Well, for an old Dungeon stalker, Legend of Grimrock can be a 'must have'. So i bought two copies

Looking through some of the reviews, i´m really impressed!
My all time favourites in grid based:
Dungeon Master + CSB
Fate - Gates of Dawn (Amiga - not only dugeon crawler but a whole outer world with a great story)
Eye of the Beholder 1 + 2
Lands of Lore 1
Black Crypt (Amiga)
Bloodwych (Amiga)
ATM i replay Lands of Lore 1 under Dosbox - as a training session for the dungeon that come to me at 11th of april

Yes, i know it runs under scummvm, too..
Sad that you devs not manage to release LoG short before easter^^
There are more games that i found very inspiring, such as Albion for an RPG, or the really great M.A.X., a turn based strategy game - for me, the best ever made!
Or Jagged Alliance 1 + 2.. but that is a bit off-topic here

Dear devs, i wish you massive orders - and go on with a cool LoG Editing package!