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Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:14 am
by Draken
I would mainly like more spells... I would love to have a "mark" "recall" spell... you know "&%$·%$%! im dying! mage, recall to the crystal!!"
sure, recall would either take a complex set of runes or alot of energy, for balance.
oh, also, more potions!... mainly X resisting potion. It kindof pissed me off only being able to cast fire resist (fire mage) and get waxed by lightning and ice.

Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:35 am
by Baroque
Radioman970 wrote:
Throw lit torches to light up what's beyond...could really add a whole new element to the game
Throw fireballs down halls, just as good! I know I did that a lot in those long dark creepy rooms
Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:50 am
by MushaConvoy
I would love:
* Healing mage skill, include heal-all, hunger replenish and resurrect. Passive skills to the party could include reduced food consumption or increased potion effect.
* Dual wielding, or at least if two melee items equipped damage is applied for both. Possibly a 'Dual Wield' skill path that reduces penalty of the second hand, adds dual-specific attacks?
* Remember the last cast spell, possibly remember the last cast spell on the particular hand you click on.
* Quiver for your off hand when using missile weapons, can be filled with a couple of ammo types to save inventory management when out of ammo of one particular type.
As DLC, I'd like to see more dungeon environments. I keep thinking of the original Eye of the Beholder, that had a new level 'texture' every 2 levels.
I got excited when I made it to Level5 and saw something new. Having been to Level11, I'm not filled with hope of more textures...
Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:51 am
by Pumpelche
Volume it up
. more weapons
. more spells
. more races
. more classes
. allow all characters all classabilities, but the chosen class just boosts the effect of the fitting class
Textures? No - Design is important
I would not mind at all seing throughout all levels the same texture. What excites me are not new level skins, but the way the levels are built. Imagine a huge hall, with pillars, cool enemies, fantastically implemented light sources (phosphorizing plants, etc.) pits, wall shelves with nice items in it that FIT the environment and FIT story-wise exactly in THIS VERY hall... I'd not lose a second actually thinking about the wall texture...
Crossboarder abilities
1. As mentioned above, let all chars use skillpoints on all available skills of all classes. But chosing a skill that fits the chosen class of the char boosts it's effect.
2. Let all mages be able to call spells of other elements too - but with much higher cost and a longer cooldown.
Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:24 am
by lowzei
A number of things, just to name one: water, the need to drink it, being used as a gameplay element with spells, in combats, with monsters and riddles, the level design. There are many ways how to use it, same with sand and other elements. If done well, it should add more depth, strategy, variety and so fun to the game.
Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:37 am
by Steffe
Something I'd like (although a bit immersion breaking, up to the player if they want to check it or not) would be the ability to check information for the current level, secrets found/total, steps taken, time spent on current level, simply more stats on a per level basis.
Wouldn't mind some other stuff as well, but it seems they've already been mentioned ^^
Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:19 pm
by naim
Ok, brace yourselves:
I present you the
Cursor Slot!
You can put a single item into this slot, which then is attached to your cursor.
Only special items will work though:
- No more carrying torches! Just attach one to your cursor for fancy lightning and wall inspections
- Put your compass there! But be careful, better make sure you have a light source to read it
- Ingenious dwarf tinkerers made it possible: No more dazzling sunlight! Just put on their new DimVision3000® (Warning: may reveal things you better not know.)
- and more to come
Some of the other things I would like to see:
- Throwing stuff through gates
- Destructible walls
- Magic wall (just look like solid walls, but you can walk through)
- A skill or item that can reveal hidden stuff (like destructible or magic walls)
- If you pass one of these destructible/magic walls and your "perception" skill is high enough or you found the according item, a text could be displayed ("This wall has some cracks." "This wall looks odd.")
- Usage of the drain: Hidden items in there, a secret lever, etc.
- A new monster which comes out of the drain just like the kraken...players will check all the drains

- The destructible barrels are nice, but you could find something in there
- dual wielding *g*
- Two additional slots for new party members which you can rescue on your journey
- Not sure if the engine can do that: Rooms/Levels that are higher than 1 tile, stairs withing the same level, elevators
Oh and to please TotalBiscuit: We need a FOV slider...
(just kidding I like him *hrhr*)
Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:49 pm
by Smaug
My wishlist for this awesome game:
Prio A:
-Quickslots for potions!!!
-Defining followup equipment that will be used once the ammo is used up. Like when you are out of throwing daggers, it automatically jumps to the spear.
Prio B:
-More spells!
-Dungeon Master like spell system, where you have several layers and can try harder spells, which are costing more mana but have a chance to fail. Also that DM system offered sooo much room for trying around.
Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:47 pm
by Radioman970
Baroque wrote:Radioman970 wrote:
Throw lit torches to light up what's beyond...could really add a whole new element to the game
Throw fireballs down halls, just as good! I know I did that a lot in those long dark creepy rooms
nice! I haven't gotten to fireballs yet. Although a torch would stay lit when it hit the floor beyond. That was a bonus to my idea.

Re: What would you like to see added?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:11 pm
by Horrorscope
The patch is taking care of one for me.
The other thing I can see is being able to move a square while using mouse-look. I like the idea of mouse-look and would use it more if I could do both together. But pretty minor.