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Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:32 pm
by 3mortis
Hi, this mod is great and rly big but i stuck
in Selenitic Age i press few buttons, go to teleport at the end and im on small island with 1 enemy and closed building
i cant go back, i can load but still in Selenitic Age without way back to hub

Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:21 pm
by TinyZu
3mortis wrote:i cant go back, i can load but still in Selenitic Age without way back to hub

If there's nothing on the isle that takes you back, look elsewhere. Otherwise, just let your gamer instinct of "This should be active, probably." lead you.
Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:00 pm
by Azel
When you're on the small island in the Selenitic Age, you will come across a small rock, and could be a place to throw it very near by

Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:35 pm
by 3mortis
OMG shame
i ddnt saw that plate and i should have known that these stones aren't accident
my inner grimmrock fan is crying

Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:56 pm
by Azel
Yeah throwing rocks on to plates is my favorite passtime lol
Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:20 pm
by Duncan1246
Testing my mod take me a lot of time, so I return to Mystrock only now... and I am already stuck!! In Selenitic Age, I don't know what to do with the five pushable blocks (did I have missed some note?) and worse, I don't see any way to leave this age....
Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:05 pm
by TinyZu
Duncan1246 wrote:I don't know what to do with the five pushable blocks
The house on the lone isle gives you a sound code once all lighthouses are active. Replicate that code with the blocks and pull the lever. Was that how it worked? That's probably how it worked.
Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:26 am
by Duncan1246
TinyZu wrote:...
It's seems very simple... after you know it! Thanks!
Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 3:54 am
by Azel
Exactly correct solution. Quick question, Duncan, were any of the "sounds" too loud or too low for you? They all play relatively the same on my laptop, but I think TinyZu reported some sounds as being obscenely loud lol
If so, I just need to know which ones.
Re: Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.4)
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:13 am
by TinyZu
The static noise is what was super loud, first and foremost >:,3