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Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:54 pm
by cromcrom
I wouldn't have been nearly as positive reviewing any of them.
You didn't. The "gentleman" over there did. Big difference. As for the thousands of hours I spent in various modding projects, yes, I value this time a lot, more than what, an hour ? it took the amoeba to write its dishcloth.
Someone generously takes the time out of their day to give detailed feedback on a mod, and you go ballistic because they aren't kissing enough ass.
Gimme a break, and re read my posts. I ain't asking to kiss ass, if the amoeba wants to critic the mod, he goes on the modder's forum, and tell what he likes and dislikes, and even seriously report bugs. As for that:
Someone generously takes the time out of their day to give detailed feedback on a mod
, this is neither a great sacrifice, compared to the time spent modding, neither a detailed feedbak. IMHO, it is just an arrogant judgement from an arrogant person.
I would much rather get honest feedback than the pointless ass-kissing I see around here,
Me too. However, you hopefully can make the difference between an honest feedback some people will share with you and this kind of public criticisms.
they aren't kissing enough ass
Saying thanks for the time spent modding, and insisting on the qualities, isn't really ass kissing. At least for me.

And I checked, this "gentleman" never took time to go on OGDA's forum, to express anything, no thanks, no bug reports, no suggestions, no nothing.
So yes, I admit, this kind of behavior triggers nerdrage, and makes me go ballistic, but I really shouldn't be the one to be ashamed here (well, actually, I am not). I am sorry, probably a big default, but I just can't get used to "people" behaving like jerks.
Now coreywhatever, please send in the links to your mods, so that I can give feedback on it, and see how dare you judge other people hard works, from the high qualities of your shared mods.

And Minmay, god, I so highly respect you and what you did. Just the OP from your mod probably took more time to write than coreywhatever spent time playing the Lost Kingdom. Please accept my deepest thanks for all your hard work you so kindly shared to the community.

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:35 pm
by minmay
I guess I really don't see what's unhelpful about the review. The OP was very specific about strengths and weaknesses.

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:47 pm
by Azel
I have spent a month creating my Mod (yet to be released), and I hope to get some very harsh and honest criticism. It doesn't make sense to claim that someone needs to create a mod in order to write a review about a mod. That's actually a highly self-defeating notion, since the purpose of a Mod is to provide an "end user" experience, which is exactly what type of review we are hoping for... end user reviews. That's what this thread is, an end-user review :P

Unless someone specifically creates a Mod that has no real game-play but instead is targeting technical/design concepts (like the Outside-In Mod by Fawxkitteh), then there is no reason to expect that only a Mod creator can critique the end user experience of a created Mod. :o

The title of this thread is "My reviews..." so if you don't want to read a personal review then use your browsers abilities to avoid it.

I actually found the review by coreystinson very useful and informative. It lets me know what the current "Grimrock Mod Market" looks like as I work on my own. I check back every other day hoping to see updates to coreystinson's reviews. So please ignore the cry babies and keep it up! Do not avoid being personal at all, and don't waste time being objective. There's no passion in objectivity and its only purpose is to appease the weak minds and childish ego's. I expect reviews to be harsh, honest, personal, and completely devoid of consideration of the author. If someone thinks that you do not "have the right" to "make a suggestion" on a "public forum" then that mental infant should put their hand back in the dirt to avoid any further blinding by the bright light of reality.

cromcrom wrote:As for the thousands of hours I spent in various modding projects, yes, I value this time a lot, more than what, an hour ? it took the amoeba to write its dishcloth.
A career janitor spends thousands of hours cleaning trash; the time investment doesn't make the trash less trashy. You sound like a bitter janitor. I read the comments on your Lost Continent Mod... pretty hilarious that you spent thousands of hours yet the game crashed simply because someone killed an Ice Lizard. Impressive amount of Bugs in your Mod (bracers ending up in the necklace area) etc. ... earchtext=

It didn't surprise me to see that every time people complained about CromCrom's mod being both boring and overly buggy, all he did was reply that his mod is good and fun and different. And then when things got quiet, he would say he isn't updating it anymore because no one is giving feedback. LOL

Is it ironic that CromCrom released a terrible Mod and now he's here harassing a gamer for critiquing someone elses Mod?

Lastly, coreystinson's review of the Dwarf Kingdom Mod actually made me want to download it and take a look at the authors nice puzzle work; in hopes to find some inspiration for any future Mod's I create. However, I do not plan on playing through this entire Mod since there is a major puzzle Bug and apparently the Back Story is lacking. Good stuff, coreystinson! Don't let nerd ragers like CromCrom deter you from posting your honest opinions.

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:53 pm
On my opinion it's a bit odd, that somone shouts for respect and by himself he phrases in a way that misses every kind of respect. cromcrom, you are the one who bothers me, you are the one who makes me read several unkind verbalizations. Go ahead and calm down and don't push on a fight...

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:22 pm
by cromcrom
A career janitor spends thousands of hours cleaning trash; the time investment doesn't make the trash less trashy. You sound like a bitter janitor. I read the comments on your Lost Continent Mod... pretty hilarious that you spent thousands of hours yet the game crashed simply because someone killed an Ice Lizard. Impressive amount of Bugs in your Mod (bracers ending up in the necklace area) etc. ... earchtext=

It didn't surprise me to see that every time people complained about CromCrom's mod being both boring and overly buggy, all he did was reply that his mod is good and fun and different. And then when things got quiet, he would say he isn't updating it anymore because no one is giving feedback. LOL
Do you have even remote reading skills ? And at least I exposed myself to criticism, so I actually know what I am talking about (erm, actually, I wish I didn't knew so well... Aw well, at least I tried something "original" in the LOG modding department...)
Go ahead and calm down and don't push on a fight...
Geeesh, I am all scared now.
But THOM, thank you so much for all your hard work on your mod that many people seemed to enjoy, and kindly sharing it with the community. You made LoG and the world a better place, thanks to your commitment, hard work, and kindness. And I mean it. You probably had people criticising, complaining, and giving you some well deserved "thank you" for what you have done.

The OP didn't even thank OGDA for releasing and sharing his mod. That is the very very least he should have done, had he had the slightest comprehension of what goes behind modding, and basic courtesy skills. There is not even a link to OGDA's forum thread actually...

And btw, the OP is probably out of place, this sub forum is dedicated to mods, preferably released mods.

Aww, and people, please consider my post as "My review of reviews"... Harsh, honest criticism, insights from a modder to a person criticizing modders, and stuff like that....

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:03 pm
by Azel
cromcrom wrote:Do you have even remote reading skills ? And at least I exposed myself to criticism, so I actually know what I am talking about (erm, actually, I wish I didn't knew so well... Aw well, at least I tried something "original" in the LOG modding department...)

My reading skills are fabulous, which is a large part of the reason I enjoyed how often people called your Mod buggy and boring. Nothing was original in your mod, as every single concept exists in other RPG's. Well, the original part is that your versions didn't work. You clearly do not respond well to criticism, and most of the time your answer was, "my game is fun and different."
cromcrom wrote:The OP didn't even thank OGDA for releasing and sharing his mod.

Looks like you're the one who needs to work on those reading skills. First of all, the fact that he even bothered to review OGDA's Mod so deeply is a much higher honor than a simple "thank you." Secondly, "thanks" is nothing more than an expression of gratitude, which the reviewer did exceedingly well, and often:

" This is the #1 strength of this campaign. Very nice work."
"Nice dungeon layouts, author has a solid grasp of the layout mechanics and dynamics of the game engine."
" author has excellent grasp of game engine mechanics "

Those are much better expressions of gratitude than a simple "thanks." But you would need to possess at least a moderate degree of reading skills to realize that.
cromcrom wrote:Aww, and people, please consider my post as "My review of reviews"... Harsh, honest criticism, insights from a modder to a person criticizing modders, and stuff like that....

Your attempts to attack a reviewer is nothing remotely close to what you just described. Your post should be treated as "Cromcroms whiny rantings of critical feedback"... mediocre, hypocritical, fodder from a failed modder to a legitimate gamer (and stuff like that).

You clearly decided to name yourself the leader of an imaginary "Save the Modders" Crusade. Now that it failed - as you're the only one wielding the rubber sword - you should just step away for a bit. You messed up, now walk it off. Time heals all wounds. :mrgreen:

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:15 pm
by cromcrom
You messed up, now walk it off. Time heals all wounds. :mrgreen:
You are right, I am utterly crushed. I will come back to you once you release your mod. Until then, I wish you the very best for you mod, fellow modder, especially a great work that will bring you the joy of receiving the thanks of the players that will appreciate your mod, because this is, IMHO, the greatest modding fuel ever.

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:16 pm
by Azel
When I release my Mod (which should be very soon) ... I do hope coreystinson rips me a new one, na' mean? :D

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:11 am
by Frenchie
If anyone that wants to write an objective review in a new topic I would be happy to read it and everyone can give marks for categories like puzzles, graphics, story, etc. Then when the list is long enough decide which one you are interested in playing.

However if you make a very critical review with some disrespect no one wants to read it. Some people are okay with that, but most will be upset (and some even furious). Save that as a comment for the modder. The modder might not like everything he reads but he either agrees and improves or he ignores.

No need for name calling and if someone is disrespectful no need to do the same to him. I think Joerg can speak for himself.

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:18 am
by cameronC
I just would like to say that I give the initial review five stars and also I give five stars to the first review of that review and all subsequent reviews of reviews of posts in this thread deserve five stars. Fantastic reviews from everyone. A++++ would read again.