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Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:17 am
by Doktor Teufel
darkyoung wrote:Wrong from tradition may haps, but you have to agree on the fact that it's strength that determines how far back you can draw the bow string and arrow (and therefor harder impact) Not dexterity.
Well, for one thing, I consider that to be a "nerd law" — an assumption made by gamers who don't actually use bows. I suspect the vast majority of ancient-style bows could be drawn by any reasonably fit person who's familiar with their use.
Also, additional strength (on top of what's necessary to draw the bow) won't make the arrow fly any faster, and that applies to both longbows and crossbows (if you think longbows can be "drawn back father" to increase the energy of the arrow, I have some news for you). A minimum Strength prerequisite to equip and use powerful bows would make a lot more sense, along with Dexterity determining damage bonus — a representation of careful aim and hitting weak points. Skill at aiming "increases damage" in the real world far more than having bulging muscles does, the difference between grazing someone's arm and hitting them in eye.
Now, throwing weapons, those should certainly remain Strength-oriented.
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:38 am
by Filipsan
Ok, after fynishing the game i§ll start over with this party:
Lizardman warrior (unarmed + armors)
Lizardman rogue (daggers)
Minotaur rogue (missile weapons)
Human mage (ice magic + spellcraft)
Oh, and this time, i _will_ be using potions and bombs

I somehow "forgot" about them in my firts playthrough
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:58 am
by Lex
vorvek wrote:Hard to explain why it would also work for a crossbow, then

Hehe, very good point.
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:22 am
by vorvek
Filipsan wrote:Ok, after fynishing the game i§ll start over with this party:
Lizardman warrior (unarmed + armors)
Lizardman rogue (daggers)
Minotaur rogue (missile weapons)
Human mage (ice magic + spellcraft)
Oh, and this time, i _will_ be using potions and bombs

I somehow "forgot" about them in my firts playthrough
This is similar to the party I created for my second playthrough:
Lizardman rogue (daggers/dodge)
Human warrior (unarmed + armors)
Minotaur rogue (thrown weapons/dodge)
Insectoid mage (air magic, with a dip in spellcraft)
The lizardman would be using the lurker gear + shield of the elements, while the minotaur takes the chitin armor (that's as far as I'm going with her dodge skill tree), and the warrior would get the Armor of Valor. I'm not sure whether it's better to use the Gauntlets of Valor or those fist fighter gauntlets that make unarmed attacks deal more damage, though.
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:56 am
by Fugu
On the bow thing:
Dexterity should be more important in my opinion. While if you're weak (very weak) you couldn't draw a bow straight, the real effectiveness of an archer comes from precision and endurance. Aiming well and being able to hold the shot to wait until the perfect moment are more important than how far back you can draw the bow.
Endurance and precision are both handled by dexterity in the game so they should play a role here.
Just my two cents.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:39 pm
by Bourrinopathe
Hi and sorry if it has been asked (I couln't find any confirmation about this):
Does the Dexterity directly increase the critical hits frequency?
Despite the impact of Strength on the throwing weapons damages, my Dex oriented rogue seems to deal a decent amount of critical hits. So I hope the build is interesting for a rear row rogue (even if it's really fun to toy around throwing things at the poor monsters)…
Any info about that?
And BTW I love this game! Neat, bug free, excellent design, Almost Perfect!
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:02 am
by Whisper
Fugu wrote:On the bow thing:
Dexterity should be more important in my opinion.
Dex is very importang stat for frontline rogue, much more then Str.
For backline rogue Str is more important.
So this is balance right here - stat usefulness depends on class/build/place in party.
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:56 am
by Hissssa
The only party I'd even consider for a second run would have to be:
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:25 am
by Saice
Hissssa wrote:The only party I'd even consider for a second run would have to be:
Yep doing that now. It is a bit troublesome but I find the challenge refreshing.
Re: Character Generation 101
Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 4:39 am
by agris
Does anyone know if:
Vitality > 20 gives more health / health per level
Willpower > 20 gives more energy / energy per level
I've noticed that equipping some +Wilpower items on my mage (with > 20 willpower) doesn't add to her Energy pool. I think I've noticed the same thing for vitality. I'm wondering if increasing these stats over 20 with skills will do anything in the long run.