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Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:25 pm
by dark
To me these guys are easy, I use hit and run tactics on them, standoff at a distance to start it, throw a weapon, and shoot an arrow. Let him charge side step and back stab him. Rinse and repeat. Takes a bit of hitting him to kill him, but they are not as bad as u think. Basically your circling around him doing this.
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:27 pm
by EvoluZion3
Does the brute receive any damage when he runs into a wall? Where I can I temp him into headbutting a wall and then open up from the sides and rear. Other than that, it's good old 2x2.
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:33 pm
by dark
EvoluZion3 wrote:Does the brute receive any damage when he runs into a wall? Where I can I temp him into headbutting a wall and then open up from the sides and rear. Other than that, it's good old 2x2.
Good question, I fought two of these guys so far, but hadn’t noticed if they do take dmg. But If I was a big lumbering oath like that and ran full steam into a wall, you would think that it would cause some type of dmg to you.
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:45 pm
by jansaresinas
i did look and they dont seem to take damage when butting into a wall.
i use 2x2 while backstabing with front row melee. have to be a little more careful cause he hits while he turns toward you, so you should basically swipe while he is moving onto the square. yes sometimes you'll be 0.1 seconds too soon and you will miss, but better than being 0.1 seconds late.
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:08 am
by Saice
would use more of a 2x3 area to induce charging so I can get around to his back side and let my two rouges get some backstab action. But pretty much like how I fight 90% of the mobs in his game it was a lot of HIT, Move, HIT, Move....
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:29 am
by sojhin98
I did the matador thing a couple times and got bored, so i drew him out in the open and started well .. i quess "square strafing" him, basically i kept him in 1 tile the whole time whilst i danced around a 3x3 grid, kept poison cloud on him the whole time, a couple times he would get cheeky and move out of "the death tile" but i honestly found this far easier then .. well most enemies up till that point, dont even need to react just move and turn as fast as possible.
sadly this strategy became ... ineffective at level 9 .... /cry
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:06 am
by Mr.Monopoly
Was pretty easy i guess, i made a few mistakes by getting hit but that was only when i was tired or just sloppy, the hardest mob in the game by far (I'm not sure what they're called) but they're really fast and they hit really fast, by far they're the hardest mobs, because you can't avoid them (unless you're on a 2x2) even then you have to be very fast to avoid hits.
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:29 pm
by Schoening
I usually stay at range if i can and trow/freeze them and then backstab then and give them a hit with good ol dismantler

Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:25 pm
by Eschia
I assume the mob type mr.monopoly is referring to are the machine things in the prison. I call them Iron Golems, but only because I call anything a golem that looks like a living construct made of materials. They are extremely fast when charging at you, and they fight like ogres x10. I do the 2x2 pattern on those as well as ogres. I start with a fireball as it's charging at me from across the room though. When all party members are starving and burdened it can be really bad. I think my favorite monster are the skeletal warrior knights that come in 4s. The way they march it just looks cool.
Re: Fighting Ogres, how do you?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:25 pm
by ZeroNova
Well, like pretty much everyone else I use the 2x2 method, but I've also used the matador method on a few of them. Either way works, you just have to be careful when they turn around, as they can hit you while they're turning.