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Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:26 am
by lexdr
I've just reviewed some parts of the dungeon:
- script simplification for the spawning mummy I mentionned previously,
- less gpu cost for the UR corridor,
- change for easiest dragons for most of them (lower health, lower attackPower, lower damage and remove element immunities),
- add of a recovery button for those who have forgotten the RA key (which remove the only blocking point).
I will check tomorrow if some other changes can be done. Tell me if you have some request / remarks.
I will probably publish a new release tomorrow on the evening.
I've also begun to understand how Comscript manages the Altar VI, but it will be implemented in an other different dungeon.

Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:29 pm
by germanny
Good idea with the ra-key.
Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:38 pm
by lexdr
Upload of the version 1.04 in progress.
Some minor changes:
- add some help notes,
- add a RA key check and recovery script at the end (for those who didn't find it),
- update of some fire and ice dragons (with lower skills and immunities),
- update of some cast spell items,
- some scripts' enhancement.
Note that the previous version works correctly, and it is not mandatory to restart the dungeon from the begining with this new release.
Of course, unless you want to...
Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:49 pm
by Flohaxn
i cant get past the first room too.
I got some warning about .. might not be powerful enough to fire and ice magic.. , took the torches, shattered stuff, gave my air mage the torches and .. nothing.
Do i need to put points into fire and ice at start or what?
mn, found it out accidently

Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:21 am
by lexdr
No don't worry. It's just a warning because a puzzle requires some skills in fire and ice magic. When you will be at that point, a specific help script will upgrade the requiered skills if needed.
To access Tiggy's tomb, you just have to let a torch in the torch holder and follow the way. You will be teleported in an other place.
If you prefere to use a torch than light spell, you will find one in the fake tomb.
Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:36 am
by BadWhismer
Hi !
I'm stuck on lvl 3. I'm in a small room, with a fountain & a lever in front of it. Another lever is unaccessable 'cause of an open pit. Tried the lever I can reach, but it refuses to pull down (and probably close the pit ?). Bug ? Or did I missed something ?
And please don't laugh for my 'bad english', I'm french ! ^^
<edit> et je viens de voir que lex poste depuis la France !

Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:42 am
by Flohaxn
BadWhismer wrote:Hi !
I'm stuck on lvl 3. I'm in a small room, with a fountain & a lever in front of it. Another lever is unaccessable 'cause of an open pit. Tried the lever I can reach, but it refuses to pull down (and probably close the pit ?). Bug ? Or did I missed something ?
I think you need to click slightly below the lever to make it flip down.
Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:39 pm
by lexdr
Hello, there are three levers that you have to lower in a correct order, as quick as possible: the first lever closes for few seconds the first pit on the north which grants access to the second lever; the second lever closes the pit on the south for few seconds too, which grants access to a third lever; the third lever closes definitely the second pit on the north. For the next step, you will have to destroy a breakable wall...
Hello, tu as trois leviers à abaisser dans un certain ordre: le premier ferme temporairement la première trappe au nord, donne accès au deuxième lever ; ce dernier ferme temporairement la trappe au sud, qui donne accès à son tour au troisième levier ; le troisième levier ferme définitivement la seconde trappe au nord. Ensuite tu auras un mur à détruire...
Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:36 am
by eLPuSHeR
I have started playing v1.4 with a new party. I am stuck at the very beginning. After taking some goodies from a room with paintings a dragon appears and I am unable to kill it. Maybe it's just a red herring. Ideas?
Re: [MOD] The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:07 pm
by lexdr
This is a protection from tomb riders. It is a level 5 fire dragon that you should not be able to kill. The idea is just to escape in emergency from the corridor you used to arrive in this place... and to fall down into the necroplolis.