Okay I'm going to play again now. I will post my second thoughts here.
Initial square, there's a prison secret button with a wall grate over it. Very well hidden, but what it the point of it, really?
Picked up tomb on catacomb alcove..it's different than my first playthrough. OMG RANDOM TOMES lol
Did some more playing with the warden. Waited until he appears to react. Was very scary. I managed to escape, but he killed my back row. This wasn't annoying because of the close proximity of the crystal. A good clinching way to grab the audience. Moy Bueno.
Clippage issue with the temple ornate door. You may want to swap it for dungeon.
It needs to be better known that you use green gems on locks in stores to buy items. I missed the hudPrint "Unless your are spending Green Gems" on my first playthrough.
Perhaps a better way to do it would be to have wall text explaining how transactions are handled. You could still keep the girl in your head's text (I'm bad with names) as it does compliment the game style very nicely.
Grammar fix for shop keeper. Place a red gem on the altar, repulsive one.
Commas...very important :3
Herder still drops blank note.
Does floor two have no ambient track?
Experience alley. (For the committed hero.
Also, the wall button is on a walltext, but the text says nothing.
At the full venom edge, the wall slides up to reveal dungeon wall text rather than cold dungeon wall text.
In the curious one secret, there's a method of avoiding falling into the pit (by activating the pressureplate again) Is that intentional?
On floor one, the demand a golden sacrifice. Neither the daemon head nor the altar respond to my goromorg figure D:
Improper uiName for The Key. It reads as the_key in game
Blank note on ground after the long fall (after opening the lock)
Level three: Several wall texts as icy dungeon rather than temple. Corridor is missing pillars.
Snail generating pressure plate as well as related door and wall text are wrong tileset.
But stealing Norja was one of the best feelings ever.
..Oh crap. Goromorgs can open doors. I have to watch my back now.
Second store: The secret doors, secret button and wall text are the wrong tileset.
Also, the ogres attack if you walk in front of them.
The ogres get mad when I steal the blue gem but not the nomad boots.
Typo: You will still need grren gems to spend here.
Secret button and secret door in Prison are wrong tileset.
I think you should just check all secret buttons and secret doors to see if they're the right wallset on floor 3
In the no entry for the greedy place, it's really satisfying to nab that tome without getting hurt.
4th floor Experience alley looks scary D:
Stairs to go back up to level 3 form level four are broken. I think I'm done testing this for today.