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Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:18 pm
by Keekee
I have managed it!! Awesome. I did fall down the trap though so I had to kill the guys that respawn again! The sword is optional but it is good to get the top kit. I have had a go at the fighters challenge and that is super tough. I think that I will come back to that one! ;o)

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:14 am
by HiGH
Arrghgh!! I'm going to go crazy! It's been a long time since I've been so frustrated at a game. I've successfully done the button pushing sequence like 7-8 times now, nothing seems to be happening. This is what I followed: - I was actually able to do it encumbered a couple of times, so it's possible FWIW.

I've tried picking up the torch afterward, leaving the torch in place, stepping off the last platform to the right and to the back. The wall won't open. Is there something that's supposed to happen before this puzzle will "activate"? TIA!

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:12 am
by Callipygous
HiGH wrote:Arrghgh!! I'm going to go crazy! It's been a long time since I've been so frustrated at a game. I've successfully done the button pushing sequence like 7-8 times now, nothing seems to be happening. This is what I followed: - I was actually able to do it encumbered a couple of times, so it's possible FWIW.

I've tried picking up the torch afterward, leaving the torch in place, stepping off the last platform to the right and to the back. The wall won't open. Is there something that's supposed to happen before this puzzle will "activate"? TIA!
The video is accurate. If you are able to click the last button(5th), the wall hiding the sword should open.

Removing the torch from the sconce is required so that you have a platform, instead of pit, to back onto after clicking the 4th button.

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:42 am
by HiGH
Perfect, got it, thanks!

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:46 am
by Draken
on my first playthrough a couple of weeks ago, i had alot of trouble with this one (also the white ball madness in level 7) i had to re-try it nearly 20 times. Now re-playing on hard, managed to make both in the first try... i guess i was on fire. :lol:

It helps (with both "puzzles") alot to lower all the details to the bare minimum... even myself, with a medium/high-end PC got a significant increase of FPS for the level 7 iron door

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:09 am
by SlicerDicer
its not fps. its sloppy controls on purpose. tho the game has its charm the timed puzzles are not one of them.

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:06 am
by NixonsGhost
The puzzles are great if you're looking for authentic old style rip your hair out puzzles :P

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:44 am
by Blublu
Is everyone not aware of the fact that if you press a direction while moving/turning, that action will be performed right after the one currently being performed? Like, I press forward, and now while I'm moving forward, I'll press "turn left". Then I know I will turn left on the earliest exact moment possible. And while I'm turning left, I can press another direction, etc.

The LV 6 timed button pressing puzzle is really easy if you do this. Okay, not trivial, you still need to know WTF you're doing, but it's not difficult to do once you know what you're supposed to do. It's just memorization. You just press the buttons (on your actual keyboard) in the correct order. No reflexes or really precise timing involved at all.

Does this for some reason not work on slower computers? Admittedly, my computer is quite reasonably powerful.

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:32 pm
by HoustonDragon
Keekee wrote:I can get to the forth button but the trap always opens. There must be a split second in it. Am i supposed to press the button and expect to fall down. Will the secret be open when I get back up?

Is that how you did it. I am struggling to press the button let alone get off the forth pit trap!

HELP!!! 50 loads and counting!
Yes. As long as you hit the 4th button, the secret room will remain open once you climb back up. Good luck and keep trying!

Re: Sword of nex. Frustration fest...

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:54 pm
by hannamarin
Is there any way of getting the 'Sword of Nex' without doing that stupid speed crap. The trap opens before I can get to the button each and every time. My keyboard simply cannot keep up with the keys being struck.

There should always be an alternative way of getting items.

It is supposed to be a fun not irritating and annoying.