Beta 2.1.12

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Re: Beta 2.1.12

Post by sapientCrow »

Not sure if it made it into the list of bugs...

A certain necklace that grants a level does not give the Ratling mutation bonus.

I realize you would have to both add it and remove it every time it was slotted out so perhaps it is a cumbersome task. However since the other bonuses are given such as Barbarian and knight etc. etc. I do not see why mutation does not work also.
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Re: Beta 2.1.12

Post by Dr.Disaster »

1. If it would work it would be a massive source of abuse -> no go!
2. On removal you would have to remove a random attribute point which would cripple a Ratling very fast -> no go!
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Re: Beta 2.1.12

Post by Nemiroff »

Necklace that grants a level? What is it?
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Re: Beta 2.1.12

Post by minmay »

The Ring on a String adds a level while equipped.
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Re: Beta 2.1.12

Post by Vardis »

It also doesn't give a skill point, so I suspect it's working as intended.
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Re: Beta 2.1.12

Post by sapientCrow »

1. If it would work it would be a massive source of abuse -> no go!
2. On removal you would have to remove a random attribute point which would cripple a Ratling very fast -> no go!
Not really. As far as I can tell you can not save scum Ratling mutation which means it is potentially a predetermined seed at creation.
On equip + that seed corresponding to that level.
On remove - that seed corresponding to that level.

It currently works with +str for barbarian so the issue revolves around the 4 different attributes and how to store apply and remove them accordingly.
+str is easy it is always +str

Another issue not sure if it has been addressed is when climbing a ladder if enemy is engaged they can still hit you as if you are on ground level with them until you move a square off ladder.

Another height issue I just found:
When I drop a rock from above to power a pressure plate. If the rock is in my hand which sets it to be auto picked up and I walk above the pressure plate and I walk above the plate on the magic walkway I pick up the stone and the plate is unset. Walkways are registering me on ground level.
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