same. But personally I am not very convinced
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:43 pm
by Darklord
Silverhawk wrote:
Or you simlpy use this for all four portraits:
Special ability: roundhouse kick.

Chuck Norris needs no allies, he can take the entire Dungeon out with one punch.
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:44 pm
by marcaber
first things first: Hy there - great game, love it!
Now the tech question: is there a decent reason why U did not include a (-) button on the skill tab?
maybe I´m alone with that nasty "darn, picked the wrong skill (row) 'cause my hands still shaky from that last fierce fight"
but it would be great if one could take back skill points as long as one stays in the skill tab, what do you think?
Best Regs!!
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:48 pm
by Darklord
marcaber wrote:first things first: Hy there - great game, love it!
Now the tech question: is there a decent reason why U did not include a (-) button on the skill tab?
maybe I´m alone with that nasty "darn, picked the wrong skill (row) 'cause my hands still shaky from that last fierce fight"
but it would be great if one could take back skill points as long as one stays in the skill tab, what do you think?
Best Regs!!
Glad you are enjoying the game, one suggestion is to save your game before you level up, just in case you change your mind later. I personally keep a save just for this.
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:01 pm
by marcaber
Darklord wrote:
... one suggestion is to save your game before you level up, just in case you change your mind later. I personally keep a save just for this.
man, I´m feeling dump now ... didn't think of that -thx for the lightning fast response

Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:31 pm
by Darklord
Happy to help.
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:59 pm
by Tea
seebs wrote:Tea wrote:Any chance we can have save games moved to My Games? Read savegames from Documents\Almost Human if they exist, but please have it save to Documents\My Games\Almost Human instead. That folder is there for a reason; savegames aren't documents.
I was under the impression that "My Games" was a folder offered for containing game software.
I would consider saved games to be documents. The things a program loads and saves? Those are pretty much by definition "documents" from a computer's perspective.
"Documents" are your essays, reports, manuals, instructions, reminders, contracts, forms etc etc. Things that you work on. The "My Documents" folder has always been for your
documents and shouldn't contain anything else other than that. Essentially Documents should only contain .doc, .odt, .pdf etc and very little else.
"My Games" was introduced as a convention late into XP's life, with
some developers opting to create the folder and dumping stuff in there, in Vista it became accessible by a syscall and an update to XP also later included it. Microsoft demand that savegames be placed in Documents\My Games as one of their requirements for a Games for Windows certification; it is how it is meant to be done on Windows (I'm not saying Grimrock needs GFW certification, but standards are in place for a reason). My Documents folder is hell because developers keep neglecting that function and populating it; I like to be able to find things in there.
Essentially, by convention, for the sake of cleanliness, all game developers should put their savegames and configuration files in My Games. That way we all know where they will be, and our documents folders will be left clean. I think it should be easy enough for the Grimrock developers to read from both My Games and Almost Human, but create My Games\Almost Human if neither exist.
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:09 pm
by seebs
Tea wrote:seebs wrote:
I would consider saved games to be documents. The things a program loads and saves? Those are pretty much by definition "documents" from a computer's perspective.
"Documents" are your essays, reports, manuals, instructions, reminders, contracts, forms etc etc. Things that you work on. The "My Documents" folder has always been for your
documents and shouldn't contain anything else other than that. Essentially Documents should only contain .doc, .odt, .pdf etc and very little else.
Says who?
We've been using the term "document" to refer to "whatever it is that an app saves and loads" for at least twenty years, probably thirty. Where is this spec stating that it can apply only to text documents?
If I create an application project in my IDE, it goes in "documents", because it is a thing that the IDE will open, edit, and save.
If I start an application, and I create some sort of data, and save it, it is a "document" for that application. Wizardry save games? Documents for the Wizardry app.
EDIT: The next claim is wrong, see following post. Leaving it here because pretending you didn't make mistakes is lame.
And again: The Games folder is for THE GAME ITSELF. Not for files associated with it.
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:15 pm
by Torst
petri wrote:
Work in progress: - Testing
May i can help you
Thanks to be part of the community and inform us !
Re: 1.1.4 Patch Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:26 pm
by seebs
Okay, correction time: I was confused. I was mistaking the "games" start menu thing for the "My Games" directory.
Although I think the games thing is a subfolder of documents.
The thing is: The term "document" is a term of art, and it refers to the files that are associated with a given app. On a system with suitable tools (like the creator codes in classic MacOS), they're the things which, when you try to open them, that app opens. That the extension system on Windows doesn't offer a reasonably clean way to do this for game saves doesn't change the fact that they're things which you open, modify within a program, and save from that program, and that makes them "documents" in the user interface sense, even if they are not "text files".