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Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:53 am
by semi

I've written a little brute forcing script that will try to find a correct suffix for the crystal.hlsl file. Attaching all possible alphanumeric (plus _.) character combinations of up to 5 characters length to both "assets/shaders/Crystal." and "assets/shaders/crystal." did not give a meaningful path matching a hash number. There are some very cryptic "hits", but I assume those are simply hash collisions.
What if removing all data from the grimrock.dat file actually causes another file to silently not be found, which in turn causes grimrock.exe to try to load a file which it normally never would? Maybe it's not there in the first place...
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:40 am
by ymgve
It seems like a bug, but it appears that the shaders
must stay inside Grimrock.dat. I managed to get the game running with a minimal Grimrock.dat (file removed) and the rest as loose files.
So far, these files are known:
It appears the files are mostly sorted alphabetically inside the dat file, so one might be able to guess what the other filenames are. I've made a more detailed list here:
Got the console working! It even works without extracting stuff! Drop this file in your grimrock dir and it should work: file removed
What I've done is changed "developer" in the lua file to "mouseLook" - as long as you have that variable set to true in your config file, it should work. Also, for those with US or other keyboard layouts, you might need to change the character at offset 0x07C1 in Console.lua to a character you are actually able to type on your keyboard.
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:29 am
by Tacticus
I haven't seen anyone mention this, but the file format you're all pulling elements out of is documented at
There is C++ code on there to interact with the virtual filesystem they're using. Also looks pretty promising to be able to make new GRARs that will act as overlays over the existing GRAR.
At the moment I'm poking around trying to find the vfs_load type function so I can dump out all of the filenames rather than brute forcing.
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:39 am
by Tacticus
You can easily use Sysinternals (now Microsoft's) Procmon with a filter of "Process Name" grimlock.exe, Operation is CreateFile and Path begins with "C:\Program Files..." (whatever your path is) to see what files your Grimrock tried to open to override files from the GRAR.
The ones I pulled out in a quick run (merged with ymgve's pasted list) is at
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:58 pm
by spoilspot
Crashbanito wrote:I replaced all the snails with spiders in level 1. Went and got something to eat. Started a new game and nearly gave myself a heart attack.

Now, if you could do the opposite, and make an explanation on how to do it, a lot of arachnophobes will be happy
(I'm trying to figure out how to remove spiders from level 3 - switching them to, e.g., blobs would be a fine solution).
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:54 pm
by lostprophet
Sadly the files containing the game's texts can't be modified very well, since they are compiled .lua scripts

I don't want to start a translation in hex, it would be suicide

Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:57 pm
by Crashbanito
lostprophet wrote:Sadly the files containing the game's texts can't be modified very well, since they are compiled .lua scripts

I don't want to start a translation in hex, it would be suicide

Can't you read them with a simple text editor? I'm using sublime text and I was able to read level01.lua just fine.
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:23 pm
by Moorkh
I would have expected to see character portrait graphics among those files, but I can't see them. Any clues?
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:28 pm
by lostprophet
Crashbanito wrote:lostprophet wrote:Sadly the files containing the game's texts can't be modified very well, since they are compiled .lua scripts

I don't want to start a translation in hex, it would be suicide

Can't you read them with a simple text editor? I'm using sublime text and I was able to read level01.lua just fine.
I can only modify them if the translated string is exactly the same length as the original, otherwise I get an error.
Re: Temporary modding thread
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:08 am
by astonerii
Never mind. I figured out how to the console, thanks to the above poster. Just type in spawn("wooden_box") and it either appears in front of you or where your cursor is pointed. not sure which.
original minus error.log text
can someone post a level01.lua that has several boxes starting out. I do not program, and I tried using the instructions at the beginning to edit the grimrock.dat file to 00 00 00 00, but it gave a bunch of errors and crashed.