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Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:11 pm
by Komag
I would love if they did that, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen because they're just too busy with Grimrock 2

Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:02 am
by Komag
UPDATED with a large update to version 1.4 (many small fixes, two large additions: Quick Action Bar and Armor Sets (with bonuses!)
Update available on the Nexus site, hopefully on Steam soon

Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:36 pm
by LocalFire
I know you just updated (the quick bar should make this great mod even better), but have you considered adding a Perel mode?
Naming the first character Myardin or Perel would spawn a custom party with lord Perel as the lead (maybe Dranth and some others in the extra slots) then on lvl 2 I think a secret door closes and leaves Perel alone, to continue down into grimrock.
Its totally up to you of course but it would give Master Quest vets (another) reason to replay

Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:40 am
by Komag
I never thought of that, interesting idea! I certainly can't work on something like that now, but possibly in the future

Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 6:12 am
by Dr.Disaster
Komag wrote:UPDATED with a large update to version 1.4 (many small fixes, two large additions: Quick Action Bar and Armor Sets (with bonuses!)
Update available on the Nexus site, hopefully on Steam soon

Just noted something regarding the armor set bonuses.
Loading a pre-1.4 save and trying to unequip any already equiped piece of armor which is part of a 1.4 set does crash LoG.
Code: Select all
mod_assets/scripts/items.lua:799: attempt to index global 'armorScript' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
mod_assets/scripts/items.lua:799: in function 'onUnequipItem'
[string "Item.lua"]: in function 'unequipItem'
[string "Champion.lua"]: in function 'removeItem'
[string "CharSheet.lua"]: in function 'slotClicked'
[string "CharSheet.lua"]: in function 'draw'
[string "Gui.lua"]: in function 'draw'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
There is prolly nothing that can be done about it so anybody upgrading MQ to 1.4 should be aware that s/he very likely needs to start over too.
Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:37 pm
by Komag
Oops, I never thought to test with older save games! But I'm not going to change anything, it will just be as you say, people will just need to either complete their game with 1.3 or start over
Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:48 pm
by Taem
This is really my first play-through of Grimrock. I just made it to level 5 on the original Grimrock.
Should I ...
1 - Complete the game then load up Master Quest and redo all the levels from the top,
2 - Start Master Quest now, or
3 - Restart Grimrock with a new party using Master Quest?
Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:24 pm
by Komag
And remember to save with a different save file right before the end of the main game so you can import the party into Master Quest
Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:56 am
by acwhammy
Just finished the Master Quest! Thanks Komag, this Dungeon was brilliant! I finished on Level 29 (I played half the dungeon on a previous version then re-started) with 8,537 worth of loot. I plan on doing it again. Also, do you recommend any other dungeons?
Question about the Snail King and loot rank - how are you guys stuffing your inventory so you can't move, and then getting a rank? Don't you have to be walking onto the checkpoint to receive the rank? Congratulations on over 10,000! I'm not sure how you managed that. I think I need to get my strength up to carry more. I saved all of my books except for the vitality +'s so I could receive the level gain benefit.
Re: Legend of Grimrock - MASTER QUEST - PUBLIC RELEASE w/SOU
Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:10 am
by Komag
I've done some high level play throughs and maximized my strength (and strength-boosting gear) and it's VERY hard to get 10000, even 9000 is tough, maxing out each character with the most value-dense items (loot value versus weight).
My highest recommendation for another map would be Mine of Malan Vael. Also, Sunset Gate is very good. Most others are not of the same caliber, but opinions vary (and I haven't played all of them).