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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:37 am
by bacchus1974
i have test this mod and i think for me the best mod i have finish
merci beaucoup pour ce super mod pandafox
Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:29 pm
by hargoyle
Great mod, enjoying it! But now I'm stuck. On level 1. Not sure if it is a bug or just plain stupidity on my behalf.
It's the place with the three rooms. I've cleared the spider room and the snail room. It's the remaining room that puzzles me. And I'm suspecting that it's a bug because there's three types of niches in the room:
1. Normal niches. You can put stuff into them and take stuff out.
2. Two graphically normal niches but you can't put anything in them.
3. Weirdo walls that just suck up stuff. You can put things in there and the bigger items even poke out from the wall (shields etc) but you can never take the items out. These are graphically glitched, too. Looks like they mix two different dungeon wall sets or something.
I'm really confused here. As per the tip on the scroll I've been trying to fill the niches but no luck there. Tips?
Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:36 pm
by Komag
Okay, I'm trying this mod, hopelessly stuck in this crazy buggy weird room with overlapping wallsets and alcoves. I did toss a weapon and opened the alcove to get an iron key, tried stuffing junk in every crazy alcove in there, including some through walls that can't be retrieved (as previous poster mentioned).
This room feels buggy to me. I remember a couple alcoves in the hallway entrance just outside the door, did I trap myself in here by not stuffing them full before entering?
EDIT - found answer by reading first half of this thread, a walk-through alcove, strange
Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:02 am
by Neikun
Komag wrote:Okay, I'm trying this mod, hopelessly stuck in this crazy buggy weird room with overlapping wallsets and alcoves. I did toss a weapon and opened the alcove to get an iron key, tried stuffing junk in every crazy alcove in there, including some through walls that can't be retrieved (as previous poster mentioned).
This room feels buggy to me. I remember a couple alcoves in the hallway entrance just outside the door, did I trap myself in here by not stuffing them full before entering?
EDIT - found answer by reading first half of this thread, a walk-through alcove, strange
Blade pulled that off really well once, but it was an optional secret room.
Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:42 am
by kenfusion
Great mod loving it so far, very original, the music is great, took a little getting used too, but really adds to the ambience, made me jump a few times too.
I am stuck finding the second green gem. I found the first in the spider room but having retraced the whole dungeon now 2 times I am at a loss as to where the second one is. Please help would love to progress with this mod.
Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:09 pm
by Pandafox
kenfusion wrote:Hi
Great mod loving it so far, very original, the music is great, took a little getting used too, but really adds to the ambience, made me jump a few times too.
I am stuck finding the second green gem. I found the first in the spider room but having retraced the whole dungeon now 2 times I am at a loss as to where the second one is. Please help would love to progress with this mod.
hi !
a long time I didn't think about the master key, then I am not sure but I think the second green gem is hidden somewhere in the small maze at the end of the spider room level... before go down to the next level
Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:48 pm
by kenfusion
ok am back again asking for help:)
Just finished the choas key which was AWESOME, but started that mod due to getting stuck on this one. After a week of playing the Chaos key I decided to start this one fresh. I tool double care when exploring this time so as not to miss anything, and yet still seem stuck with the same problem.
I can only find ONE green gem but have 3 blue ones.I am unable to progress, I have screenshots of my map maybe you can see soemthing I have missed?
Please help cause your other mod was so good I know this one will also not disappoint if I can just get that flipping green gem

Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:56 pm
by Pandafox
same problem as the chaos key... I can't remember all the things perfectly in my dungeons....
You can send to me your savegame and I will see, then I can tell you
Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:58 pm
by Pandafox
I just tried your savegame and I saw you didn't open the door on the right of the 'plates passage'
There is a button to open this door on the wall on the right just after the door which is opened by the plates system is open. (near you are in your savegame)
(I hope you can understand my bad english)

Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:23 pm
by kenfusion
OMG I can't believe I missed that button, I was too busy focusing on level 1 hahaha thank you so much.