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Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:34 pm
by sapientCrow
Khollik wrote: ↑Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:24 am
Hello SapientCrow
There is two puzzles here, one of them you seem to have already solved
Put a torch in every torch holder in the village to open a secret in the chapel
Put a scroll of light on the altar in the chapel to open another secret
And if you don't get sick of these "light" puzzles, there is a third one, if you look closely to the surroundings
Spot the three forest lanterns and dig at the intersection
I hope you're having fun
thanks! I did manage to dig that chest up. Something I seem to have forgot is where I dug up the chest or secret that revealed the thraelm chestplate. do you recall where that was?
haha... I forgot to re-dig that spot in Village to get the chest for third light puzzle.
sometimes I dig up the entire map just to see if I find something but its ugly so I reload and just dig where I find stuff.
yes so far it has been a fun mod for sure!
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:57 pm
by sapientCrow
I just completed meditation rooms
First I actually opened all three doors with serpent staff and did not use gold keys so basically the whole area can be bypassed this way.
If I know the temple I assume refers to the map showing the skull?
Edit: Interestingly I just did the spirit of the forest part because I thought I would find the shaman staff and it was not the serpent one.
Now for test your patience I had to look up solution. I have no idea how test your patience plaque ends up being the 6 button presses and a lever pull. I could of sat there testing so many combinations.
I have a question about Mystical Mountain and that is there are 2 faces and one lever that triggers a face to shoot a blob which ends up crashing into a wall. Is there some secret that opens that wall up for the blob to land in a receptacle?
Edit: I figured this out... dig!!
Now I wonder what the note means the wise man leaves at night from forest to mountain or something like this...
I am assuming perhaps the face of the mountain should be fully lit up with meditation lights?
And the meditation area where you press the wall buttons has something to do with the 5x5 grid on wall.
Also follow the wisps??
Do we get lockpicks for all chests?
I found a random iron key under the village which I have not found a place for yet.
Seems I am totally stuck. Only thing left in Archive is a bunch of colored alcoves with some statement about knowledge and reading. I have 2 chests that need lockpicks. I have the earth essence and water essence. I am not able to get past Ogre with a Precious. I have nothing to get me into meteor cave. i have completed Blackwood.
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:00 pm
by Khollik
Hi SapientCrow
I NEVER thought someone would carry the serpent staff long enough to use it in the meditation rooms

. You're supposed to get rid of it waaaaaay sooner in the game! But congrats, you just found a new glitch in my mod! (I'll have to put regular doors though

The Archive door is the one you need to open now to go further into your adventure. For the "good reading" room, don't forget that you are in a library.
You're supposed to put the scrolls found in this level to their respective alcove. The colored lights give you a hint for each alcove. Try to cast a spell of darkness or to remove your torch if you can't see well
Here is the solution:
Starting from upper left to lower right: fire shield ; poison shield ; darkness ; frost shield ; shock shield ; basic shield
For the other questions:
- the "wise man" note is not meant to be used for the mystical moutains puzzle but for the Shrine of Meditation (hence the title

). For this one you'll need to carefully read the note and look around you
- yes, there is enough lockpicks for all the chests (though the chests are secondary, as in the vanilla campain)
- Are you sure it was an iron key under the village? You're supposed to find a brass key and a round key. Do you remember where exactly you found it ? Because i don't find it anywhere in the editor
- In the Mystical Moutains, you're not so far, but remember that all the clues given by the heads are useful to solve this multi-step puzzle
One of the heads tells you about the "wisps" (plural). Maybe you could try to pull the lever and look around?
Use the same method for the second blob and... dig! But the puzzle is not over yet. At this point i think you can figure out the rest for yourself, or look for the next hint
You have to put the spirit pendant on the altar on top of the cliff ("Elevate your spirit"). Directions will appear on the cliff, if you remember what, or who, is the "beacon"
And don't worry about the "precious" and the "shrine of the meteor", you're supposed to get in there later in the game. Enjoy!
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:15 pm
by sapientCrow
Khollik wrote: ↑Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:00 pm
Hi SapientCrow
I NEVER thought someone would carry the serpent staff long enough to use it in the meditation rooms

. You're supposed to get rid of it waaaaaay sooner in the game! But congrats, you just found a new glitch in my mod! (I'll have to put regular doors though

The Archive door is the one you need to open now to go further into your adventure. For the "good reading" room, don't forget that you are in a library.
You're supposed to put the scrolls found in this level to their respective alcove. The colored lights give you a hint for each alcove. Try to cast a spell of darkness or to remove your torch if you can't see well
Here is the solution:
Starting from upper left to lower right: fire shield ; poison shield ; darkness ; frost shield ; shock shield ; basic shield
For the other questions:
- the "wise man" note is not meant to be used for the mystical moutains puzzle but for the Shrine of Meditation (hence the title

). For this one you'll need to carefully read the note and look around you
- yes, there is enough lockpicks for all the chests (though the chests are secondary, as in the vanilla campain)
- Are you sure it was an iron key under the village? You're supposed to find a brass key and a round key. Do you remember where exactly you found it ? Because i don't find it anywhere in the editor
- In the Mystical Moutains, you're not so far, but remember that all the clues given by the heads are useful to solve this multi-step puzzle
One of the heads tells you about the "wisps" (plural). Maybe you could try to pull the lever and look around?
Use the same method for the second blob and... dig! But the puzzle is not over yet. At this point i think you can figure out the rest for yourself, or look for the next hint
You have to put the spirit pendant on the altar on top of the cliff ("Elevate your spirit"). Directions will appear on the cliff, if you remember what, or who, is the "beacon"
And don't worry about the "precious" and the "shrine of the meteor", you're supposed to get in there later in the game. Enjoy!
argggg... I almost had it... I put light instead of shield since I been carrying all scrolls around with me now since the bring light puzzle.
I guess what you mean about the meditation puzzle is that the sunrise to sunset is directional and I have to press the meditation lights in a certain order? I ended up closing and opening the trap door there multiple times. I figured that was all needed to do. And sigh again I figured I had to put something on that altar and forgot to test pendant.
I actually used serpent staff on temple door beneath village too. that is where I found the iron key at the door with 2 tomb keys by it where I used staff to open it.
I had no idea the treasure of forest was serpent staff since the other 2 items had leaves I assumed shaman staff so I carried serpent until I couldnt do anymore and was also stumped at getting earth essence door opened.
thanks for the help
edit: I either misplaced or only found force field and light in the temple alcove where scrolls are. I could not seem to find a regular shield scroll. perhaps it was hidden...
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:44 pm
by Khollik
Hi again,
Yes, the regular scroll shield is hidden somewhere in the Archives
In the southern part of the library, there is a torch holder with a torch you have to remove. I'm pretty sure you tried that but the secret door it opens is not close to it so you may have missed it and put back the torch. The secret door is at the western end of the same corridor.
As for the iron key, I get it now: it's in the Old Temple. You don't need anymore if you managed to open the serpent door.
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:20 pm
by sapientCrow
Khollik wrote: ↑Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:44 pm
Hi again,
Yes, the regular scroll shield is hidden somewhere in the Archives
In the southern part of the library, there is a torch holder with a torch you have to remove. I'm pretty sure you tried that but the secret door it opens is not close to it so you may have missed it and put back the torch. The secret door is at the western end of the same corridor.
As for the iron key, I get it now: it's in the Old Temple. You don't need anymore if you managed to open the serpent door.
ahhh ok thank you... and now in Pazzuk room there are again colored altars... Is it the same here as the opening below?
oh and now I am hearing random wind elementals everywhere... that will make sense later? kept chasing them and meditating as per note... they move around though
all in one challenge??? I kept loading it until I killed everything on level and still neither of the end gates open. am I missing some obvious button?
Edit: yes it was an obvious button... ok besides unlocking meteor shield is there another secret in there? I am locked out of it now.
I completed the Mod... I really liked it... unfortunately I missed out on 9 secrets
Most of all a pretty cool Mod for your first one. Some of the puzzles are seriously beyond vague though.
And the end boss much like another Mod I have played absolutely ridiculously overtuned. I suppose you expect only play on normal? I wonder if you really tested out this end boss. 2 rounds of infinite shields and clone summons and then throw in naga undead summoner and golem... kinda horrible!
I guess a full lizard party with endure elements can handle a open space with like 10 clones of wizards but with like 3 life crystals or about 6 if I saved them all and maybe like 8 or 10 potion of res if I saved all of that... It is still undoable on hard
unless I spawn life crystal which in this case like one other mod I did just to defeat boss.
every person who uses this infinite summon clone boss should cap the summons after a certain amount of summons
hard is one thing but you really have to take into account we have 1 view point. I can not track the real wizard unless I tag him with a poison spell or fireburst lands on him. Which means I spend a lot of rime taking down other clones at which time he summons another set. And I am not a newb player. I go hard mode on everything and do fairly well even though some stuff I have to load to get precision right. But this fight... I just spawned 30 life crystals and said done.
Like I said though your Mod was really fun and interesting. Aside from the ridiculous end fight and some of the vague puzzles/riddles I would say it was really great. Thanks for creating it and hopefully you make some more =).
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:46 pm
by Khollik
Hey sapientCrow congratulations for completing the mod and thanks for the feedback! Even if the final boss seems to have been a pain in the ...

I hope that it didn't ruin the whole experience.
I myself almost exclusively play in hard difficulty (I always play hardcore at Diablo

) and sure I had some hard time when testing my mod but seemingly not as you. Maybe that's because I knew what to expect. But I take note that there is room for improvement there.
As a matter of fact, I feel that most players (including me) expect to have a big-one-final-terrific-exciting-last-epic-battle but maybe LOG is not at its best here. Apart from the Leprechaun and the Wizard or a big fight with lots of monsters, there is not so many possibilities for a specific combat with specific gameplay... or I still didn't find how. If you want to make it epic, basically you just have to make it harder
In that way, though I prefered LOG2 to LOG1, I found the final boss in LOG1 more interesting. I liked in LOG2 the last combat against the wizard, but mostly because I was in my second run of the campain and I was happy to reach the "true" ending.
I'm still working (very slowly) on my second mod and I'm now considering not put a final boss at all, because it doesn't fit well with the story I want to tell, and I don't want to put it just because I
have to. But I'm worried it could disappoint some players.
What do you think about it, fellow modders???
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:32 am
by hansbleeb
after i played your escape from nightmare mod I saw that I had not played this mod at all.. and it is also a lot of fun (and pain) i am in the hall of pain now in the new temple and its very tricky to pass with no pain and death.
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:09 am
by Khollik
Welcome back Hansbleeb
Many answers have been given in this thread but if you're stuck somewhere, don't hesitate.
Have a pleasant journey!
Re: [Mod] The Lost Power of Nadric
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:19 pm
by hansbleeb
dont hesitate works but i must first get a christal of life or some resurection potions, somewhere.. i pass the spikes with only 1 survival of my party and that is deathly when i meet some nasty monsters after
i am now in the elemental cave and run out of food.. i hope to slay some tasty monsters soon