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Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:40 pm
by Duncan_B
Apologies for the delay, I was away at the Game Developers' Conference in San Francisco last week.
podbelski wrote:Finished :)
A 'weird gem' - what is it for? On my 1st run I inserted it into a gargoyle head on the wall and got something in return, don't remember what exactly...
There is a message on the wall in the room where you find the weird gem that should clue you in. Note the description of the weird gem.
"One to spit poison/One to swallow the sea." One head in the 3rd floor spits poison. The other is where you should put the weird gem. The reward is not essential to winning the game, but gives you some bombs that can help you out.
I'll look into these other ones later today and have a new version released soon. Thanks for pointing them out!

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:44 pm
by Duncan_B
Version VIII is now out! The credits hall at the end isn't quite as spiffed as I'd like it to be (I'll certainly plan an expansion, as it has run out of space), but podbelski has now been credited for testing. Many thanks!

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:17 pm
by RMariano
Duncan_B wrote:Version VIII is now out! The credits hall at the end isn't quite as spiffed as I'd like it to be (I'll certainly plan an expansion, as it has run out of space), but podbelski has now been credited for testing. Many thanks!

I tried to play..... but all I have is the credits hall and that's it.

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:31 pm
by Duncan_B
Thanks for this catch! I'm terribly sorry Version VIII originally released with the starting point still in a testing position. RMariano, you now share a cell with podbelski in the Prison of the Skeleton King...

Steam and Nexus links have been updated with the properly playable Version VIII. I apologize again for the inconvenience.

I am interested, too, asking the opinions of players on the screenshots provided for the game at Nexus mods. If you have any screenshots from one of your playthroughs that you think really epitomizes the game without being a spoiler, let me know and I'll consider adding it to the official screenshots for the game.

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:08 pm
by Dr.Disaster
I had this mod quite a while on my "getting back to" list so i finally did it today. The savefile says it took me 3:40 to finish and walk thru a neat credit section ;)

Beside the very first fight (a cornered naked lvl 1 party vs. a scavenger) combat is not that hard so difficulty easy to moderate is ok. The basic setting with 1 char being more or less permanently ill is interesting. I let Yennica read that dreaded book 'cuz in the backrow shooting rocks she had no real need for regen.

The maps confused me a bit. There seem to be a lot of rooms and areas and stairs the party can't go/reach on floors 1 to 3 and i tried really hard to get there. Is that done on purpose? Finding secrets seems to be especialy difficult or strange. I can't tell how many i found because either the secrets are not triggered in this mod or i missed all 12 of them which i doubt a lot. Perhaps there is some re-work needed.