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Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:43 pm
by Fargol
kitty wrote:Please do not ruin this game...
How would that ruin the game?
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:26 pm
by Flying Ace
I don't know where I'd stand on this, I would like to see some more hand crafted puzzles, but having this as an option cant hurt anything
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:08 pm
by Gudadantza
I am more interested in variety of treasures and chests. Some randomization into that.
Random puzzles? not very interested
randomization of parts into the editor? I like it.
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:26 pm
by 1varangian
I wouldn't be opposed to some combat oriented random dungeons.. although grinding for XP and loot would be far more enjoyable in a multiplayer mode with a friend... it would be dungeon crawler meets diablo. So here's to hoping they add multiplayer at the same time with random dungeons.

Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:24 am
by Halja
Honestly, a procedural randomization dungeon wouldn't be too bad, if they allow us to have our team of prisoners that we have beaten the game with, to be used. Would make for some good re-playability, and interesting class/race combos to see who could get further.
Something that I would like to see implemented, is an infinite dungeon that is randomized, up until certain floors. If anyone has played A.D.O.M (Ancient Domains of Mystery) before, then you would know what I mean. I believe in A.D.O.M, certain floors always had certain NPC's or a layout, which made it maddeningly fun for those who are gluttons for punishment post-game. And it's layout was procedural randomization I believe. It was ALL random, even the floor you had just traversed would be something wholly different.
Other than that feature, things I'd like to see somehow implemented, but not important:
Spell affecting environment / combos - i.e Earth mage is able to manifest a big stone block, air mage uses a wind burst type spell to push said block into an enemy OR Fireball spell that has been augmented with air for a bigger blast radius
More mobs/Smart AI
Minor crafting skills like cooking, woodcrafting from wood based weapons (spear shafts broken as arrow ammo, wings/feathers from aerial mobs as fletchings)
Mobs dropping some loot besides meat
And I think that is it for now for ideas. I know I had a bunch but upon further thought, some of it might not be suited.
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:00 pm
by BitterAlmond
Halja wrote:Something that I would like to see implemented, is an infinite dungeon that is randomized, up until certain floors. If anyone has played A.D.O.M (Ancient Domains of Mystery) before, then you would know what I mean. I believe in A.D.O.M, certain floors always had certain NPC's or a layout, which made it maddeningly fun for those who are gluttons for punishment post-game. And it's layout was procedural randomization I believe. It was ALL random, even the floor you had just traversed would be something wholly different.
Yes. This is exactly what I was about to say. I've loved ADOM for years (and I've sunk far too many hours into it without even getting past the fourth dungeon) and randomly-generated dungeons would really make Grimrock for me. Puzzles are great fun in the handcrafted levels, but they don't even need to be present in the randomly-generated ones; just give me random layouts, maybe a few locked doors, and a whole bunch of monsters to kill.
I'm sure the devs have all played ADOM, but just in case they haven't and are reading this... play the game, guys. I promise you won't regret it.
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:54 pm
by King Semos
I think it could work. The only thing that would need to be randomized is maybe the tile-sets, obviously consistent style throughout the level but different styles on different levels in each play through. Randomize the monsters a bit, don't always have the same monsters in the same places, but keep them on relatively similar strength scales. IE Adolescent Giant Crabs on level 3 or somethin. Then maybe even randomize the layout of each dungeon level, not necessarily the puzzles though. No compromising puzzles. The way to do this would be, take a dungeon level and chop it into 4 quarters, each quarter would have a few variants of itself maintaining the puzzles but just changing the layout. It would create a lot of variants.
In my mind it seems like it would maintain the same good puzzles, but make the replay value 10x better.
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:00 pm
by Aiken_Roo
Random is just that random. I for one would much rather play user created maps then some random jumble of repeated puzzles and encounters.
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:30 am
by Hariolor
A rouguelike-style sprawling RNG-driven dungeon with a series of fixed/required/scripted encounters can make for a fun game. It won't be the same as the main game, but it could still be fun....
Re: any chance of a random dungeon generator in the future?
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:00 am
by Disasterrific
Patience... wait for user created maps and you'll have a whole selection of "random" dungeons