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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:20 pm
by Isaac
Request: Doors with pull-chains on only one side; (perhaps this could be done by disabling the pull-chains (as normal), and adding a separate place-able pull-chain as a button/prop in the same place as the pull-chain would normally be).
Request: Add open and close methods to the wall-button; for buttons that can be set to only close or only open ~not toggle.
Request: Height and offset methods for locks and buttons and levers. This will allow 'keypads', switch banks (in one cell), and custom placement for cloned secret button buttons.
Request:Ignore these if it's a real hassle or overly complicated [switch banks and messing with the doors].

Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:25 pm
by Komag
Isaac wrote:Request: Add open and close methods to the wall-button; for buttons that can be set to only close or only open ~not toggle.
In this case the "toggle" of the button is just the "Event", not to be confused with the "Action", which can already be set to only open or only close instead of "toggle"
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:28 pm
by Isaac
Komag wrote:Isaac wrote:Request: Add open and close methods to the wall-button; for buttons that can be set to only close or only open ~not toggle.
In this case the "toggle" of the button is just the "Event", not to be confused with the "Action", which can already be set to only open or only close instead of "toggle"
Ah ha. (The things you miss while having fun; Now I can erase the script for that

Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:29 pm
by Komag
Neikun wrote:One related question: for a given wall type there are slight variations, e.g. with or without hooks, etc. Is there a way to fix wall facings to a particular look? As it is, as the "lift" operator gets transported to the next floor sometimes the wall changes. I'd rather have it look all the same, to give the appearance of being inside a "lift" car.
You can have exact control of wall decorations by defining a new wall set and changing the wallDecorations section (and probably removing the lines there). You would then need to manually place hooks and chains anywhere else in your dungeon if you want them.
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:43 pm
by Neikun
I don't remember saying that.. xP
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:51 pm
by Komag
OOPS! I was deleting and fixing the triple quote quote quote thing and mixed up the names, I meant davehca!
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:29 pm
by zeltak
It would be nice if the editor would show, maybe in the inspector, all the entities picked, when selecting multiple ones with dragging a mouse.
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:47 pm
by Montis
returns the champion with the requested ordinal number
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:25 pm
by Blichew
Request: add hook onClick({no idea about parameters thou}) for every placeable object.
(Unless it is possible to cloneObject a wall button that can be hidden - but still clickable - behind a wall or decoration, i.e. daemon_head)
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:21 pm
by davehca
Blichew wrote:Request: add hook onClick({no idea about parameters thou}) for every placeable object.
(Unless it is possible to cloneObject a wall button that can be hidden - but still clickable - behind a wall or decoration, i.e. daemon_head)
Placing a daemon head on a wall along with a wall button does hide it with the button still clickable. The button coincides with the nose. Click on the nose to open doors, etc.