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Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:17 pm
by lurker
Glad you enjoyed it!
subQ wrote:
I never did figure out how to "be worthy" but standing in a corner with your back to a life crystal definitely helps.
I didn't try totally carrying absolutely nothing. but I got as far as leaving all clothing items in the other room.
You can have as much as you want in your inventory. But nothing at all can be equipped.
subQ wrote:I never solved the bed problem. It did occur to me later that maybe it has the same one item requirement, but that seems odd given the alcoves have multiples. I never found the hint about it, so I don't know what it says.
Yes, this is true. If you have something else on the bed in addition to the actual item you need, it won't work.
Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:22 pm
by lurker
Conchron wrote:I'm about to throw in the towel on this one. I'm stuck in the lever madness on the riddle level. I've got the two notes and I have no idea what they mean or how to use them. Are the clues some sort of "insider" thing (such as the binary clue earlier on), or am I simply blind to it?
Nothing insiderish on this one. The notes indicate the 'combinations' for the levers to open up the prison cells.
The first few numbers indicate what the four lever positions must be at in the main hall where the warden was hanging out. Down is on, up is off. The last U/D indicates what the lever by the cell must be. This lever must be activated last once the others are in the correct position.
Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:27 pm
by guisat
i've made it through the final fight... but yet didn't make it trough that one...
Huge work you've made for us there, thank you !!!
quite tricky with your levers and so on, and without this forum and the clues you've gave to us all, i would probably still be trying to bash some doors or something
I hope you'll be able to share with us such a big adventure
Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:31 pm
by Conchron
Thanks for the help!
Nothing insiderish on this one.
This is embarrassing, my son had to explain it all to me. I blame the "brainfart" on high age and so on...

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:22 pm
by Wanderer
I just took the time to play your Mod, and love it so far.
It is defintly BT-Like in puzzles and secrets. you have done good job, nice Ideas and nice riddles/puzzles. Love it.
lg Wanderer
Edit: If I might say something, there are so many "Battle-Based" Mods out there, it is really refreshing to play a Mod which is "Riddle-Based", so dont change this in your future Mods, I loved your puzzles & riddles. Even if it seems to some player too diffucult, they can ask here for solutions, or maybe you could write a Walkthrough for your own Mod, so these ones whom cant manage to solve the puzzle can look in your Walkthrough. But please dont stop to Mod riddles and puzzles, for me this is the best part in Dungeon-Crawler, when you manage to solve a riddle and enter hidden parts of a dungeon, you are happy like a child because of the "I solved it" effect.
Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:25 am
by lurker
Wanderer wrote:I just took the time to play your Mod, and love it so far.
I'm happy you found my mod in the midst of quite a few. I'm enjoying several and look forward to what the next one brings. But I'm even more glad you're enjoying it!

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:48 pm
by GrimA1B2C3
Help I am stuck on lvl 8 riddle room. I have solved all expect for 1, I know the answer
Sleep - However what is the item required and will it open the portcullis?
If not I have 1Prison Key and 1 Red Crystal key are they in the last puzzle or do I have to go the "You are not Worthy route" and Battle the 5 and friends?
Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:51 am
by lurker
GrimA1B2C3 wrote:Help I am stuck on lvl 8 riddle room. I have solved all expect for 1, I know the answer
Sleep - However what is the item required and will it open the portcullis?
If not I have 1Prison Key and 1 Red Crystal key are they in the last puzzle or do I have to go the "You are not Worthy route" and Battle the 5 and friends?
You just need to sleep/rest in the spot in front of the alcove. Not long, the timer checks every five seconds so at least that long. That will get you the second prison key which will in turn get you the second crystal key and so forth and so on.
Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:48 pm
by GrimA1B2C3
Many thanks. I knew that I was over thinking the solution.
I am really enjoying this module, keep up the GREAT WORK.
Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:54 pm
by CosmosAmiga
Hi everyone !
I think I'm an idiot : still no understanding of the 16 levers in the level 4...
====== ======
=x==== ======
====== ======
====== ======
====== ======
====== ======
====== ======
====== ======
(x = lever down)
Where to down the other 3 levers into the 3 other rooms ?
Thanks a lot, I want to finish this great mod too !