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Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:19 am
by Lmaoboat
Lone_Wolf wrote:
2Xmatch wrote:Wait until you reach the last iron door. Use all your rage there :)
That one was actually pretty easy.
(Level 10, red gem, no clues, right? At that point I knew the designers were cruel and unforgiving, so using a gem from the start of the level seemed logical
Now the level 9 one, bone necklace? That was just mean )
I got that one, good thing I'm a hoarder.

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:04 am
by vorvek
I would understand the complain if it was necessary to proceed in some way. How is not carrying one of the many skulls in the game with you worse than missing a loose rock somewhere? :roll:

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:40 am
by Yadda
I was ready to rage quit over tear of the land. Skull isn't too bad, since there is one nearby but I can't remember the last time I saw a stone.. I literally only had 1 on me by sheer luck. I would have had more fun making a new game with a new party composition than backtracking for a freakin pebble.

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:02 am
by Lone_Wolf
Lmaoboat wrote: I got that one, good thing I'm a hoarder.
Me too, I thought: seemingly useless item in this kind of game? Oh I WILL definitely need to use it :)

But it was still mean :)

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:07 am
by Fred
I really dislike these puzzles tbh, everything up to this was excellent though. Generally these are so vague you end up just throwing each of your inventory into the slot in hope it triggers. I'm struggling to keep my weight down so I'm throwing out lots of stuff I dont need, and therefore I end up in a position to not have the item needed. Luckily it didn't take that much backtracking to pick up all the needed items, but I think its a poor design decision to have these types of puzzles.

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:11 am
by CV77
I think the puzzles were absolutely wonderful, maybe except two or three that were really without any clue at all.

The Iron Door with the red gem was the worst for me, I just didn't figure out that one, had to google it up. And then it wasn't the typical facepalm, I was pissed. So random. Bad devs, bad.

Also there was a grate in lvl 6 or 7 with some loot behind it that opened only by throwing a switch that a) was quite far away b) already belonged to another nearby grate. Mean.

As for the bone amulet - that was cheeky, I seriously didn't expect to use an item from lvl 3 on lvl 10. Luckily I didn't throw it away.

And as for the Tear of the Land, there's a rock a few steps away, together with some Toorum's notes. Maybe it's in a secret room, don't remember, but it was a relief for me, I got rid of my rocks long time before that. I thought the devs weren't THAT cruel :)

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:27 am
by Devil
Regarding Tear of the land, there was a rock nearby, or at least on the level.
I had a panic moment on game's bane - head of steel - not using a ranged rogue I binned all the arrows and quarrels the moment i found em, luckily there were some broad-head arrows also on the same floor

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:23 pm
by Arty
Yadda wrote:I was ready to rage quit over tear of the land. Skull isn't too bad, since there is one nearby but I can't remember the last time I saw a stone.. I literally only had 1 on me by sheer luck. I would have had more fun making a new game with a new party composition than backtracking for a freakin pebble.
You had one on hand because it gives you a stone not to far from that room.

Re: "Severed dread" almost makes me want to uninstall the ga

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:06 am
by Taem
Son of a goat, it's suppose to be a skull? First, I'd like comment that whoever made these riddles really made them obscure and hard to understand. Tear of the Land I only figure out after placing all of my inventory items one by one till I heard a "click". Severed Dread... I could not figure out, so I went to the net and here it is... a skull. I never pick those up because I didn't take the Minotaur trait with skulls so they are useless to me. Oh well, guess I'll have to backtrack a bit.