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Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:12 am
by Jaknal
Man I got it for the PC a few years ago and like you said Spathi, it has lost it's shine. Still fun though. One thing that has kinda bugged me a bit about this game is that, in EoB your Rouge/Thief has a lockpick, but in this game you don't. That made me pretty much not pick a rouge my second time playing.
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:16 am
by Spathi
Yeah lock picking was a good mechanic, maybe it gets hard finding lockpicks, I forget, but it was something extra to do.
I vaguely remember hording scrolls as well. and was there detect trap and stuff, I forget, but you thief would warn your with enough XP about traps and hidden doors... unless it was another game.
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:19 am
by Jaknal
Oh god yeah. I think with a rouge you started out with two or something like that. I would always break them about 20 minutes into the game on the third floor or something like that. I never did beat it, but when I was playing it was just so damn difficult.
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:21 am
by Spathi
I cheated, snap reload.., but only when I had one or two left, same as fallout and oblivion
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:23 am
by Draconicus
I am a huge fan of the EotB saga. i played them originaly in a Comodore Amiga600HD dozens of times, in fact i have just finish another adventure of EotB2 last month!, lol.
I am 43 yo and i think i played the first one 3,4 months after it's release for the amiga! i got hooked instantly
I just love the game environment! I think i had same nightmares with MindFlyers & Dran Draggore the first time i played...

Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:30 am
by Jaknal
Legend of Skullkeep was amazing, yet so freaking hard. I honestly never finished either of the games, but I really want to go back and see if I can do it now.
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:07 am
by Jaknal
Don't read the spoiler if you haven't gotten to floor 7.
Ah hell no. Fuck slimes. FUCK that. Level 7. Fuck you. Fuck you Maze and fuck you room with a million slimes.
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:11 am
by xdeath
t0tem wrote: Average age here seems to be about 35.
I'm not so sure about that. I would say somewhere in the high 20s here on the forums.
And since most players haven't registered here, I would say the average age of actual players is probably low to mid 20s.
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:58 am
by Greco
EOB2: Legend of Darkmoon, for me the best rpg ever. Perhaps because it was my first touch wit this genre. Of course later I went back and played through the whole trilogy transfering characters from one sequel to anotther. Three great games but EOB2 stands out. For me it was close to perfect. A decade later, I played once again EOB2, and it shined like a diamond, as the first time!
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:03 pm
by t0tem
xdeath wrote:t0tem wrote: Average age here seems to be about 35.
I'm not so sure about that. I would say somewhere in the high 20s here on the forums.
And since most players haven't registered here, I would say the average age of actual players is probably low to mid 20s.
Not that it matters but the only spreadsheet I've seen says 35.