The Island of Korus

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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by hansbleeb »

ian363 wrote:
hansbleeb wrote:i have missed the gold key for the aerea ib the nort west of the castle grounds.. i have search me an accident..
the only place where it can be is the little island in the south west here.. (i see a sack there but i dont know how to come there)
the gold key
the gold key is in the SE Beach area, I think it is with the rat boss or maybe one of the acolytes

not the green slimer in the floating button puzzle? i have lure the slime on the preassure plate and there are walls moving nearby but i cant go in that cratedungeon and kill the slime..i try a long time different button combinations..
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by hansbleeb »

the gold key is very hard to finf for me..
i have found 13 chrystals and i am misseng 3 for the last essence.. i cant any further in the castel dungeon must i try to play it all over? ... 1.png.html ... 0.png.html
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by ian363 »

hansbleeb wrote:the gold key is very hard to finf for me..
i have found 13 chrystals and i am misseng 3 for the last essence.. i cant any further in the castel dungeon must i try to play it all over? ... 1.png.html ... 0.png.html
the gold key
I've checked and the gold key is on the acolyte that is walking around the SE Beach area (not the two in the building). Go to where you killed him and look on the floor. Sometimes it can be tricky to spot things against the ground textures. If you have the Hardstone bracelet you killed him somewhere as he was carrying that also.
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by ian363 »

andyroosta wrote:Thanks for making this Ian..having fun with your mod. Cheers!
Thanks Ian
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by hansbleeb »

i played the game from the beginning again, found the gold key anf finished now in 10 hours..
a very good dungeon!!
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by jahmiann »


Nice mob !

The puzzle migh & magic with the both philosophical stones need a reset button?
- because i blocked the puzzle with on stone activated on 1 plate near the 2nd stone deactivated.

But i'am stuck:
- i have 3 essences and 2 power gem.
- the cube and gear key
- The west/east water facilities under castle aren't accessible either. (i saw on previous post: "To open up the castle you need to drop the two force fields in the water control area").

The question is :
- you need to access each facilities to deactivate force field in the water control room ?
- you need to desactivate water control force field to access to facilities ?

On both ways i don't find any way to crawl in the facilities walls.
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by ian363 »

jahmiann wrote:Hi

Nice mob !

The puzzle migh & magic with the both philosophical stones need a reset button?
- because i blocked the puzzle with on stone activated on 1 plate near the 2nd stone deactivated.

But i'am stuck:
- i have 3 essences and 2 power gem.
- the cube and gear key
- The west/east water facilities under castle aren't accessible either. (i saw on previous post: "To open up the castle you need to drop the two force fields in the water control area").

The question is :
- you need to access each facilities to deactivate force field in the water control room ?
- you need to desactivate water control force field to access to facilities ?

On both ways i don't find any way to crawl in the facilities walls.
Open the two water gates under castle
To open the gates you need the cube key from the acolyte in the '3 club puzzle' area. To get in there you need the gold key from the acolyte in the SE Beach area.
The Might and Magic cube puzzle
once you get one cube in place one gate will open and stay that way even if you move the cube away again. So move the activated cube to a square which reactivates the other cube, so you can move it again.
Once you have done these things the castle will be accessible and you can move on.
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by lurker »

I've just turned off the shield and am nearing the end but I have a couple of loose ends I'd like to take care of first.
ian363 wrote: club puzzle
The club puzzle needs the clubs thrown at the receptors in the right order
I've tried throwing, placing... nada. Are there any visual or audio clues that I'm doing it correctly?
Also, how do I access the little island to the SW in the same map (N Castle Grounds)?
I'm assuming there is a switch somewhere that will turn on a teleporter or a bridge to get across but can't seem to find it.
Have really enjoyed this mod. A lot of clever little details. Thanks for your efforts.
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by ian363 »

lurker wrote:
I've just turned off the shield and am nearing the end but I have a couple of loose ends I'd like to take care of first.
ian363 wrote: club puzzle
The club puzzle needs the clubs thrown at the receptors in the right order
I've tried throwing, placing... nada. Are there any visual or audio clues that I'm doing it correctly?
Also, how do I access the little island to the SW in the same map (N Castle Grounds)?
I'm assuming there is a switch somewhere that will turn on a teleporter or a bridge to get across but can't seem to find it.
Have really enjoyed this mod. A lot of clever little details. Thanks for your efforts.
Solution to club puzzle
There are three receptors. The one near the door to the building needs a branch thrown at it. The one at the back of the building needs a baton thrown at it. The one near the altar needs the bone club thrown at it. You need to do this within a short time so run and have the club ready to throw. If you do this the force field over the alter will drop and you can get the zhandul orb.
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Re: The Island of Korus

Post by Nathaniel »

Hi guys! :D

For the second time I have decided to play this addon again. Very interesting story and the gameplay! :-) :-)

This time I am also in the final stages of the game but can't solve this problem. At the level of "Lost Dungeon" is one contraption with a bunch of mummies and two force fields behind bars. What do I do with this? I have found a note in which there is a speech about leprechaun. I tried to drive it into the torture room and locked in a cage with fire. But didn't notice anything... What is there to do in this room with mummies?
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