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Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:57 pm
by Mindtraveller
1: How old are you? 28
2: Where are you from? Russian Federation
3: Top 5 RPGs (however you define them)? Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven; Baldur’s Gate; Divine Divinity; Planescape: Torment; Wizardry 8; Gothic (sorry, but can’t mention less than 6)
4: Top 5 non RPGs? Painkiller; The Longest Journey; Unreal; Warcraft II; Heroes of Might & Magic 2
5: What was the game that made you a gamer? Can’t say exactly, but “Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra” and “Land of Lore: The Throne of Chaos” influenced greatly...
6: Which era in you opinion produced best made the best RPGs? (defnitions at bottom of post) second half of Golden Age and Silver Age (i.e. whole 90s)
7: What is your gaming platform of Choice? PC only
8: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself. 7
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:07 pm
by Curunir
Bored on a Saturday evening so here goes:
1: How old are you? - 27 years of age
2: Where are you from? - Bulgaria
3: Top 5 RPGs (however you define them)? - Ummm... Morrowind, Fallout 2, Final Fantasy IX, Oblivion, Baldur's Gate
4: Top 5 non RPGs? - Doom 2, Thief 2, Castlevania SOTN, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Just Cause 2
5: What was the game that made you a gamer? - Contra on the NES, I suppose. Later when I got a PC - Wolfenstein 3d / Kyrandia 1 / Quest for Glory 1 (got them all at the same time)
6: Which era in you opinion produced best made the best RPGs? (defnitions at bottom of post) - I guess I'm a fan of what you call Silver Age. Had the best mix of production values and gameplay / plot.
7: What is your gaming platform of Choice? - Almost exclusively PC, I have a PSP but mostly play emulated NES/SNES/GBA games on it.
8: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself? - I'd give myself a solid 8. Rather I *was* an 8. Now, with work, responsibilities, family life, etc, I'm starting to go more casual so now I'm probably a 6 at best.
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:13 pm
by rodrell
How old are you?
35, born 1976
Where are you from?
Hellas, Europe ( mind you, it's not
Greece, it's Hellas )
Top 5 RPGs (however you define them)?
Eye of the Beholder
Realms of Arkania : Star Trail
The Elder Scrolls : Morrowind
Arcanum : of Steamworks and Magic Obscura
Baldur's Gate 2
Top 5 non RPGs?
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater
Gabriel Knight 2 : The Beast Within
Target Renegade
Heroes of Might and Magic 2
Sid Meier's Pirates!
What was the game that made you a gamer?
Roland in Time ( Amstrad CPC )
6: Which era in you opinion produced best made the best RPGs? (defnitions at bottom of post)
Silver Age (mid-90s to early-2000s)
What is your gaming platform of Choice?
IBM PC & Compatibles
On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:24 pm
by cezi
cryocore wrote:
1: How old are you?
2: Where are you from?
3: Top 5 RPGs (however you define them)?
4: Top 5 non RPGs?
5: What was the game that made you a gamer?
6: Which era in you opinion produced best made the best RPGs? (defnitions at bottom of post)
7: What is your gaming platform of Choice?
8: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself.
2 Poland
3. Ishar, Eye of The Beholder, Baldur's Gate I and II, The Witcher, Legacy of the Crusader
4. Ufo - Enemy Unknown, Football Manager, Sid Meier's Pirates, Silent Hunter, Jagged Alliance II
5. Eye of The Beholder I and Ishar I circa 1991
6. Both Golden and Silver Age. Baldur's Gate was the game I spent the most time of my life
7. Amiga 1200 in the early days (until 1994) then I switched to PC
8. Right now around 4. I didn't play anything for quite a long time. Right now I wait eagerly for Legend of Grimrock. However I'm not sure if I play it, because I have graphics card supporting Pixel Shader 2.0 only. So I'm waiting for "notebook patch"
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:31 pm
1: How old are you?
2: Where are you from?
Suevia, Schwaben, Schwobaländle... Swabia, South Germany, for all ye ignorant mortals out there

3: Top 5 RPGs (however you define them)?
System Shock 1 and 2,
Fallout 1 and 2,
Jagged Alliance 2 (yup, it's a tactical RPG in my book),
Persona 3 FES and both
Demon's and
Dark Souls. Also, honorary mention for
Panzer Dragoon Saga.
4: Top 5 non RPGs?
Cannon Fodder, most 2D-
Castlevania games (esp. the earlier ones),
Mercenaries, the
Metroid series and
5: What was the game that made you a gamer?
Raid over Moscow on my uncle's C64
6: Which era in you opinion produced best made the best RPGs? (defnitions at bottom of post)
Each era has its ups and downs. With all the subgenres, and regional differences and changes in pop culture, there isn't really a discernible curve.
7: What is your gaming platform of Choice?
PC, PS3 and oldschool consoles / home computers.
8: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself.
8, I guess. I play a lot, but I'm not a super-duper 1337 hardcore achievement whore. I'm more interested in the experience than in challenges to boost my e-penis.
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:26 pm
by Shiva
1: How old are you?
- Bah, just turned 32...
2: Where are you from?
- Denmark, Europe
3: Top 5 RPGs (however you define them)?
- Hm I have difficulty choosing but Eye of the Beholder Series, Lands of Lore 1, Might and Magic 6-8, Oblivion are among the favorites and games I play now and again....
4: Top 5 non RPGs?
- Still hard...Civilization games (mostly 2 and 3), Zoo Tycoon 2 (my feelgood game), Monkey Island (I cannot choose)...Gobiiins...there are so many....
5: What was the game that made you a gamer?
- My Monkey Island 1 game - which i got my hands on in 94 or there-abouts!
6: Which era in you opinion produced best made the best RPGs? (defnitions at bottom of post)
- Many of my favorites lie in Silver and Golden/Silver
Actually I'd like to think the best games are ahead of us, even though my taste and whats usually developed and sold doesn't really mix well...
7: What is your gaming platform of Choice?
- PC! The ultimate-gamer machine.
8: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself.
- 7 or 8 because I can control it

Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:51 pm
by WarBaby2
1: 34 the day LoG comes out.^^
2: Vienna, Austria
3: Planescape Torment, Xenosaga Series, the rest of the Infinity engine games, Vampire Bloodlines, Genso Suikoden series
4: Clive Barkers Jericho, all Lucas Arts adventures, Bayonetta, Starcraft series, Dawn of War series
5: Turrican (C64)
6: The best RPGs where made in the Amiga/early PC era.
7: PC
8: 8
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:05 pm
by Reldn
1: 25
2: Missouri
3: Phantasy Star, Jade Empire, Dark Souls, 7th Saga, Diablo II
4: Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, Shadow of the Colossus, Silent Hill 2, Okami, Doom
5: Mario 3
6: Silver, Though there are some amazing games from each era.
7: PC and 360
8: 8
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:45 am
by Dandy
1: How old are you? - 59
2: Where are you from? - UK
4: My top games of all time.
(A) - Lords of Midnight
(B) - Phantasie 1,2,3
(C) - Hired Guns.
(D) - Deuteros The next Millennum.
(E) - Dungeon Master.
(F) - Battle Isle.
(G) - The Sentinel.
(H) - Carrier Command.
5: What was the game that made you a gamer? - The Hobbit
6: Which era in you opinion produced best made the best RPGs? (defnitions at bottom of post) - Golden Age
7: What is your gaming platform of Choice? - Was Dragon 32 then Spectrum then Amstrad then Commodore 64, then Atari ST then Amiga, now PC
8: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself. - 6
Re: OK, so now a personal question or two.
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:49 am
by steff74
1: How old are you? 37, born 1974
2: Where are you from? Austria
3: Top 5 RPGs (however you define them)?
Bards Tale Series
Dungeon Master Series
ADAD (Pool of Radinace, Curse...)
System Shock (1 and 2)
Baldurs Gate
4: Top 5 non RPGs?
Half Life
Bad Company
5: What was the game that made you a gamer? Don't remember - something from C64 - maybe The last Ninja
6: Which era in your opinion produced best made the best RPGs? Hopefully each time has it's jewels
7: What is your gaming platform of Choice? PC / PS3 / iPad
8: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra casual gamer, and 10 is obsessive uber geek where would you place yourself? Now: 2 - 15 years ago: 8