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Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:37 am
by Darklord
Imarion wrote:
If you have a programmable keyboard, like a Logitech G-series, what about programming the sequence of the moves ?
I suspect that would be possible.
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:32 am
by e8hffff
I never hear anyone talk about aura-tennis to get the iron door open on one of the levels.
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:53 am
by dna
Darklord wrote:Hey Guys,
2, Movement tips, Try and move slightly in advance, for example move at the same time you press a switch or move as a projectile is hitting you but before it disappears. Try to avoid turning your party if you don't need to, turning takes time so sometimes it's quicker to strafe or move backwards. Press the movement keys multiple times instead of holding down the key, as this is faster and more precise.
might seems obvious, but i will add : learn and
count your moves.
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:42 pm
by Darklord
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:52 pm
by brzeszczot
I think the only way to do this on slower laptops like mine is to BRING A FIRE MOB HERE. I left him standing on one of the border platforms and made it on the first try. And before that I've spend few hours on this F=?)"#(ยค" puzzle.
And you need a bracelet that gives + 50 fire resist (I think it was one level below) to survive mobs firebolts (the mob itself just hovers above the platform and doesn't move, just hurls his fiery balls at you

Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:01 am
by Lex
jfunk wrote:Just FYI, a friend tested on his old laptop and we did confirm that playing on slow hardware does indeed impact the timing. The game clock keeps running while you are left waiting for the animations. This can make even simple puzzles like the level 2 "step back quickly" very difficult. I would think more complicated puzzles might be impossible.
How old is this laptop? I'm using stationary PC from 2003 (graphic card was changed in around 2007) and have no such problems.
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:43 pm
by Brodie301
You can actually press the button slightly in advance of stopping in grid square.
The full pit puzzle on Lv6 I tried oh 100 times or so and was always a split sec or from completing. Took a different approach where I would press the click just as hitting the square and then continue sequence. Got it on second try using this strategy. Even had time to stand there and watch the trap door open back up again.
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:56 pm
by tecknomage
Grimrock Console Notes
This is just a quick summary of the install and use of the Grimrock Console
Follow the instructions this thread :
IF you have
Python installed (
which you must),
you do NOT need to "open the shell" since all .py files will be associated with
When you go to the
Grimrock game directory you will see the with the
Python icon, just double-click it.
console.lua will be built and appear.
MUST [Mute] music in Options to have the console work.
The activate the console you use
Console command ARE case sensitive, AND must be reset at each save-game load.
ALSO, with the console enabled from the Options Menu, you MAY see messages from Steam, ignore.
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 10:22 pm
by waylander
i dont know if you can use tilde in game but
people struggling could try running fraps(,it tells you how many frames per second you get,you really want 25+,with this game you may be well below that,yet it''s still playable on most parts but not on timed puzzles.
oh and as said press cursor each time for a step and dont hold it down, that way i doubt any would complete these puzzles.
Re: Timed Puzzle Help
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:45 am
by Thels
waylander wrote:people struggling could try running fraps(,it tells you how many frames per second you get,you really want 25+,with this game you may be well below that,yet it''s still playable on most parts but not on timed puzzles.
That is woofully inadequate, since fraps will take it's toll on your FPS, especially on those computers that can barely run the game, which are exactly the computers where people want to know about their FPS. So you get the FPS with fraps running, while your FPS without fraps running can be quite a bit higher.