Mage Character starting with Water magic

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Re: Mage Character starting with Water magic

Post by Chimera005ao »

VisualDeadlock wrote:It's kind of a bummer, because I didn't know you needed earth magic as well to cast a water spell, especially since I am trying to limit how much I am cheating by not reading about the game as much as I can avoid doing so - want to find out for myself.

So my mage will be useless until he either picks up earth magic and I trial and error and find a water spell or I find a scroll.
There's a water + concentration spell.
I can't say its good, as I haven't used it, and it doesn't seem like a damaging skill...

But there's also a level 1 concentration spell, and battlemages don't have to be so focused on spells anyways.
My battlemage mostly used light weapons, with some concentration spells and occasional firebursts.
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Re: Mage Character starting with Water magic

Post by 1varangian »

Water magic needs its single rune level 1 spell just like the other elements have Fireburst, Shock and Poison Cloud. Seems like an odd oversight.
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Re: Mage Character starting with Water magic

Post by snarfalarkus »

Water should have a level 1 that buffs or maybe heals/gives health regen?

i think of water as a supportive spec.

although a water/ice burst attack would also be fine, for parity.
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Re: Mage Character starting with Water magic

Post by notreally »

I like the idea of water magic used for healing.
It could be the opposite of earth (aka poison). Single rune spell would be a party heal or regeneration, projectile could be a healing bolt of some kind. Which does good damage vs undead, but it actually heals anything living.
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Re: Mage Character starting with Water magic

Post by Saice »

don't like the idea of heal to be honest. It would really make things a little to easy to just have one guy whos job it was to spam heal during fights.

But like a "splash" or "Frost" attack that is basically like every other elements 1 point attack would be fine. You know one square low damage.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
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