Well you know I considered it, but then I thought well by the time I need it I'll probably have upgraded my motherboard and will be getting new RAM anyhow. My current system is probably about 2 years old but still going strong at the mo.
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Ok so I played for about an hour tonight on my stock Macbook Pro 13" and I was plesantly surprised.
Up to now (might change with more enemies or effects on screen), everything runs really well with everything set to Low in the Options panel. It even runs well with Texture set to High (at Low it can be really hard to spot the small pushable rocks in the walls the first times). I haven't tested any other settings combination but please note that I have a screen resolution of only 1280x800.
So, if you have a laptop with a Core 2 Duo, 2 GB of RAM and an NVIDIA 9400M integrated graphic card, you can give this game a try.